Sounds like the story was run before it had anything to back it up.Interesting....caveated that small retail has problems with contact tracing, and restaurant contact tracing is imperfect and there's this large undetermined section and data is limited but....
"Bars, gyms and restaurants. Those were just a few settings health experts warned could become hotbeds for COVID 19 spread....yet public data analyzed by ABC News appears to tell a diifferent story....only accounted for a small percentage, if any, of new outbreaks after the pandemic's initial wave in 2020" My guess is that because while indoor bars, gyms and restaurants may not be advisable on an individual/micro basis for any individual since it represents a significant rise in risk profile, because so many people freak out and because of the mitigation protocols in effect on a macro level the footprint just isn't that big.
Health care and social assistance has a moderate footprint of 2% despite the vaccination drive targeting health care workers early on.
Religious gatherings proved to be especially a problem in North Carolina.
Factory and animal food processing workers were particularly at risk (probably because of the long time of exposure).
Schools also have represented a bit of an outbreak problem, particularly in college settings, though there were outbreaks reported in K-12.
Where COVID-19 has and hasn't spread since states reopened: Analysis
A look at public health data in several states by ABC News revealed the locations of the most COVID-19 outbreaks following their
Your first sentence explains the flaw in the abc methodology. If your contact tracing doesn’t work well in gyms, then contact tracing can’t tell you much about gyms.
You expect the contact tracing to return almost no information about gyms. And, when you use it, it returns almost no information.
How is that interesting? It’s like reading the printout when the printer is completely out of toner. I expected a blank sheet of paper, and I got one. To be interesting, shouldn’t it contain some information?