
The NCAA and the IOC? That's comedy gold. Ignoring their corruption, neither organization has a reputation for doing what's best for athletes. Instead they have a reputation for doing what's best for their own interests. I know that you have a blind reverence for authority, but those organizations hardly provide any credibility to your argument. What you couldn't find any transgender policies for FIFA?

So I guess you're saying the NCAA and IOC have decided that winning a race in a pool just isn't that important compared to inclusion and equality in society and helping transgender people overcome all of the hostility and discrimination they have suffered for generations? I guess you're also saying that the NCAA and IOC have determined that their best financial interests include ignoring people like you who are actually out of touch. Or are you saying the all powerful transgender mafia made them do it?
So I guess you're saying the NCAA and IOC have decided that winning a race in a pool just isn't that important compared to inclusion and equality in society and helping transgender people overcome all of the hostility and discrimination they have suffered for generations? I guess you're also saying that the NCAA and IOC have determined that their best financial interests include ignoring people like you who are actually out of touch. Or are you saying the all powerful transgender mafia made them do it?
where is the fairness piece of compeition...or that just isn't in the calculations. You are quite delusional, wrapped up in your blanket of rhetoric and agendas. It's obvious you hold women in high regard.
@GoldenGate maybe you should attend this event and let all of them know that we should stop raising snowflakes...what does the Surgeon General know anyway or any of those doctors on the're much smarter than all of them!!! Weak minded fail kids, who needs them, right?

Uh, the Surgeon General has supported masks in schools. The irony here is, yet again, you fail to even look into what you have cited is even about. It is not a seminar about the horrors of wearing masks at school. It isn't a pity party about how wearing masks has ruined our kids. Ironically, the main focus of the seminar is about trying to turn around idiot self-pitying anti-mask parents like yourself, who are the real culprits that are causing kids to slash their wrists. In fact, here's a great interview of one of the participants at the event you identified discussing how it's the whiny parents who are causing depression in their kids, not masks.

It is mind-boggling how stupid you are. You are like crush in that you refuse to take responsibility for the impacts of your own behavior and are so clueless that you can't even figure out that you're the problem causing depression in your kids, not masks. Honestly, it is crazy that you're pinning depression in children on having to wear masks at school, when it is plainly obvious that so many kids are depressed because they come home to parents like you who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves. You might want to unload any firearms you have in the house.

You really think you are are really that not that smart LOL...idiot, you clearly didn't attend the seminar or have any clue what it was about...if you would have went you wouldn't have written such an ignorant statement that shows you clearly have no idea, just like the rest of your shallow takes, you have no clue. Nice try though, so stupid LOL HAHAHA
So I guess you're saying the NCAA and IOC have decided that winning a race in a pool just isn't that important compared to inclusion and equality in society and helping transgender people overcome all of the hostility and discrimination they have suffered for generations? I guess you're also saying that the NCAA and IOC have determined that their best financial interests include ignoring people like you who are actually out of touch. Or are you saying the all powerful transgender mafia made them do it?
So it's about reparations for transgenders? While I disagree with that premise, at least I better understand your argument.
where is the fairness piece of compeition...or that just isn't in the calculations. You are quite delusional, wrapped up in your blanket of rhetoric and agendas. It's obvious you hold women in high regard.

The fairness piece is quite obvious. Transgender women have never been treated fairly in life, so allowing them to swim in a pool after 12 months of hormone suppression is important and beneficial for society, whereas someone losing one swim race is not important at all. Collegiate athletics has very little to do with winning and losing. Every single swimmer loses the national championship every year with the exception of one person.
So it's about reparations for transgenders? While I disagree with that premise, at least I better understand your argument.

So Title IX was about reparations for women? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act about reparations for racial minorities? The ADA about reparations for disabled people? If you want to call every attempt to support equality "reparations", well that's your deal.
What question? I went back over the thread and saw no overt question? Is this something you implied?
The question you are dodging is “how do you define the word ’woman’”.

This is a word you’ve been using since you were two years old. I do not believe you are actually uncertain as to what it means.
Uh, the Surgeon General has supported masks in schools. The irony here is, yet again, you fail to even look into what you have cited is even about. It is not a seminar about the horrors of wearing masks at school. It isn't a pity party about how wearing masks has ruined our kids. Ironically, the main focus of the seminar is about trying to turn around idiot self-pitying anti-mask parents like yourself, who are the real culprits that are causing kids to slash their wrists. In fact, here's a great interview of one of the participants at the event you identified discussing how it's the whiny parents who are causing depression in their kids, not masks.

It is mind-boggling how stupid you are. You are like crush in that you refuse to take responsibility for the impacts of your own behavior and are so clueless that you can't even figure out that you're the problem causing depression in your kids, not masks. Honestly, it is crazy that you're pinning depression in children on having to wear masks at school, when it is plainly obvious that so many kids are depressed because they come home to parents like you who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves. You might want to unload any firearms you have in the house.

You really think you are are really that not that smart LOL...idiot, you clearly didn't attend the seminar or have any clue what it was about...if you would have went you wouldn't have written such an ignorant statement that shows you clearly have no idea, just like the rest of your shallow takes, you have no clue. Nice try though, so stupid LOL HAHAHA

Feel free to pay the $5 and send us the video where everyone starts whining about how wearing masks ruined children. Seriously, how emotionally feeble must you be if wearing a mask is too much for you to handle?
The question you are dodging is “how do you define the word ’woman’”.

This is a word you’ve been using since you were two years old. I do not believe you are actually uncertain as to what it means.
First please show me the post you asked me this question.
Second I believe the links I provided might help illuminate the nuance in sex designation and why it isn’t always so cut and dry (excuse the possibly misconstrued pun opportunity for the maturity stunted in the crowd).
You really think you are are really that not that smart LOL...idiot, you clearly didn't attend the seminar or have any clue what it was about...if you would have went you wouldn't have written such an ignorant statement that shows you clearly have no idea, just like the rest of your shallow takes, you have no clue. Nice try though, so stupid LOL HAHAHA

Feel free to pay the $5 and send us the video where everyone starts whining about how wearing masks ruined children. Seriously, how emotionally feeble must you be if wearing a mask is too much for you to handle?
As I pointed out months ago in this discussion, and attempts were made to lambaste me for my perceived insensitivity to the plight of suicidal minors. Parenting or lack thereof plays a major role in a child’s disposition concerning most matters. They learn from their parents. Karen’s raise Karen’s, racists raise racists, snowflakes raise snowflakes and good, well adjusted people raise likewise. I feel the attempts at attacking me for that opinion may stemmed from parental guilt. My parents knew me and I knew them. My children know me and I know them. Seems that isn’t always the case which is sad.

Cue the angry guilt-ridden mob.
The question you are dodging is “how do you define the word ’woman’”.

This is a word you’ve been using since you were two years old. I do not believe you are actually uncertain as to what it means.

It sounds like you are the one doing the dodging. How do you define "NCAA rules regarding transgender participation"?

How does the dictionary define "transgender"? "Cisgender"? "Hate crime"? "Discrimination"?
First please show me the post you asked me this question.
Second I believe the links I provided might help illuminate the nuance in sex designation and why it isn’t always so cut and dry (excuse the possibly misconstrued pun opportunity for the maturity stunted in the crowd).
It’s implicit in the princess bride quote. In any case, I’m asking now.

You say you agree that men should not take podium spots in competitive women’s sport. Without clear definitions for “man” and “women”, that sentence is entirely meaningless.

You used those two words. What do you mean by them?

I’m not asking for you to define every possible type of non-binary condition. I’m asking what you mean when you use the words “man” and “woman”.
It’s implicit in the princess bride quote. In any case, I’m asking now.

You say you agree that men should not take podium spots in competitive women’s sport. Without clear definitions for “man” and “women”, that sentence is entirely meaningless.

You used those two words. What do you mean by them?

I’m not asking for you to define every possible type of non-binary condition. I’m asking what you mean when you use the words “man” and “woman”.
That’s the issue these governors are bringing up. The whole point I was making. It’s not up to me to decide and they aren’t prepared to do so either.
And I have never watched the princess bride so that must have gone right past me.
First please show me the post you asked me this question.
Second I believe the links I provided might help illuminate the nuance in sex designation and why it isn’t always so cut and dry (excuse the possibly misconstrued pun opportunity for the maturity stunted in the crowd).
(also, shoot the messenger in...3, 2, 1)
That’s the issue these governors are bringing up. The whole point I was making. It’s not up to me to decide and they aren’t prepared to do so either.
And I have never watched the princess bride so that must have gone right past me. can dodge, twist, spin, deny, and lie about the truth all you want. The beauty of the truth is you don't own stands on its own, with or without you...and will always prevail. Additionally, the beauty of American citizenship is your right to believe lies, tell lies, and live lies...and look as foolish as you wish doing it.
That is not what the dictionary says and, according to you and your friends, it is the governing rule book for sports. Or is it the Bible? I keep forgetting.
...NCAA rules are not in the dictionary...another lie.

As previously stated, the truth stands on its own. Whereas, you have just brilliantly illustrated...lies require other lies.
That’s the issue these governors are bringing up. The whole point I was making. It’s not up to me to decide and they aren’t prepared to do so either.
And I have never watched the princess bride so that must have gone right past me.
The other side is absolutely prepared to offer a definition: A woman is a person with XX chromosomes and born with a womb. A man is a person with XY chromosomes and born with a penis. There are also a few people who fit neither definition, and are best described as “other”.

This is, more or less, the definition everyone has been using since they first used the words.

It’s not neanderthal thinking. It is just speaking clearly in language normal people use.

And Carville is correct. If the left is talking down to people while the right is talking straight with people, the left is going to lose and the right is going to win.