


Walensky made her recommendation based not on science but on faith alone. At that time, Pfizer and Moderna had not completed trials on pregnant women. “Behind the scenes” in 2021, reports journalist Maryanne Demasi, “Pfizer was scrambling to conduct a clinical trial of its vaccine in pregnant women.” To this day, Pfizer’s data on pregnant and breastfeeding women is still incomplete, has yet to appear in a peer-reviewed journal or pre-print, and has not been submitted to the FDA for evaluation. Moderna’s trial is also ongoing, and the company has not released its data.
Demasi reports that Pfizer’s trial had major design flaws that would corrupt the data. “Peculiarly,” notes Demasi, “Pfizer planned to vaccinate all the mothers in the placebo group, one month after giving birth to their babies,” effectively getting rid of their control group. Regulators also allowed Pfizer to significantly reduce the number of women in the trial. For this reason, we may never know the true results of the company’s study on pregnant women.
Proponents of vaccine mandates may argue that none of this matters because there have not been adverse events in breastfeeding children.
But one of Pfizer’s own postmarketing surveillance reports contradicts this assertion. Due to legal action, the FDA was forced to release the report last year. It showed that in 133 cases of breastfeeding babies tracked by the company, 17 experienced clinical adverse events, and 3 of these events were reported to be serious.
Another Pfizer document released by the FDA under court order found that there were 215 cases of “Exposure via breast milk/maternal exposure during breastfeeding” reported to Pfizer’s voluntary pharmacovigilance database. Of these, 41 infants experienced adverse events, and six experienced serious adverse events.
Many may correctly point out that none of this data is complete or conclusive, but that is precisely the problem.
Millions of women were compelled to get multiple doses of the mRNA vaccines under threat of losing their jobs and, in some cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City, being excluded from public life through vaccine passports.



Walensky made her recommendation based not on science but on faith alone. At that time, Pfizer and Moderna had not completed trials on pregnant women. “Behind the scenes” in 2021, reports journalist Maryanne Demasi, “Pfizer was scrambling to conduct a clinical trial of its vaccine in pregnant women.” To this day, Pfizer’s data on pregnant and breastfeeding women is still incomplete, has yet to appear in a peer-reviewed journal or pre-print, and has not been submitted to the FDA for evaluation. Moderna’s trial is also ongoing, and the company has not released its data.
Demasi reports that Pfizer’s trial had major design flaws that would corrupt the data. “Peculiarly,” notes Demasi, “Pfizer planned to vaccinate all the mothers in the placebo group, one month after giving birth to their babies,” effectively getting rid of their control group. Regulators also allowed Pfizer to significantly reduce the number of women in the trial. For this reason, we may never know the true results of the company’s study on pregnant women.
Proponents of vaccine mandates may argue that none of this matters because there have not been adverse events in breastfeeding children.
But one of Pfizer’s own postmarketing surveillance reports contradicts this assertion. Due to legal action, the FDA was forced to release the report last year. It showed that in 133 cases of breastfeeding babies tracked by the company, 17 experienced clinical adverse events, and 3 of these events were reported to be serious.
Another Pfizer document released by the FDA under court order found that there were 215 cases of “Exposure via breast milk/maternal exposure during breastfeeding” reported to Pfizer’s voluntary pharmacovigilance database. Of these, 41 infants experienced adverse events, and six experienced serious adverse events.
Many may correctly point out that none of this data is complete or conclusive, but that is precisely the problem.
Millions of women were compelled to get multiple doses of the mRNA vaccines under threat of losing their jobs and, in some cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City, being excluded from public life through vaccine passports.

Monetized science/health care at it's best. Stuff like this will continue to come out. Hats off to all of the mom and dads, along with their care teams who took a cautious approach AND looked at the science without bias. Shame on every single bobblehead who convinced people that the science of the day was irrefutably true and led them down a shitty care plan. Now we will have a sizable population to study over the next umpteen years and plenty of anxiety to go along with it. Shameful
Oh joy, thanks for letting us all know now. I tried to help so many of my friends, neighbors and familiy not to take the jabs and wear a stupid mask but I soon realized that they were all under extreme hypnosis from the TELL A VISION. We got played so hard you guys. Let's all come together and love each other. You don't have to like someone to love them, just saying.

"At the White House, I had a million tablets of hydroxy that could have saved thousands of lives but cnn crusaded against it to beat President Trump. Negligent homicide at a minimum. FDA was also implicated in hydroxy suppression." Peter Navaro

Things are now going to swing the other way. The TRUTH is coming out and when the whole TRUTH and nothing, but the TRUTH is displayed for all to see and here, we will all come together. New Borns, babies and kids need protection first and foremost. We have no society of love if we kill kids before their born. We have no loving society if kids go missing every day and we do nothing about it. This is called Human Karma. We MUST correct all the evil we have done to children. My pal's wife forced her family to take all the jabs. Hubby was 50/50 but wife said, "no jabs, no sex for you pal." Kids had no choice and were all taken to get their jabs. Now one daughter has severe adverse reactions and is sick. Mom is blaming the new variant and hubby is fed up and told her, "I want a divorce." Oh shit, now the family is even more divided. Do you see how these assholes what us all divided? Wake up people!!!
silly goose - a no for what? That you did not understand my rather simple comparison between drugs and their use? Or that you are on board with what happened and think it's ok. That's fine to, big pharma likes you.
A comparison between a political hoax and an effective treatment? Is that what you had in mind?