
Well of course their marketing campaign is going to message are brilliant. So weird how normal protcols were never followed, how negative most of the clinical trials were, and how much money each treatment cost.

This stuff is terrible for your liver and kidneys, like really terrible. Imagine giving someone medicine that down the road is going to require more treatement..genius i suppose...continue that cycle of managed care that requires more pharma products...I wonder what other types of drugs Gilead in involved in? things that make you go hmmmm.

Do you really think big pharma is your bro?
Well of course their marketing campaign is going to message are brilliant. So weird how normal protcols were never followed, how negative most of the clinical trials were, and how much money each treatment cost.

This stuff is terrible for your liver and kidneys, like really terrible. Imagine giving someone medicine that down the road is going to require more treatement..genius i suppose...continue that cycle of managed care that requires more pharma products...I wonder what other types of drugs Gilead in involved in? things that make you go hmmmm.

Do you really think big pharma is your bro?

Now for a fair comparison, provide similar data for HCQ.

Now for a fair comparison, provide similar data for HCQ.
you just don't get it but certainly love to play spin the bottle. HCQ was given it's day in the sun and proved, in most cases, to not be beneficial. Some trials it showed promise, especially when combined with other medicine. Go and find those studies. HCQ is is a very safe medicine, espcially when prescribed responsibly. Nothing like politics to paint a rather benign drug as the devil.

Now, Remdesivir is a very different and dangerous drug. at your convenience, take a close look at the language used to describe the clinical trials...plenty of money to be made though. Funny that many of the clinical trials for remdesivir mirrored HCQ efficacy. Taking a peek at published data from trials its clear that it doesn't all....hate it when not all drugs are held to the same standard, especially one that failed miserably in treating another viral disease but was resurrected for this one...Gilead is a pretty savvy company, garnering the support of the CDC and the Military and turning it into a cash cow.
you just don't get it but certainly love to play spin the bottle. HCQ was given it's day in the sun and proved, in most cases, to not be beneficial. Some trials it showed promise, especially when combined with other medicine. Go and find those studies. HCQ is is a very safe medicine, espcially when prescribed responsibly. Nothing like politics to paint a rather benign drug as the devil.

Now, Remdesivir is a very different and dangerous drug. at your convenience, take a close look at the language used to describe the clinical trials...plenty of money to be made though. Funny that many of the clinical trials for remdesivir mirrored HCQ efficacy. Taking a peek at published data from trials its clear that it doesn't all....hate it when not all drugs are held to the same standard, especially one that failed miserably in treating another viral disease but was resurrected for this one...Gilead is a pretty savvy company, garnering the support of the CDC and the Military and turning it into a cash cow.
So you want me to do your work?
I am pleased at the opportunity to allow you to display your ignorance.

Please continue.
I think you are dealing with failure to launch syndrome. have you figured out if you are a remdesivir fan boy? do you think it should be prescribed? is it ethical for a doctor to prescribe a medicine that is at high risk of presenting other disease down the line? Did the FDA cherry pick the data? Why wasn't normal protocol followed for clearance? Why are so many people not happy with the rollout? Anyway, you get the gist. take another sip and throw another silly statement my way.
I think you are dealing with failure to launch syndrome. have you figured out if you are a remdesivir fan boy? do you think it should be prescribed? is it ethical for a doctor to prescribe a medicine that is at high risk of presenting other disease down the line? Did the FDA cherry pick the data? Why wasn't normal protocol followed for clearance? Why are so many people not happy with the rollout? Anyway, you get the gist. take another sip and throw another silly statement my way.
Excellent continuation.
The Corporation of America is paying billions of dollars to help small businesses in Ukraine stay open to help the people with goods and services. In my awesome State, most of the small mom & pop biz have been destroyed. Assholes Like Dad thought it was a great idea to force everyone on lockdown, mandate mask or no service, require and mandate every baby, child and adult to take poison jabs or get fired and not allowed to play college soccer and get a free education like the businesses get free handouts in Ukraine. Then this clown told us all to put on another fucking mask and to stand 6 feet away and make sure to always wash your hands. Then the fool told us to take all the boosters and continue to wear a mask. Now the same dumb dumb wants us to take the new jab for the new variant and still wear a mask.