...Samoa is free to play whatever games they want with the Truth, it is not my concern is my family's country and ensuring my kids and our society respect and is grounded in Truth...history clearly has shown, the woke left continue to erode the Truth will never be the ranks of enablers grow.It's a biological male playing a male sport. That's not a lie. Samoan culture recognizes the feminine male, or fa'afafine. Maybe you can go over there and set them straight. Let me know how that works out for you.
Regardless, of your feelings about LGBT people its a great movie, and the fa'afafine is only one character in a cast of many. really is clear and feelings are not at issue, when one presents in kind...I am polite and respectful towards all people...what is at issue is I stand by the Truth and refuse to accept and enable is my role and demanded of me as a Father...for all my kids, but in this case...especially important for my daughter.
...if not principled Men and Fathers, then who?