Then I offer my apology. Sorry if I misstated what you did. My bad and I take you at your word.
As to your other point, while I certainly lean right on a lot of issues (or more so have just been vocal on how devastating the left's policies have been), I don't consider myself to be on an "end" even though I'm often been mischaracterized as such. I try to take issues on a case by case basis and don't follow a playbook, narrative or talking points. I'm not on anyone's team. I'm agnostic, pro-choice, anti-Trump, pro-LGBTQ, pro business and pro free speech but those are immaterial to being PRO CHILDREN. Some have called me a fence sitter which I take as a badge of honor. I personally don't want to step in any shit on either side.
I suspect that if we all met face-to-face odds are probably good that I'd prefer to hangout with you than some you consider to be on my "end".