Again you miss the point. In the end the virus ends up in roughly the same place everywhere irrespective of controls. The only thing that makes a difference in the end is vaccines and to a lesser extent the treatments. So in the end the biggest thing that made a difference was having a leader like trump, Bibi, Johnson and maybe (if the Russians were actually inclined to believe him) Putin that was actually successful in rolling out the vaccineIt’s actually peer reviewed research that backs up masks, not religion. And none of what I mentioned was restrictions. It was all the kind of behavioral adjustments that societies make over time. Just like we all learned to wear seat belts and wash our hands with soap.
But keep dancing. What color are the sunsets on your fantasy world with no vaccines, no treatments, and no changes to societal norms?
but keep praying. You yourself have argued Europewas foolish in not keeping its social adjustments. Nowyou say they are possible in perpetuity.