Bad News Thread

So what do you call it when you flush vast quantities of ocean water through the whole thing to absorb excess heat?

I clearly forget the right terms. My point was just that the relative size of reactor to cooling tower is a wee bit different. You can't just look at nuclear subs and assume power plants are the same.

US Navy ship and sub reactors are all pressurized water reactors, the design of which inhibits pumping any outside water into the core. The next loop in the steam generator uses fresh water only. Sea water is only allowed in the condenser loop, where the steam exiting the turbines is chilled back to fresh water for re-use in the steam generator.

Perhaps you were alluding to the fact that if the reactor has severe accident and pops open the heat and ugly residues will be absorbed in the surrounding ocean.
US Navy ship and sub reactors are all pressurized water reactors, the design of which inhibits pumping any outside water into the core. The next loop in the steam generator uses fresh water only. Sea water is only allowed in the condenser loop, where the steam exiting the turbines is chilled back to fresh water for re-use in the steam generator.

Perhaps you were alluding to the fact that if the reactor has severe accident and pops open the heat and ugly residues will be absorbed in the surrounding ocean.
Or the naval reactor tech I talked to last served in the 1970s.

Could just be that designs were different then.
Perfect. always had simple questions for the self proclaimed intelligent that they couldn’t answer. Granted you didn’t really need R-squared to show that cases weren’t driving deaths. It was just obvious.
Do you see dad & espola having their own conversations back & forth? He's cray, cray Bruddah and a dumb all in one. Talk about talking to one's self. EOTL was coo coo and so full of evil and hate. This dad 4 and espoal are both full of nonsense and poop. Dividers of our great country. Go USA forever :)
Good news everyone who is not ignoring me. These little ones in Texas can now live if they can prove they have a heart that beats.

I will take two shots made from Billy's fake company or Mr. Johnsons only if I am promised eternal life in Paradise. If someone can make that deal with me, I'm all in :)

Assuming you think that getting vaccinated is some kind of sin (can’t say that I agree), then repent and ask for forgiveness. The guy upstairs already made that deal with mankind.
Do you see dad & espola having their own conversations back & forth? He's cray, cray Bruddah and a dumb all in one. Talk about talking to one's self. EOTL was coo coo and so full of evil and hate. This dad 4 and espoal are both full of nonsense and poop. Dividers of our great country. Go USA forever :)
They were born without immune systems. So they don’t get the viral updates that would have strengthened their spines.
Assuming you think that getting vaccinated is some kind of sin (can’t say that I agree), then repent and ask for forgiveness. The guy upstairs already made that deal with mankind.
I dont think it's a sin to take the shots. I promise. I just dont think I should have to take them and that is where the sin is, forcing me to take BG's goods. I told all of you that this is what it's truly about 16 months ago. Bill Maher got two shots and now he's at home with the Rona. They shut down filming, why?
Something like this?

"Remember, the COVID vaccines don't guarantee you won't get infected, but are highly effective in shielding you from serious illness and hospitalization. Bill's a perfect example of that."

Breakthrough case or false positive? Time will tell... I assume PCR tests would find the presence of the virus in the nasal passages of immune individuals from time to time. Just most of us don’t get tested on a regular basis when healthy.
I dont think it's a sin to take the shots. I promise. I just dont think I should have to take them and that is where the sin is, forcing me to take BG's goods. I told all of you that this is what it's truly about 16 months ago. Bill Maher got two shots and now he's at home with the Rona. They shut down filming, why?

Poking fun at your choice of words, not your personal choice regarding a vaccine...

You went from ‘Let’s make a deal’ to I choose not to do so to deny those that would sin against you (in your opinion).

I’ll admit to being devout to my beliefs, but I don’t see this discussion as religious in nature and I don’t see why you pepper your posts on this topic with religious overtones and imagery.

You don’t want the vaccine and don’t want to feel pressured/required to take it. Nuff said.

Proselytize all you want, but please don’t conflate your personal beliefs with religion... it gives the wrong impression.
Breakthrough case or false positive? Time will tell... I assume PCR tests would find the presence of the virus in the nasal passages of immune individuals from time to time. Just most of us don’t get tested on a regular basis when healthy.

In order for the vaccine to suppress the vaccine in you, the virus first has to be in you. A vaccinated person is less likely to get every sick, but the virus can still be alive and available to be passed on to another.

I am supposing that Mahr and others in similar positions are tested regularly (weekly perhaps?) just like pro athletes are.
I dont think it's a sin to take the shots. I promise. I just dont think I should have to take them and that is where the sin is, forcing me to take BG's goods. I told all of you that this is what it's truly about 16 months ago. Bill Maher got two shots and now he's at home with the Rona. They shut down filming, why?
Went to a soccer game tonight. Lots of unmasked folks. Several of the masked ones were fully vaccinated. Vaxspola thinks we need a virus shield. Never thought of him as Corporate shill. I was wrong.
In order for the vaccine to suppress the vaccine in you, the virus first has to be in you. A vaccinated person is less likely to get every sick, but the virus can still be alive and available to be passed on to another.

I am supposing that Mahr and others in similar positions are tested regularly (weekly perhaps?) just like pro athletes are.
You're babbling
Breakthrough case or false positive? Time will tell... I assume PCR tests would find the presence of the virus in the nasal passages of immune individuals from time to time. Just most of us don’t get tested on a regular basis when healthy.
PCR testing was not surprisingly useless. Cases vs. deaths proved it. Why were we testing asymptomatic folks?
Interesting....caveated that small retail has problems with contact tracing, and restaurant contact tracing is imperfect and there's this large undetermined section and data is limited but....

"Bars, gyms and restaurants. Those were just a few settings health experts warned could become hotbeds for COVID 19 spread....yet public data analyzed by ABC News appears to tell a diifferent story....only accounted for a small percentage, if any, of new outbreaks after the pandemic's initial wave in 2020" My guess is that because while indoor bars, gyms and restaurants may not be advisable on an individual/micro basis for any individual since it represents a significant rise in risk profile, because so many people freak out and because of the mitigation protocols in effect on a macro level the footprint just isn't that big.

Health care and social assistance has a moderate footprint of 2% despite the vaccination drive targeting health care workers early on.

Religious gatherings proved to be especially a problem in North Carolina.

Factory and animal food processing workers were particularly at risk (probably because of the long time of exposure).

Schools also have represented a bit of an outbreak problem, particularly in college settings, though there were outbreaks reported in K-12.
