I don't think you understand / comprehend the advantage year round training with high level competition provides.Here you guys go with this nonsense. Are there more quality players throughout CA lb for lb yes. Taking four teams from one ECNL conference at u15 and saying what you said is reckless bordering on stupidity. Are you all still tight that your DD might not get on a roster because some girl from Kansas or New Jersey is a baller?
Teams are better in ECNL SW no doubt but don't conflate that with some notion that there are no indivdual talents being developed literally anywhere outside of sunny SoCal. This is modern futbol have you looked at what Japan is doing to develop players? Players can be made anywhere. Cali has lots of advantagous thats it correctly taking advantage of but pump the brakes on this outrageous claim.
And this usually starts when players are around 5 years old.
Simply from a number of steps or touches perspective by the time players are 10 it's double the number players from places that it snows can do.