
E. aka Mr. Cryptographer, is the biggest liar on this forum... and the creepiest. He likes to accuse others about lying about him to cover his tracks. It's his M.O.

There's a couple more lies right there from the best-documented liar on the forum.
”team reality” kind of has two camps.

One group got their shots, wore their masks, and moved their social life outdoors. The people who kept their dinner reservation, but asked for an outdoor table. Basically trying to do what they could to help, within reason.

Then there are the people who spent the whole time pretending that nothing was happening. These are the ones who held private dinner parties while restaurants were closed, took multiple out of state trips as soon as they could, only wore a mask when absolutely required, and never got vaccinated.

The first group was pretty realistic. The second group was not.

And, if you want to point out that certain politicians have more in common with group 2 than group 1, you’re right.

Nice analysis, but it didn't answer the question about the bullshit cures. How can a group claim to be "reality" when part of its schtick includes fantasies?
There's a couple more lies right there from the best-documented liar on the forum.
Espola, you sir are not being honest. You got played or played with the lairs that you covered for, that makes you a liar with them unless you come on here and agree your side cheated, spied and stole so much from so many Americans and that you're sorry.

Here is someone who is HOT! I like Honest, Open and Transparent folks like her. People who share their truth up front to save others time and not have to guess what side of the spectrum they sit on politically. I know folks who left spouse over the jab and I know people who got divorced from their employer of 24 years because they told the boss to go fly a kite. Fence sitters just sit and obey and stay away from the poo poo on both sides. Must be real nice sitting high on the perch looking down on all the!!! Thanks for sitting and not helping clean up the shit. I want to play on both sides without the poop. Get you poop scooper and meet me when your ready to clean up the shit!!!
Nice analysis, but it didn't answer the question about the bullshit cures. How can a group claim to be "reality" when part of its schtick includes fantasies?
Who here is promoting, or has promoted, the use of animal formulations of Ivermectin?

Ivermectin intended for human use is safe in prescribed dosages. There is anecdotal evidence from treating physicians that Ivermectin has helped in the treatment of Covid. The limited current studies have run the gamut of effective, not effective. Cherry pick your study if you wish.

Is Ivermectin designed for human use effective against Covid? Debatable, but far from bullshit. There is way more hyperbole about the effectiveness of the vaccines, but again that doesn't make vaccines bullshit.
Who here is promoting, or has promoted, the use of animal formulations of Ivermectin?

Ivermectin intended for human use is safe in prescribed dosages. There is anecdotal evidence from treating physicians that Ivermectin has helped in the treatment of Covid. The limited current studies have run the gamut of effective, not effective. Cherry pick your study if you wish.

Is Ivermectin designed for human use effective against Covid? Debatable, but far from bullshit. There is way more hyperbole about the effectiveness of the vaccines, but again that doesn't make vaccines bullshit.

Also HCQ and remdesvir. I remember Grace quoted a study examined in one of the videos from the English nursing professor that showed remdesvir had better results than placebo in a double-blind study. I commented at the time that if one looked at the raw data presented in the study, the placebo group had better results than the untreated public. That suggests that we could just hand out sugar pills or saline injections without the risk of any dangerous side effects, and much cheaper, too.
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Also HCQ and remdesvir. I remember Grace quoted a study examined in one of the videos from the English nursing professor that showed remdesvir had better results than placebo in a double-blind study. I commented at the time that if one looked at the raw data presented in the study, the placebo group had better results than the untreated public. That suggests that we could just hand out sugar pills or saline injections without the risk of any dangerous side effects, and much cheaper, too.
Africa has no issue with the Covid, why? I know why, do you? Speak truth to us for once, please..... I am authentic, that means I speak truth from my soul. That is why so many respect me. They don't always agree with me, but when they do, we drink to it :) I speak from the heart and you lie from your heart. I also know that you were forced to go to church and church camp as a youth and if I guess right, you were forced fed the bible and you didn;t like that. I went to college with many guys like you. I knew girls too that were forced to read the bible and obey it's every word. It's not right and I feel for you in that way. I also think you have passwords to other avatars that are shared with other that you hide in the dark with and behind a screen name. It's too bad because you have some experience that could help the girls out and make this planet more balanced. I wish you the best and I hope you see how wrong at least you have been about everything politcally the last 6 years. I mean everything. Grace T schooled you because she is fair and honest and does not pick a side. She brings the sides together and then we decide what side to pick.
A million dead and you're still going with media hoax?
What did they die from? Did the 1,000,000 have any other underlying health issues sir or just the flu? I am by far the most authentic and open person on the forum. You ignore me sir, why? I know the day and why you began to ignore me and I now understand you better. I have visions and I see how hard you had it as a young man. You never matured and always stayed a angry young boy. The boy is hurt and needs to stop fighting and just let go. I will 100% pray for you more and give you lot's of forgiveness and grace. Hunter was put in a crazy ass family and you will also need to show him mercy. I hit a nerve in your soul and that's why you ignored me and still do. You can come back and open arms will be there waiting for you.
Also HCQ and remdesvir. I remember Grace quoted a study examined in one of the videos from the English nursing professor that showed remdesvir had better results than placebo in a double-blind study. I commented at the time that if one looked at the raw data presented in the study, the placebo group had better results than the untreated public. That suggests that we could just hand out sugar pills or saline injections without the risk of any dangerous side effects, and much cheaper, too.
Remdesvir is an accepted and widely used treatment for Covid by reputable hospitals and doctors.
Remdesvir is an accepted and widely used treatment for Covid by reputable hospitals and doctors.
100% correct. I have a very good pal who also happens to be a top notch Doctor and he agrees 100% as well. He and my wife saved me and I love them both. We have a liar among us and he is some kind of liar. Two face double dog liar and I wonder why he is 100% into forced jabs and people getting fired for not obeying getting the jab and wants war in Ukraine. He basically supports the complete opposite of my side of the fence brother. It's like we were both programed to poop outside of our house and then yell at each other for the stinky part of that, all the while other neighbors like you sit on the fence looking at and enjoying the shitfest. Is this why you came to planet earth watfly? No sir, you came to fulfill your contract. Go deep and within and ask why you actually came to this amazing planet. The future is coming and let me tell you, it's freaking amazing :) It's just about to get wild and crazy and super fun for those who stand for the kids and the truth, wherever and whenever the truth is reveled. You down with that?
There's a couple more lies right there from the best-documented liar on the forum.

The document LIAR on this forum is none other than YOU Adam Espola Schiff.

What lies?

Dude.. you posted, not me, that you were curious if any guys still used their Flys at urinals anymore. Then you denied it. Easy to deny now since we are in v3 or v4 of the forum. *

Your just a creepy old liar...real creepy.

* One hundred % correct.... He knows what he's done and posted in the
past, the original " Forum " despised him for the sick desviado comments he made.
He knows it's TRUE.
He can deny it all he wants. But it is TRUE !
Remdesvir is an accepted and widely used treatment for Covid by reputable hospitals and doctors.

"Last reviewed: January 20, 2022 "

"There is a lack of consensus among society and organizational guidelines on whether remdesivir should be used in the management of COVID-19, given the varying results in existing clinical trial data."

"Overall, there is conflicting data, but it appears based on randomized trials that remdesivir does not provide an overall mortality benefit to the aggregated group of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, but that it does reduce time to clinical improvement when given early in the course of illness and/or to patients with mild hypoxia but less severe disease."

"Last reviewed: January 20, 2022 "

"There is a lack of consensus among society and organizational guidelines on whether remdesivir should be used in the management of COVID-19, given the varying results in existing clinical trial data."

"Overall, there is conflicting data, but it appears based on randomized trials that remdesivir does not provide an overall mortality benefit to the aggregated group of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, but that it does reduce time to clinical improvement when given early in the course of illness and/or to patients with mild hypoxia but less severe disease."

That sounds about right based on my understanding. It's one of these big complex carbon ring things that does a little bit of everything. There are some general anti-viral properties associated with ivermectin that may help with management as it is put in the blurb, probably meaning reducing viral load after infection. Given its rapid rate of clearance from the body, however, there is probably no way to get it as sufficiently high circulating concentration to force it onto the airway side of mucosal membranes to prevent Cov-2 from binding Ace2 on the outside of cells, which is a study that some people are going off of. So the physiology/targeting of the drug just does not lend itself to a preventative. The plus side is that people who OD on it generally recover because it is cleared fast. Safer than drinking bleach at any rate.