
I corrected part of the sentence below. At some point we have to stop this crap.

Lia Thomas took control in the final 100 yards of the 500-yard freestyle to make history Thursday as the first transgender woman MAN to win an NCAA WOMANS swimming championship.

So you're saying masks don't kill people? So why are you so scared of them? Are you suffering from depression and on the verge of slashing your wrists because a mask is too much for you? It is just too hard for you to take living anymore?

Still drinking from that Govt garden hose of talking points I see.....

Instead of arguing with your shadow, look up these VALID
patents of US COVID Viruses.

Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the U.S. population.
Signed HR 4310 on 12/29/12.

Section 1078 (thomas.loc. gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.4310:)
of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which
had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act
was passed.

H.R.4310 - 112th Congress (2011-2012): National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2013 | | Library of Congress

And the construction of COVID-19 Virus starts.

Look at the patent dates below.

2008-04-15 Priority to US4522808P
2014-08-18 Application filed by Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc
2015-06-18 Publication of US20150164799A1
2016-06-14 Application granted
2016-06-14 Publication of US9364435B2
2018-03-05 First worldwide family litigation filed

Arbutus’ U.S. Patent No. 8,058,069 (IPR2019-00554 filed January 9, 2019: no challenged claims found unpatentable),

2008-04-15 Priority to US4522808P
2009-04-15 Application filed by Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc
2010-05-27 Publication of US20100130588A1
2011-11-15 Publication of US8058069B2
2011-11-15 Application granted
2018-03-05 First worldwide family litigation filed
Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618953P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-05-22 Publication of US20140141067A1
2015-10-06 Publication of US9149506B2
2015-10-06 Application granted
2020-01-10 First worldwide family litigation filed

US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin –

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618873P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-04-24 Publication of US20140113960A1
2015-12-22 Publication of US9216205B2
2015-12-22 Application granted

US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 –

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618868P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-05-22 Publication of US20140141068A1
2016-02-09 Application granted
2016-02-09 Publication of US9255129B2

US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 –

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618957P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-04-17 Publication of US20140107189A1
2016-04-05 Application granted
2016-04-05 Publication of US9301993B2
2020-01-10 First worldwide family litigation filed
I corrected part of the sentence below. At some point we have to stop this crap.

Lia Thomas took control in the final 100 yards of the 500-yard freestyle to make history Thursday as the first transgender woman MAN to win an NCAA WOMANS swimming championship.



I corrected part of the sentence below. At some point we have to stop this crap.

Lia Thomas took control in the final 100 yards of the 500-yard freestyle to make history Thursday as the first transgender woman MAN to win an NCAA WOMANS swimming championship.

The great thing about your post is that it's people like you who are the reason this is happening. You who aren't willing to treat transgender people with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect, which causes entities like the NCAA to determine that the need to provide opportunities for the transgender community outweighs the costs. The angrier and more transphobic you get, the worse things will get for you. It's fun to watch people like you lose your minds over stuff like this.
Still drinking from that Govt garden hose of talking points I see.....

Instead of arguing with your shadow, look up these VALID
patents of US COVID Viruses.

Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the U.S. population.
Signed HR 4310 on 12/29/12.

Section 1078 (thomas.loc. gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.4310:)
of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which
had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act
was passed.

H.R.4310 - 112th Congress (2011-2012): National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2013 | | Library of Congress

And the construction of COVID-19 Virus starts.

Look at the patent dates below.

2008-04-15 Priority to US4522808P
2014-08-18 Application filed by Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc
2015-06-18 Publication of US20150164799A1
2016-06-14 Application granted
2016-06-14 Publication of US9364435B2
2018-03-05 First worldwide family litigation filed

Arbutus’ U.S. Patent No. 8,058,069 (IPR2019-00554 filed January 9, 2019: no challenged claims found unpatentable),

2008-04-15 Priority to US4522808P
2009-04-15 Application filed by Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc
2010-05-27 Publication of US20100130588A1
2011-11-15 Publication of US8058069B2
2011-11-15 Application granted
2018-03-05 First worldwide family litigation filed
Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618953P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-05-22 Publication of US20140141067A1
2015-10-06 Publication of US9149506B2
2015-10-06 Application granted
2020-01-10 First worldwide family litigation filed

US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin –

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618873P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-04-24 Publication of US20140113960A1
2015-12-22 Publication of US9216205B2
2015-12-22 Application granted

US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 –

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618868P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-05-22 Publication of US20140141068A1
2016-02-09 Application granted
2016-02-09 Publication of US9255129B2

US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 –

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
Current Assignee: ModernaTx Inc

2012-04-02 Priority to US201261618957P
2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc
2014-04-17 Publication of US20140107189A1
2016-04-05 Application granted
2016-04-05 Publication of US9301993B2
2020-01-10 First worldwide family litigation filed

Gosh, this goes much deeper than we originally believed. Quick question though. If all of this vaccine prep really started in 2012, doesn't that pretty much obliterate all your anti-vaxxer friends' arguments that it hasn't been in development long enough to be proven safe?
The great thing about your post is that it's people like you who are the reason this is happening. You who aren't willing to treat transgender people with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect, which causes entities like the NCAA to determine that the need to provide opportunities for the transgender community outweighs the costs. The angrier and more transphobic you get, the worse things will get for you. It's fun to watch people like you lose your minds over stuff like this.

No one I see on this Forum has displayed " Transphobic " that I see other than You.

I do believe the comments say it's CHEATING.

Very Very unfair at the least.

How about the NCAA do the right thing and create two more
classes of competition.

That's pretty simple.

Problem solved.
Gosh, this goes much deeper than we originally believed. Quick question though. If all of this vaccine prep really started in 2012, doesn't that pretty much obliterate all your anti-vaxxer friends' arguments that it hasn't been in development long enough to be proven safe?

Not in the least.
The great thing about your post is that it's people like you who are the reason this is happening. You who aren't willing to treat transgender people with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect, which causes entities like the NCAA to determine that the need to provide opportunities for the transgender community outweighs the costs. The angrier and more transphobic you get, the worse things will get for you. It's fun to watch people like you lose your minds over stuff like this. and who's being phobic about anything? I guess we throw science/biology out the window. Rant all the ideology you want, he just beat the crap out of a really good field in that particular race. Please send out hateful messages to the girls who finished 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I'm glad you worship at the pew of the pious NCAA.

but please carry on.
Gosh, this goes much deeper than we originally believed. Quick question though. If all of this vaccine prep really started in 2012, doesn't that pretty much obliterate all your anti-vaxxer friends' arguments that it hasn't been in development long enough to be proven safe?
That reminds me of the trump is still secretly president belief amongst the nutter brigade.
I corrected part of the sentence below. At some point we have to stop this crap.

Lia Thomas took control in the final 100 yards of the 500-yard freestyle to make history Thursday as the first transgender woman MAN to win an NCAA WOMANS swimming championship.

Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues

I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.

@GoldenGate maybe you should attend this event and let all of them know that we should stop raising snowflakes...what does the Surgeon General know anyway or any of those doctors on the're much smarter than all of them!!! Weak minded fail kids, who needs them, right?

I corrected part of the sentence below. At some point we have to stop this crap.

Lia Thomas took control in the final 100 yards of the 500-yard freestyle to make history Thursday as the first transgender woman MAN to win an NCAA WOMANS swimming championship.

I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.

@GoldenGate maybe you should attend this event and let all of them know that we should stop raising snowflakes...what does the Surgeon General know anyway or any of those doctors on the're much smarter than all of them!!! Weak minded fail kids, who needs them, right?


Uh, the Surgeon General has supported masks in schools. The irony here is, yet again, you fail to even look into what you have cited is even about. It is not a seminar about the horrors of wearing masks at school. It isn't a pity party about how wearing masks has ruined our kids. Ironically, the main focus of the seminar is about trying to turn around idiot self-pitying anti-mask parents like yourself, who are the real culprits that are causing kids to slash their wrists. In fact, here's a great interview of one of the participants at the event you identified discussing how it's the whiny parents who are causing depression in their kids, not masks.

It is mind-boggling how stupid you are. You are like crush in that you refuse to take responsibility for the impacts of your own behavior and are so clueless that you can't even figure out that you're the problem causing depression in your kids, not masks. Honestly, it is crazy that you're pinning depression in children on having to wear masks at school, when it is plainly obvious that so many kids are depressed because they come home to parents like you who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves. You might want to unload any firearms you have in the house.
Study? I read the article. Seems some Republicans realize the nuances involved.

We’re talking a pretty simple point here. Women’s sports are for women. If you are not actually a woman, you don’t qualify.

Pushing this nonsense is just creating anger at the trans community. A trans female who competes in the men’s division for the love of sport is easy to accept and cheer for. A trans female who takes a woman’s medal will be hated, the same as people hate flight 1 teams who down register to snag the flight 3 trophy.

That doesn’t mean trans athletes can’t play sports. It just means they should enter a competition for which they do qualify, and the rest of us should welcome them when they do.