
"Meanwhile, Olympic gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner, when asked about the success of trans swimmer Lia Thomas, has spoken out against transgender athletes born biological males participating in women's sports."She was born a biological boy," Jenner pointed out. "She was raised as a biological boy. Her cardiovascular system is bigger, her respiratory system is bigger, her hands are bigger, she can swim faster. That’s a known.""

According to one person's definition I read earlier in this thread...Caitlyn Jenner is Transphobic.
...compromising the Truth and enabling lies results in this type of irony and ridiculous contradictions.
More b.s. Caitlyn Jenner here is just stating an opinion about how he feels the cons outweigh the pros. I don't see her calling Lia Thomas "he". I don't see her making ridiculous arguments that a 19th century dictionary is the sports rule book. I don't see her making another ridiculous argument that it is unsafe for trans women to participate in women's sports. I don't see her claiming anything homophobic. I just disagree with her assessment of the pros and cons. What is transphobic, however, is someone like you trying to use Caitlyn Jenner as a cover for your transphobia. Your daughter isn't even going to play college soccer, right? If so, you don't have anything to worry about unless you're in that crowd that also wants them out of rec sports like intramurals.
clowning again...but I do like your use of the word HE.
I've explained my reasoning many times, which is also available quite readily online from the NCAA and IOC. You keep saying it is a "balancing act" but you want no balancing at all. Rather, you want trans women categorically excluded from NCAA women's sports because you think "equality" is something that comes a la carte. Well, the NCAA, IOC and I believe differently. In fact, your buddy met61 and all your friends who can't accept that it is grammatically proper for someone to choose the gender pronoun of their choice drive that home pretty well.

"We" didn't create anything. The NCAA and IOC both created sports "divisions" that allow participation by transgender athletes provided they meet certain eligibility requirements. There is no "wrong" biological sex division of sports. The NCAA decides who can participate, and that includes trans women provided they meet certain requirements. If your daughter isn't good enough to participate with and against against trans women who meet the participation requirements, you should take them somewhere else. I hear Iran doesn't like trans people either, but your kid might need to wear a hijab. be grammatically proper, I don't accept lies as Truth.

...notice my word count versus the word count your lie requires.
I did my best to answer what I thought was your question. Instead of trying to make yourself more clear, you choose to become abusive, repeatedly.

...unfortunately, there it is, as predicted...the simpleton response. Expected from @GoldenGate ...surprising from you.

... It goes to show how compromising the truth and living lies make seemingly intelligent and rational people...act like @GoldenGate and @Hüsker Dü

...the power of Truth, and lack thereof, is amazing.
Mostly, I just want my kids to be able to have a fun experience with sports, and I want the same for other people’s kids.

At the rec level, a trans kid on a youth sports team, like any other kid on a sports team, is a good thing.

As you get closer to college sports, it gets different. All of a sudden, you have tryouts and cuts. It becomes a zero sum game. If Emma has a place, it means that Susie does not.

And, once you make it a zero sum game, fairness really matters. Placing mtf trans athletes in the women’s events is not a fair solution.

I take it there must be some sort of dust up on the TV about pronoun politics, push button something or other. Beyond X's and Y's there is an interesting discussion to be had about where genetics is going in the next ten years or so with respect to teasing out the "nature" part of the variance in physical traits that impact sport. And it could well have an impact on ideas of fairness beyond whatever people are going off on right now. But doesn't look like its possible to go there at the moment without getting wrapped up in somebody else's political fever dreams. Next week it will be on to something else so perhaps some other time.

Anyway...on the guys college recruitment side, what our family's is seeing is that big state school D1s and even mid major D1s/top D2s tap heavily into the overseas U23s that aren't getting signed to pro contracts out of academies. And transfers from two year schools here in the US. For our local SoCal crop of 17 going on 18 yr olds (and there are some amazing players out there), hitting that fully developed physical peak on the early side is an advantage. Like if your goal is to play for one of the UCs-that's really competitive. I've heard fairness issues raised along the lines of "hosting a USL team on a college campus" that sort of thing. But that's just how it is.

If college soccer is a "must" and a kid is a good player and willing to go to one of the smaller schools around the country with D3, NAIA, etc, you can have a really good shot at playing college ball. There are sites where you can set up profiles and they will even come looking for you. Some of them have pretty good teams. Or go the JuCo route and see how things pan out two years down the road. There are options. Given who you are as a player and who you are as a student, what are your realistic options, what compromises are you willing to make, what works best for you? At least that's how we've tried to approach it.
I take it there must be some sort of dust up on the TV about pronoun politics, push button something or other. Beyond X's and Y's there is an interesting discussion to be had about where genetics is going in the next ten years or so with respect to teasing out the "nature" part of the variance in physical traits that impact sport. And it could well have an impact on ideas of fairness beyond whatever people are going off on right now. But doesn't look like its possible to go there at the moment without getting wrapped up in somebody else's political fever dreams. Next week it will be on to something else so perhaps some other time.

Anyway...on the guys college recruitment side, what our family's is seeing is that big state school D1s and even mid major D1s/top D2s tap heavily into the overseas U23s that aren't getting signed to pro contracts out of academies. And transfers from two year schools here in the US. For our local SoCal crop of 17 going on 18 yr olds (and there are some amazing players out there), hitting that fully developed physical peak on the early side is an advantage. Like if your goal is to play for one of the UCs-that's really competitive. I've heard fairness issues raised along the lines of "hosting a USL team on a college campus" that sort of thing. But that's just how it is.

If college soccer is a "must" and a kid is a good player and willing to go to one of the smaller schools around the country with D3, NAIA, etc, you can have a really good shot at playing college ball. There are sites where you can set up profiles and they will even come looking for you. Some of them have pretty good teams. Or go the JuCo route and see how things pan out two years down the road. There are options. Given who you are as a player and who you are as a student, what are your realistic options, what compromises are you willing to make, what works best for you? At least that's how we've tried to approach it.
Not sure why so many people chase the scholarship. Even a full ride scholarship is essentially a part time job. Work a thousand hours per year to keep your spot, receive a scholarship worth 35K. 35 bucks an hour.

Anyone who is in this for the scholarship is crazy. They are spending 5K per year on a lottery ticket whose max payout is a 4 year part time job.

You’re better off if you play for fun and save for college.
Not sure why so many people chase the scholarship. Even a full ride scholarship is essentially a part time job. Work a thousand hours per year to keep your spot, receive a scholarship worth 35K. 35 bucks an hour.

Anyone who is in this for the scholarship is crazy. They are spending 5K per year on a lottery ticket whose max payout is a 4 year part time job.

You’re better off if you play for fun and save for college.

Yeah, on the women's side there is a lot more soccer scholarship $, lots more than for guys' soccer. It changes the dynamic quite a bit; much of this website is largely a group meditation on that dynamic I think. But on the guy's side nobody we know, not on my son's team or families we've met along the way, is shooting for soccer scholarship $ per se. Its just not a factor. It's can I keep playing or am I done.
Not sure why so many people chase the scholarship. Even a full ride scholarship is essentially a part time job. Work a thousand hours per year to keep your spot, receive a scholarship worth 35K. 35 bucks an hour.

Anyone who is in this for the scholarship is crazy. They are spending 5K per year on a lottery ticket whose max payout is a 4 year part time job.

You’re better off if you play for fun and save for college.
Each situation is different and some kids are really passionate about playing soccer in college (sometimes its just the parents.) But I agree that some parents put far too much emphasis on getting scholarships to pay for college instead of just saving. My daughter is a Senior and I'm amazed how few parents have saved for college. Just a few bucks a month in a 529 from the time they're born goes a long way to paying for or at least helping with the college costs. To me a scholarship is awesome, but should just be considered a bonus.
It's just a few boys playing on a girls team, why does it matter?

This is why.

Wow, gosh, I never considered that transgender participation in women's sports might cause Disney staff to start saying "Hello friends" instead of "Hello boys and girls". This is just a slippery slope to autocratic state governments enacting laws telling people what they can and can't say about gender and sex, right?
Wow, gosh, I never considered that transgender participation in women's sports might cause Disney staff to start saying "Hello friends" instead of "Hello boys and girls". This is just a slippery slope to autocratic state governments enacting laws telling people what they can and can't say about gender and sex, right?

You're deflecting.

The thread is about deadly vaccines.

You hijacked it for your personal " feelings "
regarding men in women's sports, ( swimming )
is the subject here.

It's called cheating due to an UNFAIR physical advantage.

You have some personal agenda that is driving your remarks.
You display hostility with your posts due to nonagreement with
your personal agenda.

The facts are:

It's cheating and displaces biological women from attaining their
desired goals.

Now about this BA.2 .......more scare tactics due to Democrats falling
like an anchor in the polls.

They are facing a political slaughter in the midterms if the pattern
You're deflecting.

The thread is about deadly vaccines.

You hijacked it for your personal " feelings "
regarding men in women's sports, ( swimming )
is the subject here.

It's called cheating due to an UNFAIR physical advantage.

You have some personal agenda that is driving your remarks.
You display hostility with your posts due to nonagreement with
your personal agenda.

The facts are:

It's cheating and displaces biological women from attaining their
desired goals.

Now about this BA.2 .......more scare tactics due to Democrats falling
like an anchor in the polls.

They are facing a political slaughter in the midterms if the pattern

Uh, you and Desert Hound hijacked this thread with your transphobic personal "feelings" and your agenda (See posts 13,842 and 13,843). Is your snowflake arse bent because you aren't getting what you want? Is your daughter barely hanging on in competitive sports as it is, and a trans girl or two will cause her to lose her spot at the far end of the bench? Is that why you're living in fear?

BTW, hopefully you'll boycott Disney. The parks are way too busy right now, and celebrating Pride month and firing Gina Carano only increased business.