Why are you lumping the entire "trans community" into something that only a handful of trans individuals have ever wanted to do? Do all football players support rape and domestic violence because some of them engage in it?
What this is really about is the terrible manner in which too many people have treated transgender people, so the NCAA is doing something about it. College sports is just a game, and someone's hurt feelings that they came in second place in a swim meet is inconsequential compared to the NCAA's reasons.
There are people who shun me because they are dicks so I give them what they deserve. The only people being dicks here are the ones who refuse to even acknowledge that there are legitimate reasons the NCAA, the IOC, and most sports governing bodies are doing what they're doing. It's one thing to believe the cons outweigh the pros, but you and your dick friends aren't even willing to listen. And if I'm such a bad guy, why is it that the NCAA, the IOC, and most sports governing bodies agree with me?