
I'm waiting for "Many people will have sore throats that are asymptomatic. So, they should wear a mask."

The more they report normal illness symptoms as being news, the less I trust them. I didn't think that was possible.
These fuckers tricked us bro. They lost all trust. We the people have to all come together and root this evil off the face of the planet. Once that happens and I think it's coming soon, we will all live in Peace, Love and Harmony. It's called the Age of Acquires. The Goddesses are coming, and Mother Earth is now willing to give all her love for FREE!! Yes sir brothers, our planet will be a love planet where the Masculine and the Feminine connect forever and never to go back to the evil darkness. Pure love will be restored. You will not have to buy love bro or pay to play, if you know what I mean:cool: All of us will be set free from pure bondage and slavery in this evil system we were born into. Sit back and enjoy pleasure like at no other time. As Luis say's, to each his own. We will all come together like a magnet of love, and nothing can stop it. It's called "LOVE" bro. Surf Futbol and the other clowns can't compete with true love because they follow hate, lie and cheat. Girls don't like men like that. It's time for them to leave and find another place to cheat.

Because it's a question of scale. Wind turbine construction accounts for what percentage of all international shipping? It's tiny.

Unless wind turbine construction is uniquely suited to causing whale strikes, it's just not significant.

Wind turbine construction should be held to the same standard as any other offshore development. Given that we've had offshore oil rigs for several decades, I'm sure there are standard protocols we need to follow. But I can't see an argument that 9 whale strikes are proof that we're better off with coal and fracked natural gas.
Your argument is the "small" one - should we or shouldn't we do this? The more important argument is whether we are getting balanced, factual information to make that decision. I suppose elite, authoritarians know best, regardless of the facts. It's the way COVID (individual risk, risks associated with school shutdowns and lockdowns, vaccine side-effects, etc.) was reported by MSM. I don't suppose we should expect any difference here. Institutional trust continues to erode for a reason.
Your argument is the "small" one - should we or shouldn't we do this? The more important argument is whether we are getting balanced, factual information to make that decision. I suppose elite, authoritarians know best, regardless of the facts. It's the way COVID (individual risk, risks associated with school shutdowns and lockdowns, vaccine side-effects, etc.) was reported by MSM. I don't suppose we should expect any difference here. Institutional trust continues to erode for a reason.
Did MSM put forward articles about whale impacts from other minor parts of international shipping?

Entirely possible that it was ignored because it is tiny.

The main impact statement was from a whale advocate. Not surprisingly, they hit the panic button, same as climate advocates hit the panic button for climate.

Not sure why you instantly trust one but not the other.
16 Signs the New COVID Variant May Be in Your Body Now, Say Experts (like Dad, Expola and Husk)

Sign #1- You can't swallow and have a Sore Throat that is so sore you feel like you are eating sandpaper!


#2 Feel like shit


#3. Muscle aches and pains.


I don't have time to put all 16 on here but these Witch Doctors lied through their teeth to make a fucking buck off us. They lied, lied and lied all the way to the bank and now they will pay it all back and sum. TGIFF!!!
I love you all. It's been a tough 6 years and I'm sure some more learning is on the horizon. Planet Earth is a Giant University that the Universe sent us all to learn what right from wrong is all about. It's a place to choose to love or hate. You see, we were taught to cheat, steal, back stab, deceive, lie, kill, covet, hate, divide, bribe, blackmail, play PAY-FOR-PLAY, buy silence, buy friends, buy people to shut them up, sell soul for fame and riches and so on and so on and that we were all born "sinners." They taught us how to have guilt, shame, depression and then made drugs to help us deal with the shit they created. They used Tel A Vision to program you. They brought and invented 12 big religions to fight over. They own the News. WHO taught us all this shit? The cheaters and those who love to cheat and steal to win. True psychopaths with no heart. A soul that is only out to destroy, harm, hurt, wound, cause chaos, sew hate and division and then thirst for war and torture and thirst for money, power and sex. The men in this cult love sodomy, worship their penis, rape anyone they want. The worse in this group love human blood. Yup, you heard it here from me a long time ago and you all thought I was nuts. We even had EOTL/Surf Futbol come on here to try and make me look like a fool. The very rich and powerful among us drink blood to get high and stay young and that's what they really want. They use humans to do organ harvesting after their done raping the children. They thirst for it like the Vampire's that they are. The New Earth will NOT have these creatures among us anymore. How on Earth can you have love, harmony and peace and the Age of Acquirees with a bunch of Vampires and Wolves that hunt our children down for sport and look to kill babies before their born. TGIFF.

Did MSM put forward articles about whale impacts from other minor parts of international shipping?

Entirely possible that it was ignored because it is tiny.

The main impact statement was from a whale advocate. Not surprisingly, they hit the panic button, same as climate advocates hit the panic button for climate.

Not sure why you instantly trust one but not the other.
Interesting how your argument morphed. Initially, you stated they were implying that the whales may go extinct without evidence. Now you are saying their evidence isn't enough to merit an investigation. It's a different argument. The goalposts moved. Where have I seen this before?

It's also funny that you would ask why I would trust this source over MSM. Again, the things that were uncovered that I mentioned in my original posts were not "found" by MSM. So, what was MSM doing? MSM completely supported without question: Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation, Lab leak for COVID was misinformation, vaccine injuries are misinformation.
Interesting how your argument morphed. Initially, you stated they were implying that the whales may go extinct without evidence. Now you are saying their evidence isn't enough to merit an investigation. It's a different argument. The goalposts moved. Where have I seen this before?

It's also funny that you would ask why I would trust this source over MSM. Again, the things that were uncovered that I mentioned in my original posts were not "found" by MSM. So, what was MSM doing? MSM completely supported without question: Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation, Lab leak for COVID was misinformation, vaccine injuries are misinformation.
There are over 20,000 whale deaths per year due to collisions with ships. The number keeps rising because of 2 major factors -- the number of whales, in general, is increasing because we don't hunt them anymore, and the amount of trans-oceanic shipping in bigger, faster ships is increasing.

In general, all of this takes place in an environment where the number of whales is growing. However, there are some specific populations, and species of whale, such as the North Atlantic Right Whale (the old-timey whalers called it the Right Whale because it was the right whale to chase -- it contained a lot of the products they were seeking, and the dead carcass floated) which inhabits the waters off the US Northeast coast all the way to Iceland) is down to only a few dozen breeding females.
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Interesting how your argument morphed. Initially, you stated they were implying that the whales may go extinct without evidence. Now you are saying their evidence isn't enough to merit an investigation. It's a different argument. The goalposts moved. Where have I seen this before?

It's also funny that you would ask why I would trust this source over MSM. Again, the things that were uncovered that I mentioned in my original posts were not "found" by MSM. So, what was MSM doing? MSM completely supported without question: Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation, Lab leak for COVID was misinformation, vaccine injuries are misinformation.
You seem to be taking a small fact about shipping and turning it into a ridiculous claim about driving whales extinct.

Ok. It's what I deserve for reading the bat shit crazy part of the forum.
You seem to be taking a small fact about shipping and turning it into a ridiculous claim about driving whales extinct.

Ok. It's what I deserve for reading the bat shit crazy part of the forum.
I made no claim. Are you arguing their facts?

I will miss your chuckling at your myopic perspective if you decide you deserve better.
"It's a safe vaccine" except for healthy young men. WTF? Seriously, what a fucking liar and killer all in one. Kill off the young men was their plan all along. Dr. Fraud and his crew of bandits and liars will pay big for their crimes against humanity.

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Dr. Mandy say's your Jab is now ready for you to take, and you will only need to take one Jab this time to go back to normal. If folks say no to jab, they will get you at Wendys, McDonalds and Burger King. You can get a Wendy's tasty burger for one Penny while supplies last. Do any of you still believe these Witches? Seriously, any of you who take this shit and give it to your kids so they can continue playing sport needs to serioulsy have a time out and time to really think about what has been going on. Eat fucking crow ASAP and save yourself and your family. Please people, WTF up! This is not a drill!!! Oh, by the way, good look finding the VAERS injury data report on Mandy's website. Oh Mandy, you will have Hell to pay!!!

Also, did you guys see what they found inside the new cancer cells? It's pissing me off today because I know some folks who recently have been diagnosed with cancer and guess what's in the middle of the cells? You guessed it, the spike protein. Crimes against humanity was and is Trumps #1 priority to destroy. He said it. The reason Expola, Husker and Dad hate the Commander in Chief Trump, is because he ended Human and Sex trafficking. Were in the cleanup stage now everyone. We have to make a few more arrest and then have some tribunals and then the celebration will start after these lunatics are put away and are gone forever. Notice Hollywood has been closed? Late night? Writers? Timing is everything and being patient is super key to any successful operation. Also, and lastly to my fellow Americans, we need to come together for the common good. Divided we will fall, United we will stand. Equal Justice under the law for EVERYONE. The Military is the only way to deal with these crooks and then Love will rule the air. I'm super serious you guys. Love will rule this place and hate will be no more. The kids of the world will be priority #1, then the woman and then the widows and the elderly. The first will be last and the last will be first. PAY-FOR-PLAY is over. Before we start a new game, we have to punish the evil doer's so this NEVER happens again.
Also, did you guys see what they found inside the new cancer cells? It's pissing me off today because I know some folks who recently have been diagnosed with cancer and guess what's in the middle of the cells? You guessed it, the spike protein. Crimes against humanity was and is Trumps #1 priority to destroy. He said it. The reason Expola, Husker and Dad hate the Commander in Chief Trump, is because he ended Human and Sex trafficking. Were in the cleanup stage now everyone. We have to make a few more arrest and then have some tribunals and then the celebration will start after these lunatics are put away and are gone forever. Notice Hollywood has been closed? Late night? Writers? Timing is everything and being patient is super key to any successful operation. Also, and lastly to my fellow Americans, we need to come together for the common good. Divided we will fall, United we will stand. Equal Justice under the law for EVERYONE. The Military is the only way to deal with these crooks and then Love will rule the air. I'm super serious you guys. Love will rule this place and hate will be no more. The kids of the world will be priority #1, then the woman and then the widows and the elderly. The first will be last and the last will be first. PAY-FOR-PLAY is over. Before we start a new game, we have to punish the evil doer's so this NEVER happens again.
Great points EJ. Thanks for always being there for me bro. Together we can finish this race with a gold medal. MAGA 2024!

I made no claim. Are you arguing their facts?

I will miss your chuckling at your myopic perspective if you decide you deserve better.
I didn’t see any facts that let me determine the scale of the problem. Without that, there is no story.

Happy to reconsider if you can provide evidence that windmill construction is a significant fraction of the threat to right whales.

Watch This^^^^^^^

Many folks are in big, big trouble. Asshats took the money from criminals. It's called PAY-FOR-PLAY and bribing Docs to kill and injure their own patience. Crazy shit!!! I saw it from my old Doc pal, who will not talk to me or look at me in the eye. He runs away every time I see him. This is called a coward; a cheater and I might say someone who helped kill people. Doc has beach house, Mercedes and a Porche to drive on the weekends to pick up chicks. He's living the American dream. Left his wife for a 24-year-old hottie after she gave him three kids and all she had. Stay home mommy and wife got kicked to the curb. Well, sort of. She got half from this Doc and also has a beach house and new boyfriend.