
All your daughters should just give up sports now. It's over for them. This is clearly the end of women's sports.
The NCAA is not "far left". The IOC is not "far left". Nice try attempting to reclassify trans women as misogynistic men. That's really funny.

Both of those entities fully understand how its policies impact women's sports. Unlike you, they actually weighed the pros and cons and have reached a reasoned decision, which they continue to modify over time as they deem necessary. Do I feel bad for the Virginia swimmer who came in second? Not really. She has lived a life of privilege, is getting a free education and has the opportunity to swim for the USA when the trans swimmer does not (yet). She's doing fine. It's just a race, and who wins is just not that important., the NCAA, and IOC deny the truth. Package it however you want, It's not reasoned, it's living a lie...always will be., the NCAA, and IOC deny the truth. Package it however you want, It's not reasoned, it's living a lie...always will be.

The literal truth is the NCAA said she could compete. Is there a law that says otherwise? Does even the Bible say that trans women cannot participate in swim meets against biological women? Or just that they should be stoned to death?
The literal truth is the NCAA said she could compete. Is there a law that says otherwise? Does even the Bible say that trans women cannot participate in swim meets against biological women? Or just that they should be stoned to death?
...the NCAA said he could the literal truth.

Pedal in lies all you want...your choice. But, mischaracterizing the truth will never make it true.
Yeah, you're a real hero for the transgender community. In reality, the NCAA first implemented its policy allowing transgender participation over a decade ago dumb shit, and it did so after considering a substantial amount of guidance from trans community members and conducting a substantial amount of research.

It is only in the spotlight now because someone won at the D1 level, causing hysterical transphobes to lose their minds. OMG, the world must be ending now that one transgender player in history has one an NCAA title in something, right? It is so unfair that transgender people have all the advantages in life, right? I guess that's the end of women's sports like all you clowns predicted would happen when the NCAA first began allowing transgender participation over a decade ago. It's totally over for women's sports.
Ha.. you've completely missed the point and continue to generalize. The NCAA has punted to US Swimming..but never mind that.

The discussion should be about inclusion and fairness. But you'd rather blow smoke out of your ass (which is quite funny actually, now that I say it).
The literal truth is the NCAA said she could compete. Is there a law that says otherwise? Does even the Bible say that trans women cannot participate in swim meets against biological women? Or just that they should be stoned to death?
No one should be stoned to death, but we should laugh more at you..Maybe it's time you enter a horse race..
It's interesting how many of the far left's policies either ignore or don't understand cause and effect. The message is more important than the impacts. Females are the biggest victims of woke policies. Not sure why they favor biological males over females.

There is an odd element of misogyny that seems to infect leftists.
It's misogyny but at the core, it's fanaticism. It's a human condition and we are all prone to it if our perspective is too narrow.

fanatic; plural noun: fanatics
a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
I read it. But I am not criticizing the veto. The bill itself may well have been overbroad. I would not know, as I have not read the bill itself.

I am criticizing the inclusion of men into top level women’s sports events. If a person is content to live her life as a woman and go about her business, I support her right to enter the women’s division of the local 10K race and receive her time hoping for a personal best. Best of luck to her.

But, if that same person chooses an event which he can win because he has a testosterone boost and others do not, then he is cheating. He has no right to displace the woman who won the woman’s division of that race.
Oh I agree with that wholeheartedly, when the person is a man.
You keep using that word. I do not believe it means what you think it does.
Like gender, sex is not binary. A person may have the genes that people may associate with being male or female, but their reproductive organs, genitals, or both may look different.
