
To bring this full circle back to soccer, check out "Next Goal Wins". Its a documentary about Tonga's men's soccer team's attempt to qualify for the World Cup after losing to Australia 31-0. One player is a transgender that is the first transgender to play in a WC a biological male but identifies as female (or more accurately a 3rd feminine gender common in Tonga). So yeah, completely different situation from the swimmer in question.
He would have topped out at under 5 feet tall without the HGH. And, yes, he was much faster than your average soccer player. In fact, he was probably the quickest soccer player in history. Never would he have had the combination of speed, strength and leverage that he needed to become the player he was without the HGH.
Dr. GG, you crack me up.
The truth is the NCAA has allowed transgender participation in women's sports for over a decade, and the IOC for two. The truth is the dictionary is not a sports rule book.

But if men are men and women are women, why do little shits get their own boxing weight class? If men were men, they'd all fight each other according to "natural law" and based on the dictionary definition of "man", right?
Yet for far longer they've used, and continue to use, the men's and women's labels to identify each sport, what changed?
Maybe you could help the other side nominate someone who doesn't think it is "genius" to invade a peaceful democracy.

Or was the great orange one speaking "Truth" when he said that?
Sure looks like Daddy continues to live rent free in empty heads.
So sad. Your daughter should give up girls' sports now that transgender women are taking over.
That is the problem...calling a transgender a woman doesn't make them a woman. The person/people you talk about are men.

There is a reason long ago we created women's divisions for sports.
That is the problem...calling a transgender a woman doesn't make them a woman. The person/people you talk about are men.

There is a reason long ago we created women's divisions for sports.
Like Chicanos y Chicanas not Mexican enough for Mexicans and not American enough for Americans.
You can tell the way the women feel about a man competing against them.

The man to the left who many say is a woman, and to the right the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place women...who know they are really 1, 2 and 3 in the race.

Maybe you could help the other side nominate someone who doesn't think it is "genius" to invade a peaceful democracy.

Or was the great orange one speaking "Truth" when he said that? know what a Truth also know this is not it.

...with the Truth on one's side it speaks for itself...lies and these weak deceptive statements are not necessary.

...BTW, it is sad that someone of your intelligence is still playing the Trump thing. Do better.
NBC's Today show was airbrushing Thomas' photo to make him look more feminine.

This is advocacy, not journalism.

...lies beget lies and require deception...imagine that.

...the fools are not the liars living the lie, they obviously reveal themselves as such...the real fools are those who know the Truth, yet compromise it and play along with the charade.
You can tell the way the women feel about a man competing against them.

The man to the left who many say is a woman, and to the right the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place women...who know they are really 1, 2 and 3 in the race.

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...they courageously stood with the Truth and refused to compromise it...well done ladies!

...where are the Fathers? it is sad their Fathers, and more, did not make a similar stand...although, I may have missed it or a media blackout.
If capable...try a thought experiment: if your prized "Diverse Gender Cultures" each consisted of 100 men and 100 transgender men...they would be extinct in 100 years.

The Truth is, cultures exist because men are men and women are women.

That would also be true if all biological men were impotent like you.
To bring this full circle back to soccer, check out "Next Goal Wins". Its a documentary about Tonga's men's soccer team's attempt to qualify for the World Cup after losing to Australia 31-0. One player is a transgender that is the first transgender to play in a WC a biological male but identifies as female (or more accurately a 3rd feminine gender common in Tonga). So yeah, completely different situation from the swimmer in question.
...but, the same lie...and the same lack of fortitude by those playing along.

...let's actually be "accurate" - the Truth is a man playing men's soccer...all the other word salad is playing along with foolish theater and lies.
...but, the same lie...and the same lack of fortitude by those playing along.

...let's actually be "accurate" - the Truth is a man playing men's soccer...all the other word salad is playing along with foolish theater and lies.
It's a biological male playing a male sport. That's not a lie. Samoan culture recognizes the feminine male, or fa'afafine. Maybe you can go over there and set them straight. Let me know how that works out for you.

Regardless, of your feelings about LGBT people its a great movie, and the fa'afafine is only one character in a cast of many.
@GoldenGate are theses guys crazy….don’t they know they will kill thousands if we take off those mask. But hey, let’s keep them on the kids because they will kill even more….hahaha, so dumb

Ha ha. I never said that masks are needed for everything going forward. Just that if your snowflake child jumps off a bridge, it isn't because they had to wear a mask at school, it is because you have spent the last two years feeling sorry for yourself instead of getting your shit together.
NBC's Today show was airbrushing Thomas' photo to make him look more feminine.

This is advocacy, not journalism.

OMG, MSNBC and the NCAA are both in on the conspiracy?!? This is just like the Sandy Hook false flag operation. Clarence Thomas' wife should text Mark Meadows about it. Maybe they can put on their viking hats and storm the Capitol again.