
It sounds to me like your daughter is the one who should stick to rec sports. I can't imagine she has dedicated nearly as much time to competing as Lia Thomas has her entire life. In fact, I doubt she is even close to the top 450 or so soccer players in college like Thomas was on the men's side before he started to transition.

Retract the above comment.
So please show me the rule that says a transgender woman cannot play women's collegiate sports? Because I'm only seeing rules that say the opposite. You don't get to hide behind a 19th century dictionary.

Your lack of common sense is astonishing no matter how much you try to whitewash your transphobia.

Rule ?

Just here to remind everyone that leftists attempted an 8-MONTH long, NATIONWIDE insurrection in 2020.

Don't let anyone distract you from that. They will try anything and everything. They will immediately straw man to Jan/6. Ignore it. Keep pressing. Leftists are dictionary defined terrorists.

Transgender nonsense, inflation, Ukraine, gas prices, climate change, stock market.....all pointless when we have literal domestic terrorists in this country already nationwide; these leftists are ready for a call to action at a moments notice by the democrat establishment media and corporate machine. Don't forget it.

Is there a way to declare a thread dead after a given number of posts in topics unrelated to the original theme?
What point are you trying to make regarding biology?

He's just trying to rationalize being transphobic, and the dictionary wasn't helping his cause. Of course, because gender identity is also based on biology, that doesn't help him either. NCAA sports participation rules are determined by the NCAA, not a dictionary, and not one part of "biology" that he likes to the exclusion of the rest.
He's just trying to rationalize being transphobic, and the dictionary wasn't helping his cause. Of course, because gender identity is also based on biology, that doesn't help him either. NCAA sports participation rules are determined by the NCAA, not a dictionary, and not one part of "biology" that he likes to the exclusion of the rest.
Really? please splain. I can't wait for you to explain science..
The "conflicts" have been resolved in favor of allowing transgender participation in women's sports. This was resolved 20 years ago with the IOC and more than a decade ago with the NCAA.

Yes, I can use the word transphobic when it is appropriate, and it is appropriate when someone cannot even accept the legitimacy of the arguments in support of transgender participation in women's sports. It is also transphobic when people make fake and irrational arguments to oppose transgender participation, such as "it's dangerous" when we're talking about someone swimming in a pool and no one in NCAA history has ever been injured in over a decade because a transgender woman participated in college sports or how the 19th century definition of "woman" is a sports rulebook, or how a transgender woman in the restroom means the end of the world. The problem here has nothing to do with me being "unwilling" to understand and accept the arguments against transgender participation in women's sports. I understand them quite well. The problem is that people like you and your more obviously transphobic friends cannot understand and accept the arguments against transgender participation in women's sports. I've weighed the pros and cons and picked one side, but you and your friends aren't willing to weigh anything. You can't even muster the willingness to accept that there are legitimate arguments on the other side of the debate. Instead, you're making ridiculous claims that "no one wants to stop transgenders from enjoying their lives or living their best lives", which is utter rubbish and you know it. You and your friends obviously want them out of sports. You want them out of the women's restroom. You want them out of being able to get married if they're in love with someone of the same biological gender, which also means you want them out of the favorable tax and intestate succession laws you enjoy. You want them out of any business that doesn't want to sell services or products to them. You want to be able to keep mocking them like micpapa because you think it's funny. It isn't funny for the reasons the Utah governor tried to veto the law. basically a lie.
Just here to remind everyone that leftists attempted an 8-MONTH long, NATIONWIDE insurrection in 2020.

Don't let anyone distract you from that. They will try anything and everything. They will immediately straw man to Jan/6. Ignore it. Keep pressing. Leftists are dictionary defined terrorists.

Transgender nonsense, inflation, Ukraine, gas prices, climate change, stock market.....all pointless when we have literal domestic terrorists in this country already nationwide; these leftists are ready for a call to action at a moments notice by the democrat establishment media and corporate machine. Don't forget it.

Yes, we are out to get you. Pretty soon we'll all have you in prison camps.
So basically exactly transphobia.

XY is male
XX is female

All the exterior surgery and hormone/testosterone therapy
will not change the basic skeletal/muscle structures inherent
to the human at birth.

It's just a fact.

A male who has competed at the level Thomas has and then
decides to compete against females is just plain cheating.
Nothing will prove otherwise.

Facts are Facts.
XY is male
XX is female

All the exterior surgery and hormone/testosterone therapy
will not change the basic skeletal/muscle structures inherent
to the human at birth.

It's just a fact.

A male who has competed at the level Thomas has and then
decides to compete against females is just plain cheating.
Nothing will prove otherwise.

Facts are Facts.

Since when does complying with the rules to participate constitute cheating? Why are you even calling someone who is following the rules a cheater? Could it be because you're transphobic? Again, because people like you can't treat transgender women with dignity and respect, you get no dignity and respect either.

So are you saying all co-ed sports must be illegal because men are men and women are women? Or just the ones you care about because "competitive" sports, as you define them, are "different" because "biology" cares about the difference between NCAA and intramural sports? Are you saying businesses like the IOC and NCAA shouldn't be allowed to set their own rules about who can participate? And since when did all of you "principled" conservatives decide that businesses should be allowed to do whatever they like - unless it is something you don't like? Is this all happening because you and your friends were never actually principled at all?
Just here to remind everyone that leftists attempted an 8-MONTH long, NATIONWIDE insurrection in 2020.

Don't let anyone distract you from that. They will try anything and everything. They will immediately straw man to Jan/6. Ignore it. Keep pressing. Leftists are dictionary defined terrorists.

Transgender nonsense, inflation, Ukraine, gas prices, climate change, stock market.....all pointless when we have literal domestic terrorists in this country already nationwide; these leftists are ready for a call to action at a moments notice by the democrat establishment media and corporate machine. Don't forget it.
Either sarcasm or this is example A of batshit crazy and proud of it. Talk about politically Pavlovian.
XY is male
XX is female

It's just a fact.

Meiotic sex chromosome non-disjunctions are not that infrequent in humans. XXY individuals, for example, occur with an ~1000X higher frequency than the frequency of myocarditis associated with covid mRNA vaccines that people were so worked up about. There's a spectrum of feminization, affected by genetic variation on the Y and mosaicism associated with X inactivation on a cell by cell basis. Nothing in genetics is truly binary.
If it is all about transphobia, why is there no one complaining about female to male athletes in men's sport?

Do you think the world is full of demi-transphobes who hate half of the trans population, but welcome the other half?
If it is all about transphobia, why is there no one complaining about female to male athletes in men's sport?

Do you think the world is full of demi-transphobes who hate half of the trans population, but welcome the other half?
No…it’s just easier to slap a derogatory label on someone than to try and understand where they are coming from.

This way you elicit an emotional response rather than an intelligent one that you can’t refute.
Meiotic sex chromosome non-disjunctions are not that infrequent in humans. XXY individuals, for example, occur with an ~1000X higher frequency than the frequency of myocarditis associated with covid mRNA vaccines that people were so worked up about. There's a spectrum of feminization, affected by genetic variation on the Y and mosaicism associated with X inactivation on a cell by cell basis. Nothing in genetics is truly binary.
sure, but good try. Klinefelters is a completely different topic that involves a mulit faceted treatment approach, if diagnozed early. Often times a boy/man is unaware of having an extra X. Boys/men with Klinefelter are still genetically male. The X chromosome isn't neccessarily the "female" chromosome, it's present in everyone (but you already knew that). The presence of the Y chromosome is what denotes sex, and that is something you can't change. There are studies suggesting the Y chromome see to be decaying over time and may one day become extinct...if that pans out, then we are f'd anyway.
No…it’s just easier to slap a derogatory label on someone than to try and understand where they are coming from.

This way you elicit an emotional response rather than an intelligent one that you can’t refute.
I feel it’s the non wavering, “I won’t even discuss the reasoning because it’s wrong!”, sticking to the binary ideal, coupled with the occasional snarky put down or slight that draws the “transphobic” label (I would simply say “change phobic” or simply “intolerant of evolved information” aka science). This all seems apart of the anti-science movement so prevalent in rightwing circles.
If it is all about transphobia, why is there no one complaining about female to male athletes in men's sport?

Do you think the world is full of demi-transphobes who hate half of the trans population, but welcome the other half?

Honestly, that may be the most ridiculous of your ridiculous arguments. None of you are welcoming "the other half". Just as you and your friends refuse to call a transgender woman "she", you also refuse to call a trans man "he". You're just putting up with them because they cause you less trouble and therefore you have less opportunity to treat them like shit. Transgender women are murdered at 6x the rate of transgender men. People clearly have a much bigger problem with transgender men than women.