
I have no problem with women and children first. It's "traditional" as it's the future of the tribe.

I do think the premise of

is beyond dated as if to say there is nobody else, hence making any principled women & mothers redundant/useless, especially when you are talking about a societal "issue" where men have no more or less to say than women.

To the whole trans gender thing, oddly enough only this week my son was out helping a neighbor and came home and mention another neighbor, let's say Mike. I said, do you mean Mary, and he replied, no, it's Mike now as he identifies as a he. No big deal to him, didn't make any type of deal with it, it just is what it is. It seems to me, by this thread that it's the parents - us older folk - who seem to have an "issue" with it. The kids aren't bothered either way. We could learn from them.

As for the sports aspect, well the swimmer in Q clearly has a physical advantage because of maturing as a male. That doesn't strike me as particularly fair from a sporting perspective, but I'm ambivalent to it TBH. Its college sports, not life or death stuff. It's also rare. There are far more important things that deserve far more attention.
...although, since you did take the time to reach out to me, I do feel compelled to offer you my opinion...without knowing you beyond your two responses, I'd say you actively look to be offended and a victim. Again, just my opinion.
My rep is a progressive. That wing is pretty unlikely to side with Republicans on a social wedge issue- even if the Republicans happen to be right this time.

Besides, I just wrote about providing more meaningful military assistance to Ukraine. It is clearly the more important message.
I mostly agree with not allowing men to compete in women’s competitions, but the disgusting way most posters have portrayed the issue demands rebuttal. Let the competition committee’s decide . . . as conservatives use to say (not many real conservatives get a say anymore as they are screamed down by trumpist) “let the market work it out”. If women don’t like the committee’s decision they should boycott. Seems like another manufactured culture war issue where there isn’t much there there. If you can’t get by on policy make stuff up.
I mostly agree with not allowing men to compete in women’s competitions, but the disgusting way most posters have portrayed the issue demands rebuttal. Let the competition committee’s decide . . . as conservatives use to say (not many real conservatives get a say anymore as they are screamed down by trumpist) “let the market work it out”. If women don’t like the committee’s decision they should boycott. Seems like another manufactured culture war issue where there isn’t much there there. If you can’t get by on policy make stuff up.

Translation: Let woke leftist loons decide.
I mostly agree with not allowing men to compete in women’s competitions, but the disgusting way most posters have portrayed the issue demands rebuttal. Let the competition committee’s decide . . . as conservatives use to say (not many real conservatives get a say anymore as they are screamed down by trumpist) “let the market work it out”. If women don’t like the committee’s decision they should boycott. Seems like another manufactured culture war issue where there isn’t much there there. If you can’t get by on policy make stuff up.
Women should boycott?

How, exactly, do you propose female college students go about boycotting the NCAA? It is not very workable if you think about it.

NCAA has a responsibility to stand up for women athletes, and they are not living up to it.
Women should boycott?

How, exactly, do you propose female college students go about boycotting the NCAA? It is not very workable if you think about it.

NCAA has a responsibility to stand up for women athletes, and they are not living up to it.
“That’s not a woman. We won’t play that game” period.
Women should boycott?

How, exactly, do you propose female college students go about boycotting the NCAA? It is not very workable if you think about it.

NCAA has a responsibility to stand up for women athletes, and they are not living up to it.
How many of these questionable athletes are we talking about? How many competitions have they entered or tried to enter? Is this a wide spread issue? Do you feel men are self neutering to win a trophy? Personally this is a boring topic and really only is important to those directly involved.

That would take a lot of courage , those girls lives would be ruined

the woke loons are evil people
Yes it would, but no, no one’s lives would be ruined (what a drama queen statement!) Women show an enormous amount of courage daily in a world dominated by men. Just to get the vote took courage. To walk down the street takes courage. To be an athlete takes courage. If the athletes stood together they would have the upper hand, but then a group of men would try to tell them how they should act. Women aren’t helpless, they are the stronger sex.
That would take a lot of courage , those girls lives would be ruined

the woke loons are evil people
Yes it would, but no, no one’s lives would be ruined (what a drama queen statement!) Women show an enormous amount of courage daily in a world dominated by men. Just to get the vote took courage. To walk down the street takes courage. To be an athlete takes courage. If the athletes stood together they would have the upper hand, but then a group of men would try to tell them how they should act. Women aren’t helpless, they are the stronger sex.

you live in a fantasy world if you don’t believe in the current environment that these girls lives wouldn’t be ruined , how do you expect these girls to get jobs , there are people getting fired for tweets they made in high school
Yes it would, but no no one’s lives would be ruined (what a drama queen statement!) Women show an enormous amount of courage daily in a world dominated by men. Just to get the vote took courage. To walk down the street takes courage. To be an athlete takes courage. If the athletes stood together they would have the upper hand, but then a group of men would try to tell them how they should act. Women aren’t helpless, they are the stronger sex.
Praising women does not excuse mistreating them.

The NCAA/HRC standard is that women should all have to be the good girl and pretend they don’t mind when the women’s first place is awarded to a man.

That’s nonsense. Of course they mind. But they don’t want to give up all hope of an endorsement deal by getting labelled “transphobe.”

So they smile for the camera and pretend to be the good girl. But don’t confuse that with reality.
Praising women does not excuse mistreating them.

The NCAA/HRC standard is that women should all have to be the good girl and pretend they don’t mind when the women’s first place is awarded to a man.

That’s nonsense. Of course they mind. But they don’t want to give up all hope of an endorsement deal by getting labelled “transphobe.”

So they smile for the camera and pretend to be the good girl. But don’t confuse that with reality.
How many times has that happened?