Bad News Thread

It’s actually peer reviewed research that backs up masks, not religion. And none of what I mentioned was restrictions. It was all the kind of behavioral adjustments that societies make over time. Just like we all learned to wear seat belts and wash our hands with soap.

But keep dancing. What color are the sunsets on your fantasy world with no vaccines, no treatments, and no changes to societal norms?
Again you miss the point. In the end the virus ends up in roughly the same place everywhere irrespective of controls. The only thing that makes a difference in the end is vaccines and to a lesser extent the treatments. So in the end the biggest thing that made a difference was having a leader like trump, Bibi, Johnson and maybe (if the Russians were actually inclined to believe him) Putin that was actually successful in rolling out the vaccine

but keep praying. You yourself have argued Europewas foolish in not keeping its social adjustments. Nowyou say they are possible in perpetuity.
Again you miss the point. In the end the virus ends up in roughly the same place everywhere irrespective of controls. The only thing that makes a difference in the end is vaccines and to a lesser extent the treatments. So in the end the biggest thing that made a difference was having a leader like trump, Bibi, Johnson and maybe (if the Russians were actually inclined to believe him) Putin that was actually successful in rolling out the vaccine

but keep praying. You yourself have argued Europewas foolish in not keeping its social adjustments. Nowyou say they are possible in perpetuity.
What part of wearing a mask is untenable?

It goes in your pocket, you wear it near other people, you toss it in the laundry at the end of the day, and you buy a new one as they wear out. Is there some part of that routine which is super difficult for you?

Or, if you like disposable, you buy a new box every month, and each mask goes in the trash in the evening.

What part of this routine do you find so difficult that makes you believe it cannot be done? Most of us have been doing it for over a year now.
What part of wearing a mask is untenable?

It goes in your pocket, you wear it near other people, you toss it in the laundry at the end of the day, and you buy a new one as they wear out. Is there some part of that routine which is super difficult for you?

Or, if you like disposable, you buy a new box every month, and each mask goes in the trash in the evening.

What part of this routine do you find so difficult that makes you believe it cannot be done? Most of us have been doing it for over a year now.

Says the introvert to the extrovert.. what’s inconvenient about masks and concealing your facial expressions during interpersonal interactions. I don’t know... human history and evolution? In what world do you live in where that is not ‘inconvenient’ or leads to lack of understanding in social communication? Online text?!

We are not in a life treating pandemic now that we have access to vaccines (at least locally). Public health guidance from 2020 is no longer relevant in our society for the general populace.

I’d like to think you are responding to the anti-mask crowd during the life threatening pandemic, but your recent comments seem to support the academic institution’s past position even in the current context which is laughable.

Masks may or may not have been of use in the past, inconvenient/efficacious or not, but now it’s just a joke for the vaccinated... including yourself.

Science had it wrong.. I should have been masking for measles in perpetuity in addition to getting the MMR vaccine and living my life as usual, ‘cause it’s not that inconvenient’ and may add a layer of protection to myself and others. Heck, if we did that as a society there may not have been a measles outbreak at DisneyLand from unvaccinated attendees.

R>1 has for Covid-19 been achieved due to vaccines in the US. Next goalpost please?!
What part of wearing a mask is untenable?

It goes in your pocket, you wear it near other people, you toss it in the laundry at the end of the day, and you buy a new one as they wear out. Is there some part of that routine which is super difficult for you?

Or, if you like disposable, you buy a new box every month, and each mask goes in the trash in the evening.

What part of this routine do you find so difficult that makes you believe it cannot be done? Most of us have been doing it for over a year now.
The laundry part of this is the funniest thing
None of this is partisan for me, not sure why your making it such. I will say that some politicians have a better track record than others, but generally I'd prefer reasonable parties from all different expertise to determine public health policy, and certainly not just epidemiologists.

I'm just razzing you, but maybe you'd be more comfortable here:

What's crazy is this parody was prophetic in many ways, particularly when it comes to police.
And that bubble can go either way.
Says the introvert to the extrovert.. what’s inconvenient about masks and concealing your facial expressions during interpersonal interactions. I don’t know... human history and evolution? In what world do you live in where that is not ‘inconvenient’ or leads to lack of understanding in social communication? Online text?!

We are not in a life treating pandemic now that we have access to vaccines (at least locally). Public health guidance from 2020 is no longer relevant in our society for the general populace.

I’d like to think you are responding to the anti-mask crowd during the life threatening pandemic, but your recent comments seem to support the academic institution’s past position even in the current context which is laughable.

Masks may or may not have been of use in the past, inconvenient/efficacious or not, but now it’s just a joke for the vaccinated... including yourself.

Science had it wrong.. I should have been masking for measles in perpetuity in addition to getting the MMR vaccine and living my life as usual, ‘cause it’s not that inconvenient’ and may add a layer of protection to myself and others. Heck, if we did that as a society there may not have been a measles outbreak at DisneyLand from unvaccinated attendees.

R>1 has for Covid-19 been achieved due to vaccines in the US. Next goalpost please?!
The whole discussion was for a counterfactual world without vaccines.

The question for this world is how to raise the vaccination rate.
The whole discussion was for a counterfactual world without vaccines.

The question for this world is how to raise the vaccination rate.
I'm curious to hear your plan? How to raise the Vax rate? I just saw a documentary about a guy like you who thought he was right and that everyone should get the Vax. Will guess what dummy? Dude is now dead and he had a 99.97 chance to live before he took the shots. Honest Q @dad4 and Ebola. Do you believe in God?
What part of wearing a mask is untenable?

It goes in your pocket, you wear it near other people, you toss it in the laundry at the end of the day, and you buy a new one as they wear out. Is there some part of that routine which is super difficult for you?

Or, if you like disposable, you buy a new box every month, and each mask goes in the trash in the evening.

What part of this routine do you find so difficult that makes you believe it cannot be done? Most of us have been doing it for over a year now.
Bro its a struggle for me just to find my phone, wallet keys in the morning before I leave for work.

I thought this was an interesting article. Wasn't Japan one of the early "role models" for Covid response.

They better not cancel the Olympics. And NBC better not show everything on delay, I'm prepared to stay up all night to watch the events live.
Breaking News: Skinny Nicky Flips

Skinny Nicky ((yes that Nicky)) has flipped on his pals in Philly. Oh boy, this is getting interesting. @Ebola & Dad, watch this clip brothers. Game on dudes, just like I said. Nowhere to run and no place to hide. Engine has stopped and no more gasoline. I heard a rumor that Nick had a face to face like Saul did and he capitulated quickly.
One might think proximity to the boarder would primarily impact those individuals and communities that have exposure to cross border traffic. (% of the community in those areas and relative distance to the boarder relating to likelihood of a boarder impact)

% of population in TX and CA that are Hispanic is approximately 39% for both states, but only one of those states has large population centers near the boarder, CA. In TX the only approximation is El Paso that faired poorly and is dramatically less populated than SoCal.

San Diego Hispanic % of population

Los Angeles Hispanic % of population

Fresno Hispanic % of population

I’ll take the boarder for $500 as well. Seems to address the difference in San Diego vs Los Angeles and SoCal vs NorCal.
A LOT less “essential” factory jobs in SD too
The whole discussion was for a counterfactual world without vaccines.

The question for this world is how to raise the vaccination rate.

So in this hypothetical world you are asserting that the death rate in NorCal would be less than SoCal due to mask compliance and laundry?

Please continue…. Otherwise it’s disingenuous to say you were responding to the hypothetical, I don’t believe that. You seem logical enough to quote age demographics vs mortality rates or % of population capable of remote work. You didn’t. You referred to masking.

So, if you want to move the goalposts or reframe the argument to your desired outcomes, just be honest about it.

Given the hypothetical you claim to be responding to, are you still saying that NorCal mask compliance or policy is superior to SoCal? Seems that way. I don’t buy it and can’t find empirical support for your position.

Again, please continue and site sources on regional mask compliance, espola would/should ask the same were he not biased (while believing he’s not).

Oh, it’s the LA variant… given the hypothetical, enough time and without vaccination all you have is masks and until you show otherwise, do you still assert that the mortality rate would be different? ‘Cause given enough time regionalist of variants become a mute point.