
I've been on vacay but have been pretty much done with this thread for a month or so. The COVID emergency is over since that SNL skit and barring a super new variant it's going to play out in a way that makes no one happy. Team reason essentially won most of the argument.

Mexico opened my eyes as to how this is playing out...lot's of security theatre there: masks, still scrubbing down, temp checks, but everyone pretty much thinks the regs are stupid and don't do anything. It's like the TSA. Lots of the infrastructure like distancing markers remains in place and some is actually permanent because they just assume the govt will bring back regulations the next time a killer flu surfaces.

Essentially in the immediate future no one is going to be happy. We aren't going to be doing hard core containment measures or mass vaccination mandates. The offices won't be going back to 100 percent capacity any time soon (too much competition from remote friendly employers....which means Manhattan in particular is in for a world of hurt). Mask mandates will pop up in blue cities from time to time if cases rise. They'll be stupid nonsensical rules like toddlers masking while adults can cram NY restaurants. 10 percent or so of the population will remain fearful and the media will periodically pump up a panic. Eventually things will fizzle back to "normal" but it's going to take quite a bit of time to ease back. How quickly in turn depends on the elections at the end of the year
Great to hear from you and thanks for the update. Be well.
As far as I know I never saw that post. I don’t agree with Grace but would never condone that kind of language. I do speed read most posts so if I put a “laugh” emoji on that post that was grievous error and apologize to Grace profusely.
I have told posters on “my side of the aisle” (or should that be isle in this partitioned off enclave?) when I thought they went too far and have NEVER seen that from anyone on your end of things. Just say’n.

Sounds a lot like the Joy Reid defense.
Then I offer my apology. Sorry if I misstated what you did. My bad and I take you at your word.

As to your other point, while I certainly lean right on a lot of issues (or more so have just been vocal on how devastating the left's policies have been), I don't consider myself to be on an "end" even though I'm often been mischaracterized as such. I try to take issues on a case by case basis and don't follow a playbook, narrative or talking points. I'm not on anyone's team. I'm agnostic, pro-choice, anti-Trump, pro-LGBTQ, pro business and pro free speech but those are immaterial to being PRO CHILDREN. Some have called me a fence sitter which I take as a badge of honor. I personally don't want to step in any shit on either side.

I suspect that if we all met face-to-face odds are probably good that I'd prefer to hangout with you than some you consider to be on my "end". and PRO-CHILDREN sums it up.
Case counts are still high. More to the point, hospitalizations and deaths are lower but stable.

Still around 500 deaths per day. But most people have run out of energy for efforts to reduce it. If it stays like this, it approximates a permanent bad flu season. Worse than that if we get a spike every winter.
That will gradually reduce too as we run out of immunonaive people and the vaccinated come down with it. The death/hospitalization waves will go lower and lower with each spike but people (like they do with flu, adenovirus, other coronavirus and even the common cold) will always die from it particularly at old age. The updated boosters will help…likely updated each year for at least a while…with new variants it looks like it’s already running away from these boosters even before being released. Eventually we’ll stop counting which is why we don’t notice the others as much except in a bad flu/corona seasons

the thing that I think everyone (both on team panic and team reality) got wrong at various points was how long this would all go on
That will gradually reduce too as we run out of immunonaive people and the vaccinated come down with it. The death/hospitalization waves will go lower and lower with each spike but people (like they do with flu, adenovirus, other coronavirus and even the common cold) will always die from it particularly at old age. The updated boosters will help…likely updated each year for at least a while…with new variants it looks like it’s already running away from these boosters even before being released. Eventually we’ll stop counting which is why we don’t notice the others as much except in a bad flu/corona seasons

the thing that I think everyone (both on team panic and team reality) got wrong at various points was how long this would all go on
Ps one of my besties attended a pharma conference in Vegas. Stressful…1/3 was over covid…1/3 was still panicked and cautious but forced to go into close situations with indoor dining. About 10% of the conference at best guess has come down with the Rona post trip (prob undercount since not everyone tested) the vast majority with mild allergies so far all non serious

pps the most scary part of my vacay was the possibility of testing positive and getting stuck abroad and travel insurance only covers part of it
That will gradually reduce too as we run out of immunonaive people and the vaccinated come down with it. The death/hospitalization waves will go lower and lower with each spike but people (like they do with flu, adenovirus, other coronavirus and even the common cold) will always die from it particularly at old age. The updated boosters will help…likely updated each year for at least a while…with new variants it looks like it’s already running away from these boosters even before being released. Eventually we’ll stop counting which is why we don’t notice the others as much except in a bad flu/corona seasons

the thing that I think everyone (both on team panic and team reality) got wrong at various points was how long this would all go on
Well, we told by teachers on here to stop complaining and just dip into your rainy day funds. One cruel soul said if you dont have a rainy day fund then your stupid. Teachers went all in and now look at what we go on our hands. I am so grateful my kid is out of this system in two months, Yippie horray, Look at what teachers have to preach today to keep their jobs and look at what they have to inject into their arms to get their jobs? This is ass bat crap. I also heard that snakes were used in the great mix of all sorts of things. I would not support boosters Grace T but it's free world and we all have freedom to speak, right?
That will gradually reduce too as we run out of immunonaive people and the vaccinated come down with it. The death/hospitalization waves will go lower and lower with each spike but people (like they do with flu, adenovirus, other coronavirus and even the common cold) will always die from it particularly at old age. The updated boosters will help…likely updated each year for at least a while…with new variants it looks like it’s already running away from these boosters even before being released. Eventually we’ll stop counting which is why we don’t notice the others as much except in a bad flu/corona seasons

the thing that I think everyone (both on team panic and team reality) got wrong at various points was how long this would all go on

Does "team reality" still include those advocating bullshit cures?
Does "team reality" still include those advocating bullshit cures?
”team reality” kind of has two camps.

One group got their shots, wore their masks, and moved their social life outdoors. The people who kept their dinner reservation, but asked for an outdoor table. Basically trying to do what they could to help, within reason.

Then there are the people who spent the whole time pretending that nothing was happening. These are the ones who held private dinner parties while restaurants were closed, took multiple out of state trips as soon as they could, only wore a mask when absolutely required, and never got vaccinated.

The first group was pretty realistic. The second group was not.

And, if you want to point out that certain politicians have more in common with group 2 than group 1, you’re right.
And what's a bullshit cure? A vaccine that's not as effective as originally thought?
These guys are something else. I'm going to meet with my old minister friend and ask him to come on the forum and share about how wrong he was for pushing the jab on his church and his family. I kid you not, his sister is dead because she was pressured by her brother and her boss to follow the rules like the rest. Dude used scriptures like, "Obey your leaders, they keep watch over you. Obey them so their work will be a joy." Or, "obey the governing authorities, obey the master when his eye is and not on you." The latest I heard is their finding "snake" dna, besides all the other crap. Wow, this is weird stuff were debating in 2022. I knew abortion hit curds of the soul but this is going way deeper and more sinister. We got monsters among us!!