
You're the one who told us the Governor of Utah was lying about his reasons for vetoing the transphobic law. So was he lying when he said they have much higher suicide rates and are subject to continued harassment and discrimination? How is it cheating to follow the rules anyway?

Don't worry, trans women aren't the reason your daughter sits on the bench. Maybe Bob Jones U will save her a seat to warm since neither of you care for black people either.

Displaying your insanity on the same page.

Hey goofy, I didn't post the Utah Gov post.

But he's taken the proper stance.

Now it's your turn to be Honest, take a stance and stop the cheating.

Step up.
COVID tests, vaccines help Walgreens beat expectations on earnings! Yay team!!! Blood thinner is also a big stock buy. What a wonderful world!!!

You're defending a person with the account name "thirteenknots" -- Obviously a damsel in distress. Who's the twat now?
Nothing to do with 13knots.

GG/EOTL has a habit of insulting people's kids whenever someone disagrees with him.

This is true regardless of with whom he is arguing. If you disagree with GG/EOTL, he insults your kid and calls you racist.

It is rude and adds nothing to the discussion.
You're defending a person with the account name "thirteenknots" -- Obviously a damsel in distress. Who's the twat now?
No…I’m defending the kids being insulted on this thread. If you have a problem with defending the kids maybe tear isn’t the right word for someone encouraging putting down peoples kids. Is that the kind of Dad you are? Cause that’s not what I was told about you but I guess eventually the tiger shows his stripes.

Nothing to do with 13knots.

GG/EOTL has a habit of insulting people's kids whenever someone disagrees with him.

This is true regardless of with whom he is arguing. If you disagree with GG/EOTL, he insults your kid and calls you racist.

It is rude and adds nothing to the discussion.

Frankly anyone with the account name "thirteenknots" doesn't deserve much respect...of course, unless, they are just a "knot aficionado", which based on this persons posts in the past I highly doubt.
No…I’m defending the kids being insulted on this thread. If you have a problem with defending the kids maybe tear isn’t the right word for someone encouraging putting down peoples kids. Is that the kind of Dad you are? Cause that’s not what I was told about you but I guess eventually the tiger shows his stripes.

KEEP THE KIDS OUT OF IT!!! have the correct read of him.
Keep the kids out of it you twat!

Lia Thomas is someone's kid. It's ok to verbally abuse her but not the kids of those who do? Also keep in mind that I'm not attacking any kid. Unlike with his personal attacks on an actual person, I don't even know who his kid is. What I am doing is sarcastically mocking his and his friends' claims that trans women are taking spots away from others, including on rec teams, which is clearly a fear of his given prior posts. I know you want to turn this into something it isn't by trying to paint me as being mean to kids. Don't worry, I would give his kid a fair analysis of her ability if he wants it.
You're defending a person with the account name "thirteenknots" -- Obviously a damsel in distress. Who's the twat now?
That's a convenient leap in logic. What's up? You used to have good faith takes, but now you've resigned yourself to drive-by insults?

If you have problem with 13nots on-line handle you should take that up directly with him, otherwise it just looks like you're being passive-aggressive.
...not sure what this has to do with someone off your sidekick @GoldenGate , the drivel rarely makes sense...but, since you bring up clubs, maybe you and your sidekick can form the keyboard cowards clown show club...just a thought. he types this on his keyboard....perhaps you can be our first member?
That's a convenient leap in logic. What's up? You used to have good faith takes, but now you've resigned yourself to drive-by insults?

If you have problem with 13nots on-line handle you should take that up directly with him, otherwise it just looks like you're being passive-aggressive.

That's one way to defend racism.
No…I’m defending the kids being insulted on this thread. If you have a problem with defending the kids maybe tear isn’t the right word for someone encouraging putting down peoples kids. Is that the kind of Dad you are? Cause that’s not what I was told about you but I guess eventually the tiger shows his stripes.

I think we've seen the complete lack of respect from the far left towards both women and children come to a head in the last couple of years.
That's a convenient leap in logic. What's up? You used to have good faith takes, but now you've resigned yourself to drive-by insults?

If you have problem with 13nots on-line handle you should take that up directly with him, otherwise it just looks like you're being passive-aggressive.

How am I being passive aggressive? I'm clearly stating his handle, combined with his prior posts, lead me to....oh I don't know...what would occam's razor say? Of course, I will be open minded here -- do tell @thirteenknots what is the meaning behind your handle?

It was clear as day that GG wasn't attacking any specific kid -- heck does @thirteenknots even have kids? Yet, we're ok with his handle.....It's like if Hitler was on here and someone said "Hey keep Hitler's kids out of this...I mean if he even has kids...because well...I don't even know if he does...but whatever you're doing isn't nice to Hitler"

Of course....I could be wrong....maybe he is just a big fan of knots and especially ones of the noose variety.
How am I being passive aggressive? I'm clearly stating his handle, combined with his prior posts, lead me to....oh I don't know...what would occam's razor say? Of course, I will be open minded here -- do tell @thirteenknots what is the meaning behind your handle?

It was clear as day that GG wasn't attacking any specific kid -- heck does @thirteenknots even have kids? Yet, we're ok with his handle.....It's like if Hitler was on here and someone said "Hey keep Hitler's kids out of this...I mean if he even has kids...because well...I don't even know if he does...but whatever you're doing isn't nice to Hitler"

Of course....I could be wrong....maybe he is just a big fan of knots and especially ones of the noose variety.
When you have nothing else pull the the Nazi analogy. It's sad that for many on the left the children of people they don't like are fair game for attacks (ie Barron). Meanwhile you defend GG's comments and I've never defended 13nots (not that you're accusing me of that, just saying).