...the hard fact is the political science changed.Saying "the emergency is over" ignores the hard fact that the current weekly count of new cases is just about where it was 2 years ago.
...the hard fact is the political science changed.Saying "the emergency is over" ignores the hard fact that the current weekly count of new cases is just about where it was 2 years ago.
I forgive you Husker. Please forgive me if I speed read past some of your posts. We battled and did some back and forth bullying and that was wrong. I "laugh" all the time. Let's be better so we can build a better America for our kids and grand kids. I love you and forgive you, ok. Let's forgive each other and strive for a better State and country. America First, jabbed or not jabbed, agree?As far as I know I never saw that post. I don’t agree with Grace but would never condone that kind of language. I do speed read most posts so if I put a “laugh” emoji on that post that was grievous error and apologize to Grace profusely.
I have told posters on “my side of the aisle” (or should that be isle in this partitioned off enclave?) when I thought they went too far and have NEVER seen that from anyone on your end of things. Just say’n.
is there still an emergency?Saying "the emergency is over" ignores the hard fact that the current weekly count of new cases is just about where it was 2 years ago.
Yes, the mid there still an emergency?
Case counts are still high. More to the point, hospitalizations and deaths are lower but stable.Saying "the emergency is over" ignores the hard fact that the current weekly count of new cases is just about where it was 2 years ago.
For Nancy there is, she’s there still an emergency?
I wish her well - I'm sure they will throw the kitchen sink at it, if required. Maybe even slide in some de-wormer, just in case it works...won't hurt, but may work.For Nancy there is, she’s positive.
Well my understanding is as soon as she tested positive she ran to the plastic surgeon again. She should be an advertisement related to at some point you have had too many.I wish her well - I'm sure they will throw the kitchen sink at it, if required. Maybe even slide in some de-wormer, just in case it works...won't hurt, but may work.
I have no problem with you, @crush. Disagreeing is not an issue as long as I see someone as authentic.I took 30 days off and it was really good for me. It's super addicting and I love the banter back and forth. I can't wait to see some of these avatars eat some crow and maybe a few will have some humbie pie and admit how off they have been on everything the last 6 years. Our poor country is so divided. It trips me out. I bet $100 you and I could meet up for a bro date and get along and laugh all this off with some shots and some other drinks? Is that true or not bro?
Then I offer my apology. Sorry if I misstated what you did. My bad and I take you at your word.As far as I know I never saw that post. I don’t agree with Grace but would never condone that kind of language. I do speed read most posts so if I put a “laugh” emoji on that post that was grievous error and apologize to Grace profusely.
I have told posters on “my side of the aisle” (or should that be isle in this partitioned off enclave?) when I thought they went too far and have NEVER seen that from anyone on your end of things. Just say’n.
I good man you are and yes, one who stays on the fence. I think you will be wrong about t. I love that you care about the kids and that will get you on the right side of the fence.Then I offer my apology. Sorry if I misstated what you did. My bad and I take you at your word.
As to your other point, while I certainly lean right on a lot of issues (or more so have just been vocal on how devastating the left's policies have been), I don't consider myself to be on an "end" even though I'm often been mischaracterized as such. I try to take issues on a case by case basis and don't follow a playbook, narrative or talking points. I'm not on anyone's team. I'm agnostic, pro-choice, anti-Trump, pro-LGBTQ, pro business and pro free speech but those are immaterial to being PRO CHILDREN. Some have called me a fence sitter which I take as a badge of honor. I personally don't want to step in any shit on either side.
I suspect that if we all met face-to-face odds are probably good that I'd prefer to hangout with you than some you consider to be on my "end".
In real life I get along with most everyone. I have lost friends over trumpism and basically QAnon type thinking (some of them actually scare me with their new found extremism). One can’t reason with that type thinking.Then I offer my apology. Sorry if I misstated what you did. My bad and I take you at your word.
As to your other point, while I certainly lean right on a lot of issues (or more so have just been vocal on how devastating the left's policies have been), I don't consider myself to be on an "end" even though I'm often been mischaracterized as such. I try to take issues on a case by case basis and don't follow a playbook, narrative or talking points. I'm not on anyone's team. I'm agnostic, pro-choice, anti-Trump, pro-LGBTQ, pro business and pro free speech but those are immaterial to being PRO CHILDREN. Some have called me a fence sitter which I take as a badge of honor. I personally don't want to step in any shit on either side.
I suspect that if we all met face-to-face odds are probably good that I'd prefer to hangout with you than some you consider to be on my "end".
I wish her well - I'm sure they will throw the kitchen sink at it, if required. Maybe even slide in some de-wormer, just in case it works...won't hurt, but may work.
If you've ever watched a room full of 17 year olds try to solve basic arithmetic problems, this is is no surprise. We are not a people who should buy bulk veterinary medicine and compute our own dosage."Won't hurt" may not be true.
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Ah, how sweet you both said sorry to each other. Watfly sits on the board of fence I love you both. I get along with everyone except those who bullied others to get the jab or fired someone over it and then that person died. Besides that, i dont care who you vote for. We all need to crab those drinks so we can get a good look at each other some dayIn real life I get along with most everyone. I have lost friends over trumpism and basically QAnon type thinking (some of them actually scare me with their new found extremism). One can’t reason with that type thinking.
If I miss read you I am sorry.