I have no problem with women and children first. It's "traditional" as it's the future of the tribe.
I do think the premise of
is beyond dated as if to say there is nobody else, hence making any principled women & mothers redundant/useless, especially when you are talking about a societal "issue" where men have no more or less to say than women.
To the whole trans gender thing, oddly enough only this week my son was out helping a neighbor and came home and mention another neighbor, let's say Mike. I said, do you mean Mary, and he replied, no, it's Mike now as he identifies as a he. No big deal to him, didn't make any type of deal with it, it just is what it is. It seems to me, by this thread that it's the parents - us older folk - who seem to have an "issue" with it. The kids aren't bothered either way. We could learn from them.
As for the sports aspect, well the swimmer in Q clearly has a physical advantage because of maturing as a male. That doesn't strike me as particularly fair from a sporting perspective, but I'm ambivalent to it TBH. Its college sports, not life or death stuff. It's also rare. There are far more important things that deserve far more attention.