Weird how I’m the guy who isn’t respectful. Let’s see how this thread went before I ever said anything.
Posts #22 and 26 anti-vaxxer/masker Multisport referred to dad4 as Mr. Magoo and coocoo. #50, crush started posting memes the first relating to needing to be unvaccinated to get into a business and accusing vaccinated people of engaging in treasonous anti-american stupidity. #56, Grace accuses dad4 of being authoritarian because he supported kids wearing masks in schools, which is pretty hilarious for a “legal expert” given that mask requirements are the result of elected executives enforcing laws enacted by elected legislators. At #56 Desert Hound accused espola of needing to work on his reading comprehension. At #65, Watfly made a homophobic about “identifying as a woman”. At #70, Grace the unemployed also accused espola of having reading comprehension issues. At #73 she calls him an idiot and at #81, she also calls him Mr. Magoo (which she also does at 623, 879, 1063, 1226); At #81, Grace mocked dad4 as “math boy” and then Crush piled on calling dad4 “mask boy” and accusing him of wanting to hide his face for some reason. At post #86, NooB mocked espola for “sharing your stink”. At #91, crush was posting memes again and calling people who disagreed with him “sickos” and “evil”. At #98, crush called someone an asshole and accused them of threatening him (not me btw since I hadn’t posted anything yet). At #102, Kicker4life chimed in blaming illegal aliens for not showing proof of vaccination when crossing the border and tjinaz jumped onto the xenophobic bandwagon at 104. At #130 what-happened (That's you!) made an incomprehensible pejorative comment about wearing “finger typing gloves” to espola. At #144, crush “exposed” espola as EOTL and called him “uncle cheater”. At #146 bruddah iz calls espola an idiot. At #149, crush calls espola “uncle liar”, then “cheater and liar” at #151 and 152, and tells him he robs others of life, has no heart and only uses 4% of his brain. By #153, he’s so riled up that he’s accusing anyone who believes Dr. Fauci of being liars, murderers, cheaters, rapists, racists, and evil monsters. By #336, Watfly has started the trope of anyone who doesn’t believe what he wants is engaged in “groupthink”. At #408 kickingandscreaming is mocking someone because Grace gave them too much credit in their thought process. At #460 Grace called espola idiotic and accused him of being a troll, and in #464 called him the “biggest of moronic trolls”. At #528, Grace the idiot is mocking dad4 about “very basic basic points”. At #601, crush is mocking NorCalDad’s pro-vax position with a meme of a steroid stuffed biker. At #613, Grace is calling espola idiotic again, claiming he total lacks comprehension and being a “sock puppet” and “living out a fantasy”, but not being as clever as EOTL and Husker. At #617 and 619, Grace called espola a fool, and, and moron at 653, and “struggling” at 660. At #676 crush is accusing dad4 of being controlled by fear. #790 bruddah IZ calling espola “et al-spola”; #806 Toors calls espola a fool; #857 Grace is accusing Yours in futbol of being a clone of espola, or dad4, or EOTL; #866 Bruddah iz goes xeno again and tells yours in futbol to wear a mask because it “makes them feel like women in the middle east#985 Grace refers to everyone calling out her bs as on “team panic” and trashing “newbies”, #990 Grace calls espola a troll, liar and idiot, #994 met61 calls espola a pedo freak; #1032 bruddah iz accuses dad4 of “fragility”; #1077 Watfly says dad4 would throw children out of a lifeboat to save his own life; #1092 crush calls NOVA.Dad an asshole; #1093 met61 calls dad4 small and cowardly.
Sure, I'm the problem. I'm just a product of my surroundings.