
I'll bite again. I happen to agree with this statement. Do you think that 1.5 years after competing as a male and having hormone treatment is sufficient time to justify competing as a male? As I mentioned before I lean towards allowing those that transitioned pre-puberty to compete in women's competitions.

I don't believe Lia Thomas transitioned to beat women in swimming. But I believe she was given a gift to be able to transition (a gift that isn't available to many for various reasons) and now she is exploiting that gift.

Not for all, but for many this isn't an issue of transphobia but an issue of equity. a pre-puberty transitioned male still a male?
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you compromise the Truth."

~My spin on Voltaire
You're confusing manners with belief.

Referring to someone using their preferred form of address is just polite. It is not normally a statement of belief or disbelief in the accuracy of the title or pronoun.

Is it TRUE that Caitlyn Jenner is female? Nope. XY, no eggs, no ovaries. Not female. Do I care? Also no. Best of luck to her.
Not transphobic in the least.

What people want to do individually I could care less about.

But when a man wants to compete against women it isnt right. That isnt transphobic. That is a matter of fairness to actual women.

A guy saying he is a woman doesn't make him so. It does not entitle him to compete in womens sports.

It is as ridiculous as me a white guy one day saying I am black and demanding you treat me as such and then get affirmative action, loans for minorities, live in minority dorms on campus, etc.

It's unfair that black people "get affirmative action"? We all know you want to say it. a pre-puberty transitioned male still a male?
Not in terms of chromosomes, no. But pretty freaking close in terms of biology and appearance. In fact, if you saw my son's friend (who is FTM) in a women's restroom you'd probably complain about guys using women's restrooms.
You're confusing manners with belief.

Referring to someone using their preferred form of address is just polite. It is not normally a statement of belief or disbelief in the accuracy of the title or pronoun.

Is it TRUE that Caitlyn Jenner is female? Nope. XY, no eggs, no ovaries. Not female. Do I care? Also no. Best of luck to her.
I would just note that when Caitlyn was Bruce he was arguably one of the best male athletes of all-time.
He would have topped out at under 5
You're confusing manners with belief.

Referring to someone using their preferred form of address is just polite. It is not normally a statement of belief or disbelief in the accuracy of the title or pronoun.

Is it TRUE that Caitlyn Jenner is female? Nope. XY, no eggs, no ovaries. Not female. Do I care? Also no. Best of luck to her.
... confusing is an ArithmeLogic Numbers Guy using, of all things, manners as justification for compromising the Truth. But sure, making up words and playing loose with their meanings can be fun and mostly harmless...but, claiming politeness has a role in Truth versus lie is absurd...and you know it.

I support manners and politeness in letting someone know your unwillingness to compromise the Truth and participate in a lie.
... confusing is an ArithmeLogic Numbers Guy using, of all things, manners as justification for compromising the Truth. But sure, making up words and playing loose with their meanings can be fun and mostly harmless...but, claiming politeness has a role in Truth versus lie is absurd...and you know it.

I support manners and politeness in letting someone know your unwillingness to compromise the Truth and participate in a lie.

The truth is the NCAA has allowed transgender participation in women's sports for over a decade, and the IOC for two. The truth is the dictionary is not a sports rule book.

But if men are men and women are women, why do little shits get their own boxing weight class? If men were men, they'd all fight each other according to "natural law" and based on the dictionary definition of "man", right?
It's unfair that black people "get affirmative action"? We all know you want to say it.
It is your lack of response that is telling.

A man pretending to be a women is as silly as me pretending to be another race.

People can do what they want. Where it crosses a line is where they expect us to pretend they are a woman.

It is a strange/sad world to see so many people/publications praise a MAN for breaking women's sports records.

Ridiculous actually.
It is your lack of response that is telling.

A man pretending to be a women is as silly as me pretending to be another race.

People can do what they want. Where it crosses a line is where they expect us to pretend they are a woman.

It is a strange/sad world to see so many people/publications praise a MAN for breaking women's sports records.

Ridiculous actually.

So sad. Your daughter should give up girls' sports now that transgender women are taking over.
The truth is the NCAA has allowed transgender participation in women's sports for over a decade, and the IOC for two. The truth is the dictionary is not a sports rule book.

But if men are men and women are women, why do little shits get their own boxing weight class? If men were men, they'd all fight each other according to "natural law" and based on the dictionary definition of "man", right?
...the Truth is men are men and women are can play word games and "but if" all you want...the Truth remains without you, nothing you and your type can do will ever change it. Years and decades of doing something has no impact on the Truth... this Truth has existed since the beginning of human time and will forever endure. You, the NCAA, and IOC are deniers of Truth and promote and live lies, which is your right, yet hard as you try you will never overcome the Truth. I on the other hand, rest well and honorably knowing the truth is on my side and that I will never compromise it. The truth will always prevail.
...the Truth is men are men and women are can play word games and "but if" all you want...the Truth remains without you, nothing you and your type can do will ever change it. Years and decades of doing something has no impact on the Truth... this Truth has existed since the beginning of human time and will forever endure. You, the NCAA, and IOC are deniers of Truth and promote and live lies, which is your right, yet hard as you try you will never overcome the Truth. I on the other hand, rest well and honorably knowing the truth is on my side and that I will never compromise it. The truth will always prevail.
The existence of non gender conforming people is not at issue here. Go ahead and be you.

The question is whether biological women athletes are permitted their own space where they can compete amongst themselves.
The existence of non gender conforming people is not at issue here. Go ahead and be you.

The question is whether biological women athletes are permitted their own space where they can compete amongst themselves.
...with them it is about all of it, and demanding you swallow it all whole cloth. Seriously, what do you expect from playing along and compromising the Truth...them stopping at non binary gender conform whatevers?

Lies beget lies...quit being naive, in this matter our kids deserve Truth...and we should all demand it.
If capable...try a thought experiment: if your prized "Diverse Gender Cultures" each consisted of 100 men and 100 transgender men...they would be extinct in 100 years.

The Truth is, cultures exist because men are men and women are women.
...with them it is about all of it, and demanding you swallow it all whole cloth. Seriously, what do you expect from playing along and compromising the Truth...them stopping at non binary gender conform whatevers?

Lies beget lies...quit being naive, in this matter our kids deserve Truth...and we should all demand it.
Maybe you could help the other side nominate someone who doesn't think it is "genius" to invade a peaceful democracy.

Or was the great orange one speaking "Truth" when he said that?
If capable...try a thought experiment: if your prized "Diverse Gender Cultures" each consisted of 100 men and 100 transgender men...they would be extinct in 100 years.

The Truth is, cultures exist because men are men and women are women.
What does your hypothetical have to do with anything? Now you are just being silly.