
I think you are dealing with failure to launch syndrome. have you figured out if you are a remdesivir fan boy? do you think it should be prescribed? is it ethical for a doctor to prescribe a medicine that is at high risk of presenting other disease down the line? Did the FDA cherry pick the data? Why wasn't normal protocol followed for clearance? Why are so many people not happy with the rollout? Anyway, you get the gist. take another sip and throw another silly statement my way.
Yeah, the FDA's track record is far from exemplary, there is a laundry list of drugs that they have approved that have turned out to be deadly. The doctors on the front line are far more reliable than the FDA. The FDA relies on the studies of the drug producers, whereas, doctors rely on the actual use and treatment of medications on real patients. (although I'd still get multiple opinions). FDA approval is only step one in determining if a drug is safe and effective, its far from the final conclusion.
it's easier to just admit that you just don't know. Regurgitation can only work for so long. Original thought, analysis, and assessment may not be your thing. Answering questions and taking a position would be a start.
How does one argue with nonsense other than pointing out that it is nonsense?
How does one argue with nonsense other than pointing out that it is nonsense?
So you are ok with everything I mentioned and choose to answer with a non answer... makes sense to me..I'm beginning to think you are a russian trumpy bot tasked with disrupting soccer forums by talking about nothing.
So you are ok with everything I mentioned and choose to answer with a non answer... makes sense to me..I'm beginning to think you are a russian trumpy bot tasked with disrupting soccer forums by talking about nothing.
You have a logically defective habit of arguing with me about things I never posted.
This is happening every single day. My heart breaks for the pain all this is causing us. No one will escape the pain. These fuckers sure did a number on all of us.

Guitarist Al Di Meola suffers severe heart attack onstage in Romania

Photographer Dragos Cristescu told The Associated Press that the 69-year-old guitarist grabbed his chest before experiencing difficulty walking offstage. Backing band members reportedly played a little longer before the show was called off.
Predicted, but ignored by lockdowners. When is there going to be some accountability for those that promoted and implemented extended lockdowns. It's shameful.

I don't see how a decline in various cancers is a bad thing.