Bad News Thread

Name somewhere that took the policy to shelter the elderly…..isn’t that what we’ve learned so far with the vaccine roll out….start with protecting the vulnerable and move on from there. Doesn’t the numbers reflect the benefits of that strategy?
Vaccinate the elderly worked. But that isn't what you said.

You said grandma was safe because she was in quarantine.

Is there anywhere in the world which used an elderly quarantine to get that result? Anywhere?
Vaccinate the elderly worked. But that isn't what you said.

You said grandma was safe because she was in quarantine.

Is there anywhere in the world which used an elderly quarantine to get that result? Anywhere?
Cause the timeframe for students going back to school predates vaccine availability. But the strategy to “protect the vulnerable” whether by isolation or vaccination IS my point. It IS the best strategy that was never used…why?

Hell, the initial vaccine roll out didn’t include the elderly (most vulnerable) in the initial roll out….why?

With all do respect we are obviously talking in hypotheticals. Hypothetically, our kids weren’t stripped of a years with of education and in that hypothetical, we isolated the elderly and high risk population, took precautions by moving indoor dining outdoors and limited indoor capacity as warranted by the available science. The population wasn’t lied to (ok, mislead for our own good) by the National Covid spokesman and our economy and kids wouldn’t have suffered so much. Even more so, would have likely saved lives bay going this route…..hypothetically and all.
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Of course it is possible.

What were the effects?
Well the effects were not as you claimed at the time.

You are on record here saying it would lead to massive outbreaks if 100s of thousands of kids were in school.

We say FL basically have schools open all year long. Same in TX.


What we didn't see is any outbreaks linked to schools that many like you predicted would happen.
Cause the timeframe for students going back to school predates vaccine availability. But the strategy to “protect the vulnerable” whether by isolation or vaccination IS my point. It IS the beat strategy that was never used…why?

Hell, the initial vaccine roll out didn’t include the elderly (most vulnerable) in the initial roll out….why?

With all do respect we are obviously talking in hypotheticals. Hypothetically, our kids weren’t stripped of a years with of education and in they hypothetical, we isolated the elderly and high risk population, took precautions by moving indoor dining outdoors and limited indoor capacity as warranted by the available science. The population wasn’t lied to (ok, mislead for our own good) by the National Covid spokesman and our economy and kids wouldn’t have suffered so much. Even more so, would have likely saved lives bay going this route…..hypothetically and all.
Your hypothetical requires a level of trust we just didn’t have.

You don’t get good scientific advice by treating your scientists like contestants on the Apprentice. Last September, Fauci and the civil service staff were busy trying to avoid getting completely sidelined. They were in no position to recommend a major shift in policy, or even do the work necessary to realize that one was warranted,
Your hypothetical requires a level of trust we just didn’t have.

You don’t get good scientific advice by treating your scientists like contestants on the Apprentice. Last September, Fauci and the civil service staff were busy trying to avoid getting completely sidelined. They were in no position to recommend a major shift in policy, or even do the work necessary to realize that one was warranted,
Maybe they should have been honest from the start…..we agree that the response to the virus became a political battlefield and we the people are the ones who suffered. Especially here in CA!

But you will not change my mind on what I have said from the beginning, protect the most vulnerable.

Have a nice day!
They were in no position to recommend a major shift in policy, or even do the work necessary to realize that one was warranted,
They started with a major shift in policy by putting a grossly disproportionate burden on our children, and continued that policy despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In your incredibly rare hypothetical where an asymptomatic child infects a grandparent. Why do you recommend putting the burden on the kids (no school) and not the responsibility on the adults? The normal and customary way we have always handled things in the country is to make the adults responsible.

Also they started with a major policy shift by quarantining healthy people. That's unprecedented and prior to this pandemic has never been recommended.

At the end of the day we have fundamentally different philosophies based on our personal environments. You believe we should always err on the side of caution. I believe we should balance caution with freedom.
Don't disagree with moving things outdoors, but for schools that's an extreme and impractical measure given the nominal risk. To be honest whether it's my plan or your plan, the argument is moot since the Unions wouldn't have allowed either.

Here is real life though. Our indoor youth club houses (that aren't on school property) have been open since June (all day since the schools were closed). Serving hundreds of kids, we had some infections among kids and staff, but zero outbreaks and no serious illnesses. Combine that with all the private schools that have operated safely since September. We can speculate all we want, but the proof is in the pudding.
The proof is in the past respiratory disease data. Data was already moving in the same direction as past respiratory diseases since May 2020. Our old friend Corona was already being destroyed. Hence the flat line for deaths compared to the rocket launched hysteria of the alleged experts. I know it’s shocking to most. But you do have a pretty amazing immune system. We are bathing in 10000000000000000000000000000000 virus’s a day. Or 10 to the 31th if you prefer. Mask are like a virus hotel. The one's that make it through the mask deliver a ton of intel and updates to our immune system. Yes, you were all born with an immune system. Proof? You're still alive after all these years. More proof you say? Have YOUR life insurance premiums increased given how dangerous the world has become? Lol!
Do we believe that 14 year olds typically display more than mild to moderate flu symptoms?

If no, then please replace the word "asymptomatic" with "sniffly". The basic argument is the same:

One moderately sniffly kid gives covid to a second kid, who gives covid to grandma just before he realizes that he has the sniffles.

Same problem for grandma.
Starts with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.
Wishful thinking.

Can you name anywhere which successfully used quarantine to protect the elderly from a high rate of community transmission? Anywhere on the planet with high cases, no vaccine, but low deaths.....

If the answer is no, then maybe grandma wasn't quite so safe as you imply.
Starts with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.
Vaccinate the elderly worked. But that isn't what you said.

You said grandma was safe because she was in quarantine.

Is there anywhere in the world which used an elderly quarantine to get that result? Anywhere?
Starts with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.
Your hypothetical requires a level of trust we just didn’t have.

You don’t get good scientific advice by treating your scientists like contestants on the Apprentice. Last September, Fauci and the civil service staff were busy trying to avoid getting completely sidelined. They were in no position to recommend a major shift in policy, or even do the work necessary to realize that one was warranted,
You don’t get good scientific advice with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.
IDK but I hope they have a good royalty agreement.
I know who but everyone thinks I'm crazy ass soccer father. POS losers already!! BTW, my "S" stands for Slime. Let's just hope the most evil of them all is captured already.
The proof is in the past respiratory disease data. Data was already moving in the same direction as past respiratory diseases since May 2020. Our old friend Corona was already being destroyed. Hence the flat line for deaths compared to the rocket launched hysteria of the alleged experts. I know it’s shocking to most. But you do have a pretty amazing immune system. We are bathing in 10000000000000000000000000000000 virus’s a day. Or 10 to the 31th if you prefer. Mask are like a virus hotel. The one's that make it through the mask deliver a ton of intel and updates to our immune system. Yes, you were all born with an immune system. Proof? You're still alive after all these years. More proof you say? Have YOUR life insurance premiums increased given how dangerous the world has become? Lol!
My pal is making a killing selling life and universal life. Premiums are around the same he says which makes me scratch my brain a little.
They started with a major shift in policy by putting a grossly disproportionate burden on our children, and continued that policy despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In your incredibly rare hypothetical where an asymptomatic child infects a grandparent. Why do you recommend putting the burden on the kids (no school) and not the responsibility on the adults? The normal and customary way we have always handled things in the country is to make the adults responsible.

Also they started with a major policy shift by quarantining healthy people. That's unprecedented and prior to this pandemic has never been recommended.

At the end of the day we have fundamentally different philosophies based on our personal environments. You believe we should always err on the side of caution. I believe we should balance caution with freedom.
You would prefer they had never done the first lockdown? Just issue some voluntary guidance and trust adults to “be responsible”.

Remember that, when we trusted adults to “be responsible”, half the rich people in New York hopped on planes to go to their vacation homes- bringing covid with them. The very first thing they did with their freedom of movement was seed new infection clusters all over the country.

Freedom needs some limits. Had we just kept with the freedom plan, the whole country would have had NYC levels of infection by late April, 2020. And that 2.2 million deaths estimate would have been much more accurate.
You would prefer they had never done the first lockdown? Just issue some voluntary guidance and trust adults to “be responsible”.
Or maybe we expect experts to be responsible and follow the science that says PCR is the wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in YOUR boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.

Remember that, when we trusted adults to “be responsible”, half the rich people in New York hopped on planes to go to their vacation homes- bringing covid with them. The very first thing they did with their freedom of movement was seed new infection clusters all over the country.
Starts with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.

Freedom needs some limits. Had we just kept with the freedom plan, the whole country would have had NYC levels of infection by late April, 2020. And that 2.2 million deaths estimate would have been much more accurate.
Starts with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers. Start there. Otherwise, you're credibility is like Fauci's. And we all know how smart he is.