
Wow. I don’t bother with eotls posts since I unmasked him but since your quote function was accidentally misplaced I got to see this masterpiece. That’s either some serious timeage with a search engine, some serious eidetic memory or even worse going through each and every post. Took no doubt quite a bit of time. Impressive from a master troll perspective (he could teach the others, both right and left, a class). But It’s also quite literally, in all its aspects, just plain bat shit crazy, even for a troll.

Ah, is Grace the unemployed and never held a paying job in her adult life upset she doesn't get to be the only one to call people names?
Which studies are you referring to? Facts seem to escape you. But great job on spitting out agendas and talking points.

You truly live in lala land. Thank goodness you are the savior of all truth. Thanks for explaining yourself and everything, amazing job. I think this thread has reached it's peak. Masks as you know them don't really work, vaccine data for ulittles is all over the place. You have little grasp of anything related to health and science. But you are entertaining, which is what matters most.

Weird how I’m the guy who isn’t respectful. Let’s see how this thread went before I ever said anything.

Posts #22 and 26 anti-vaxxer/masker Multisport referred to dad4 as Mr. Magoo and coocoo. #50, crush started posting memes the first relating to needing to be unvaccinated to get into a business and accusing vaccinated people of engaging in treasonous anti-american stupidity. #56, Grace accuses dad4 of being authoritarian because he supported kids wearing masks in schools, which is pretty hilarious for a “legal expert” given that mask requirements are the result of elected executives enforcing laws enacted by elected legislators. At #56 Desert Hound accused espola of needing to work on his reading comprehension. At #65, Watfly made a homophobic about “identifying as a woman”. At #70, Grace the unemployed also accused espola of having reading comprehension issues. At #73 she calls him an idiot and at #81, she also calls him Mr. Magoo (which she also does at 623, 879, 1063, 1226); At #81, Grace mocked dad4 as “math boy” and then Crush piled on calling dad4 “mask boy” and accusing him of wanting to hide his face for some reason. At post #86, NooB mocked espola for “sharing your stink”. At #91, crush was posting memes again and calling people who disagreed with him “sickos” and “evil”. At #98, crush called someone an asshole and accused them of threatening him (not me btw since I hadn’t posted anything yet). At #102, Kicker4life chimed in blaming illegal aliens for not showing proof of vaccination when crossing the border and tjinaz jumped onto the xenophobic bandwagon at 104. At #130 what-happened (That's you!) made an incomprehensible pejorative comment about wearing “finger typing gloves” to espola. At #144, crush “exposed” espola as EOTL and called him “uncle cheater”. At #146 bruddah iz calls espola an idiot. At #149, crush calls espola “uncle liar”, then “cheater and liar” at #151 and 152, and tells him he robs others of life, has no heart and only uses 4% of his brain. By #153, he’s so riled up that he’s accusing anyone who believes Dr. Fauci of being liars, murderers, cheaters, rapists, racists, and evil monsters. By #336, Watfly has started the trope of anyone who doesn’t believe what he wants is engaged in “groupthink”. At #408 kickingandscreaming is mocking someone because Grace gave them too much credit in their thought process. At #460 Grace called espola idiotic and accused him of being a troll, and in #464 called him the “biggest of moronic trolls”. At #528, Grace the idiot is mocking dad4 about “very basic basic points”. At #601, crush is mocking NorCalDad’s pro-vax position with a meme of a steroid stuffed biker. At #613, Grace is calling espola idiotic again, claiming he total lacks comprehension and being a “sock puppet” and “living out a fantasy”, but not being as clever as EOTL and Husker. At #617 and 619, Grace called espola a fool, and, and moron at 653, and “struggling” at 660. At #676 crush is accusing dad4 of being controlled by fear. #790 bruddah IZ calling espola “et al-spola”; #806 Toors calls espola a fool; #857 Grace is accusing Yours in futbol of being a clone of espola, or dad4, or EOTL; #866 Bruddah iz goes xeno again and tells yours in futbol to wear a mask because it “makes them feel like women in the middle east#985 Grace refers to everyone calling out her bs as on “team panic” and trashing “newbies”, #990 Grace calls espola a troll, liar and idiot, #994 met61 calls espola a pedo freak; #1032 bruddah iz accuses dad4 of “fragility”; #1077 Watfly says dad4 would throw children out of a lifeboat to save his own life; #1092 crush calls NOVA.Dad an asshole; #1093 met61 calls dad4 small and cowardly.

Sure, I'm the problem. I'm just a product of my surroundings.

Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues
Weird how I’m the guy who isn’t respectful. Let’s see how this thread went before I ever said anything.

Posts #22 and 26 anti-vaxxer/masker Multisport referred to dad4 as Mr. Magoo and coocoo. #50, crush started posting memes the first relating to needing to be unvaccinated to get into a business and accusing vaccinated people of engaging in treasonous anti-american stupidity. #56, Grace accuses dad4 of being authoritarian because he supported kids wearing masks in schools, which is pretty hilarious for a “legal expert” given that mask requirements are the result of elected executives enforcing laws enacted by elected legislators. At #56 Desert Hound accused espola of needing to work on his reading comprehension. At #65, Watfly made a homophobic about “identifying as a woman”. At #70, Grace the unemployed also accused espola of having reading comprehension issues. At #73 she calls him an idiot and at #81, she also calls him Mr. Magoo (which she also does at 623, 879, 1063, 1226); At #81, Grace mocked dad4 as “math boy” and then Crush piled on calling dad4 “mask boy” and accusing him of wanting to hide his face for some reason. At post #86, NooB mocked espola for “sharing your stink”. At #91, crush was posting memes again and calling people who disagreed with him “sickos” and “evil”. At #98, crush called someone an asshole and accused them of threatening him (not me btw since I hadn’t posted anything yet). At #102, Kicker4life chimed in blaming illegal aliens for not showing proof of vaccination when crossing the border and tjinaz jumped onto the xenophobic bandwagon at 104. At #130 what-happened (That's you!) made an incomprehensible pejorative comment about wearing “finger typing gloves” to espola. At #144, crush “exposed” espola as EOTL and called him “uncle cheater”. At #146 bruddah iz calls espola an idiot. At #149, crush calls espola “uncle liar”, then “cheater and liar” at #151 and 152, and tells him he robs others of life, has no heart and only uses 4% of his brain. By #153, he’s so riled up that he’s accusing anyone who believes Dr. Fauci of being liars, murderers, cheaters, rapists, racists, and evil monsters. By #336, Watfly has started the trope of anyone who doesn’t believe what he wants is engaged in “groupthink”. At #408 kickingandscreaming is mocking someone because Grace gave them too much credit in their thought process. At #460 Grace called espola idiotic and accused him of being a troll, and in #464 called him the “biggest of moronic trolls”. At #528, Grace the idiot is mocking dad4 about “very basic basic points”. At #601, crush is mocking NorCalDad’s pro-vax position with a meme of a steroid stuffed biker. At #613, Grace is calling espola idiotic again, claiming he total lacks comprehension and being a “sock puppet” and “living out a fantasy”, but not being as clever as EOTL and Husker. At #617 and 619, Grace called espola a fool, and, and moron at 653, and “struggling” at 660. At #676 crush is accusing dad4 of being controlled by fear. #790 bruddah IZ calling espola “et al-spola”; #806 Toors calls espola a fool; #857 Grace is accusing Yours in futbol of being a clone of espola, or dad4, or EOTL; #866 Bruddah iz goes xeno again and tells yours in futbol to wear a mask because it “makes them feel like women in the middle east#985 Grace refers to everyone calling out her bs as on “team panic” and trashing “newbies”, #990 Grace calls espola a troll, liar and idiot, #994 met61 calls espola a pedo freak; #1032 bruddah iz accuses dad4 of “fragility”; #1077 Watfly says dad4 would throw children out of a lifeboat to save his own life; #1092 crush calls NOVA.Dad an asshole; #1093 met61 calls dad4 small and cowardly.

Sure, I'm the problem. I'm just a product of my surroundings.

Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues
Some do research others just go on “their gut” or something from Twitter.
“Who have you been consulting with sir?”
Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues
Some do research others just go on “their gut” or something from Twitter.
“Who have you been consulting with sir?”

What are you talking about??? The guy went through a bunch of old post and you call that research??? LOL I call that sad
Weird how I’m the guy who isn’t respectful. Let’s see how this thread went before I ever said anything.

Posts #22 and 26 anti-vaxxer/masker Multisport referred to dad4 as Mr. Magoo and coocoo. #50, crush started posting memes the first relating to needing to be unvaccinated to get into a business and accusing vaccinated people of engaging in treasonous anti-american stupidity. #56, Grace accuses dad4 of being authoritarian because he supported kids wearing masks in schools, which is pretty hilarious for a “legal expert” given that mask requirements are the result of elected executives enforcing laws enacted by elected legislators. At #56 Desert Hound accused espola of needing to work on his reading comprehension. At #65, Watfly made a homophobic about “identifying as a woman”. At #70, Grace the unemployed also accused espola of having reading comprehension issues. At #73 she calls him an idiot and at #81, she also calls him Mr. Magoo (which she also does at 623, 879, 1063, 1226); At #81, Grace mocked dad4 as “math boy” and then Crush piled on calling dad4 “mask boy” and accusing him of wanting to hide his face for some reason. At post #86, NooB mocked espola for “sharing your stink”. At #91, crush was posting memes again and calling people who disagreed with him “sickos” and “evil”. At #98, crush called someone an asshole and accused them of threatening him (not me btw since I hadn’t posted anything yet). At #102, Kicker4life chimed in blaming illegal aliens for not showing proof of vaccination when crossing the border and tjinaz jumped onto the xenophobic bandwagon at 104. At #130 what-happened (That's you!) made an incomprehensible pejorative comment about wearing “finger typing gloves” to espola. At #144, crush “exposed” espola as EOTL and called him “uncle cheater”. At #146 bruddah iz calls espola an idiot. At #149, crush calls espola “uncle liar”, then “cheater and liar” at #151 and 152, and tells him he robs others of life, has no heart and only uses 4% of his brain. By #153, he’s so riled up that he’s accusing anyone who believes Dr. Fauci of being liars, murderers, cheaters, rapists, racists, and evil monsters. By #336, Watfly has started the trope of anyone who doesn’t believe what he wants is engaged in “groupthink”. At #408 kickingandscreaming is mocking someone because Grace gave them too much credit in their thought process. At #460 Grace called espola idiotic and accused him of being a troll, and in #464 called him the “biggest of moronic trolls”. At #528, Grace the idiot is mocking dad4 about “very basic basic points”. At #601, crush is mocking NorCalDad’s pro-vax position with a meme of a steroid stuffed biker. At #613, Grace is calling espola idiotic again, claiming he total lacks comprehension and being a “sock puppet” and “living out a fantasy”, but not being as clever as EOTL and Husker. At #617 and 619, Grace called espola a fool, and, and moron at 653, and “struggling” at 660. At #676 crush is accusing dad4 of being controlled by fear. #790 bruddah IZ calling espola “et al-spola”; #806 Toors calls espola a fool; #857 Grace is accusing Yours in futbol of being a clone of espola, or dad4, or EOTL; #866 Bruddah iz goes xeno again and tells yours in futbol to wear a mask because it “makes them feel like women in the middle east#985 Grace refers to everyone calling out her bs as on “team panic” and trashing “newbies”, #990 Grace calls espola a troll, liar and idiot, #994 met61 calls espola a pedo freak; #1032 bruddah iz accuses dad4 of “fragility”; #1077 Watfly says dad4 would throw children out of a lifeboat to save his own life; #1092 crush calls NOVA.Dad an asshole; #1093 met61 calls dad4 small and cowardly.

Sure, I'm the problem. I'm just a product of my surroundings.

Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues

I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.
Estimating the latest variant of Omicron is 80% more transmissible. Good luck avoiding that. I sure hope what I had 3 weeks ago was omicron. Version 2 will be tough to avoid.

We need to keep an eye on BA.2, but I think the CNN article was unnecessarily alarmist and somewhat misleading. Here is a better synopsis of BA.2 that should not be behind a paywall (

CNN: "its 80% more transmissible".

What the UK data actually says: "The overall proportion of SGTP (ie a PCR way to distinguish BA.2 from BA.1) amongst cases tested by the relevant assay in England on 6 March 2022 is 83.3% compared to 52.1% on 20 February 2022 (my emphasis with underlining).

So in the UK right now 1) there an uptick in cases-not really clear if its a new wave; 2) BA.1 is being replaced by BA.2 as the predominant sub-lineage of omicron.

Some of that uptick is probably due to an increase in transmissibility associated with BA.2. But it also corresponds with changes in epidemiological policy in several countries, potentially allowing increased infections. And in some countries-In Denmark, for example-BA.2 IS that countries omicron wave; its not a different wave. And in Hong Kong, after hunkering down for so long they just ended up deciding to let it roll and having a dry tinder wave like Sweden did at the beginning. Sad, but that's what it is.

Immunologically, so far BA.1 and BA.2 are pretty similar. So, if you got the omicron/BA.1 variant recently you are probably OK with respect to anything that happens with omicron/BA.2. Especially if you had a pretty common sequence of events in the US like vaxx, eventual Ab titer drop, then got omicron. Even if wasn't a severe infection, you should get a nice vaxx+infect synergism, which should jack up your Ab titers pretty good for 6 months or so.
Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues

I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.
[/QUOTE] are good, I am so defeated. I might have to go bury my head now LOL
Estimating the latest variant of Omicron is 80% more transmissible. Good luck avoiding that. I sure hope what I had 3 weeks ago was omicron. Version 2 will be tough to avoid.

I don’t think BA.2 is going to cause a major spike.

First, version 2 has to grow among those who didn’t get version 1. That takes a big chunk of potential hosts off the table.

Second, BA.2 is here. It’s growing as a share of total cases, but much of that is the sharp decline in BA.1. For the actual growth rare, look at the last ten days in England. 26k to 59k. 8-9 days to double.

That’s much slower than omicron. Wave, but no tsunami.
Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues

I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.
have you tuned into the CDC today and checked out their latest small error in reporting? Probably not. In your ravenous consumption and interpration of scientific studies and health data, CDC f*ups likely rate low on your priority list. Oh, I dont' know if CDC reporting errors are influenced by homophobia, racism, and bullying - I'll leave that up to you fact check, just in case science is being influenced by homophobia, racism, et al..

You are way to fun to place on ignore. I appreciate you standing on the wall for us.
Dude...this was maybe the saddest post I have ever seen from actually spent time going through all that...hahahaha...that some serious issues

I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.

Have you ever been around a middle schooler or know any kids around that age? No, you don't, it is evident in your responses. You clearly have lost touch with reality and have no idea what's going on in the real world. Do you just sit at the computer and never socialize with anyone? Emotionally frail, you really don't get it

Funny you feel that I think you are mean to me, that makes me laugh. You think I care about your insults, don't flatter yourself, hahaha. I just like listening to your nonsense like @what-happened says, way too fun to put on ignore
Some do research others just go on “their gut” or something from Twitter.
“Who have you been consulting with sir?”

What are you talking about??? The guy went through a bunch of old post and you call that research??? LOL I call that sad
That poster is backing their talk and pointing out hypocrisy. What do you do besides hyperbole and anger?
I am not surprised you are having a hard time. Do you know what is actually sad? Sad is feeble-minded people like you and your friends regurgitating tweets and tik tok links that misrepresent what scientific studies say because you lack the attention span and brainpower to spend two minutes reading let alone understanding, what they actually say. It is sad how much you bury your head in the sand about the homophobia, racism and bullying from you and your friends. It is sad that you need to pretend none of it is happening when you try to frame me as a bad guy who is so unfairly mean to you. It's sad seeing all of you whine about how you and your kids are too emotionally frail to wear a mask. How big a snowflake are you? If you can only dish out insults but can't take them in return, you really should consider joining Grace in her fact free safe space and put me on ignore.

Have you ever been around a middle schooler or know any kids around that age? No, you don't, it is evident in your responses. You clearly have lost touch with reality and have no idea what's going on in the real world. Do you just sit at the computer and never socialize with anyone? Emotionally frail, you really don't get it

Funny you feel that I think you are mean to me, that makes me laugh. You think I care about your insults, don't flatter yourself, hahaha. I just like listening to your nonsense like @what-happened says, way too fun to put on ignore
So instead of explaining your point you ramble on about how he doesn’t understand how you feel about how middle schoolers feel? And act as if they all feel the same way.
Have you ever been around a middle schooler or know any kids around that age? No, you don't, it is evident in your responses. You clearly have lost touch with reality and have no idea what's going on in the real world. Do you just sit at the computer and never socialize with anyone? Emotionally frail, you really don't get it

Funny you feel that I think you are mean to me, that makes me laugh. You think I care about your insults, don't flatter yourself, hahaha. I just like listening to your nonsense like @what-happened says, way too fun to put on ignore
So instead of explaining your point you ramble on about how he doesn’t understand how you feel about how middle schoolers feel? And act as if they all feel the same way.

You @GoldenGate are exactly the same. I have explained how kids in middle school are being affected by mask wearing. Kids are afraid to take off their mask because they haven't been seen by their classmates without masks, ever...they have had to wear mask for 2 years and in middle school you are combined with the other elementary schools in the area, thus not ever seeing the students you are now in school with. Just like data is coming out about how bad learning online for a year and a half was, there will soon be data showing the social and emotional effect this this taking on kids 12-15 especially. If you don't have, or never had, kids that age, you won't get it. If you want to know about it, ask someone who does, or go to a middle school and see for yourself. If smart guy @GoldenGate thinks they are soft, then so be it, you can call it whatever you want, but calling them names isn't going to negate the fact that they are being affected in a negative way.

I do find it odd though that he cares so much about people getting covid and getting vaccinated, but he doesn't care if kids emotionally affected? So, I guess you just pick and choose what you feel like defending at any given point. The well being of all people doesn't really matter? So, just focus well being of those that get it
So instead of explaining your point you ramble on about how he doesn’t understand how you feel about how middle schoolers feel? And act as if they all feel the same way.

You @GoldenGate are exactly the same. I have explained how kids in middle school are being affected by mask wearing. Kids are afraid to take off their mask because they haven't been seen by their classmates without masks, ever...they have had to wear mask for 2 years and in middle school you are combined with the other elementary schools in the area, thus not ever seeing the students you are now in school with. Just like data is coming out about how bad learning online for a year and a half was, there will soon be data showing the social and emotional effect this this taking on kids 12-15 especially. If you don't have, or never had, kids that age, you won't get it. If you want to know about it, ask someone who does, or go to a middle school and see for yourself. If smart guy @GoldenGate thinks they are soft, then so be it, you can call it whatever you want, but calling them names isn't going to negate the fact that they are being affected in a negative way.

I do find it odd though that he cares so much about people getting covid and getting vaccinated, but he doesn't care if kids emotionally affected? So, I guess you just pick and choose what you feel like defending at any given point. The well being of all people doesn't really matter? So, just focus well being of those that get it

Ah, was having to wear a mask at school for a year going to cause your emotionally frail children to jump off a bridge? Are they never going to recover from the horror? I'm sure we'll call this generation the "Greatest Generation" given all the trauma they endured wearing masks, right? There are just so many examples of the horrors. For me, I just can't get that one out of my head about the kid whose glasses kept getting fogged up when he was trying to Doordash a poke bowl from his smartphone. So sad. R.I.P. four eyes.

Or will these kids really jump off the bridge because of the negative emotional impact of having to constantly listen to their whiny snowflake parents who did nothing but complain all day long? Honestly, I am not surprised if many anti-masker/vaxxer suffer from depression given all the whining and parental pity parties they must endure in the home.
You @GoldenGate are exactly the same. I have explained how kids in middle school are being affected by mask wearing. Kids are afraid to take off their mask because they haven't been seen by their classmates without masks, ever...they have had to wear mask for 2 years and in middle school you are combined with the other elementary schools in the area, thus not ever seeing the students you are now in school with. Just like data is coming out about how bad learning online for a year and a half was, there will soon be data showing the social and emotional effect this this taking on kids 12-15 especially. If you don't have, or never had, kids that age, you won't get it. If you want to know about it, ask someone who does, or go to a middle school and see for yourself. If smart guy @GoldenGate thinks they are soft, then so be it, you can call it whatever you want, but calling them names isn't going to negate the fact that they are being affected in a negative way.

I do find it odd though that he cares so much about people getting covid and getting vaccinated, but he doesn't care if kids emotionally affected? So, I guess you just pick and choose what you feel like defending at any given point. The well being of all people doesn't really matter? So, just focus well being of those that get it

Ah, was having to wear a mask at school for a year going to cause your emotionally frail children to jump off a bridge? Are they never going to recover from the horror? I'm sure we'll call this generation the "Greatest Generation" given all the trauma they endured wearing masks, right? There are just so many examples of the horrors. For me, I just can't get that one out of my head about the kid whose glasses kept getting fogged up when he was trying to Doordash a poke bowl from his smartphone. So sad. R.I.P. four eyes.

Or will these kids really jump off the bridge because of the negative emotional impact of having to constantly listen to their whiny snowflake parents who did nothing but complain all day long? Honestly, I am not surprised if many anti-masker/vaxxer suffer from depression given all the whining and parental pity parties they must endure in the home.
you must be on spring break.
You @GoldenGate are exactly the same. I have explained how kids in middle school are being affected by mask wearing. Kids are afraid to take off their mask because they haven't been seen by their classmates without masks, ever...they have had to wear mask for 2 years and in middle school you are combined with the other elementary schools in the area, thus not ever seeing the students you are now in school with. Just like data is coming out about how bad learning online for a year and a half was, there will soon be data showing the social and emotional effect this this taking on kids 12-15 especially. If you don't have, or never had, kids that age, you won't get it. If you want to know about it, ask someone who does, or go to a middle school and see for yourself. If smart guy @GoldenGate thinks they are soft, then so be it, you can call it whatever you want, but calling them names isn't going to negate the fact that they are being affected in a negative way.

I do find it odd though that he cares so much about people getting covid and getting vaccinated, but he doesn't care if kids emotionally affected? So, I guess you just pick and choose what you feel like defending at any given point. The well being of all people doesn't really matter? So, just focus well being of those that get it

Ah, was having to wear a mask at school for a year going to cause your emotionally frail children to jump off a bridge? Are they never going to recover from the horror? I'm sure we'll call this generation the "Greatest Generation" given all the trauma they endured wearing masks, right? There are just so many examples of the horrors. For me, I just can't get that one out of my head about the kid whose glasses kept getting fogged up when he was trying to Doordash a poke bowl from his smartphone. So sad. R.I.P. four eyes.

Or will these kids really jump off the bridge because of the negative emotional impact of having to constantly listen to their whiny snowflake parents who did nothing but complain all day long? Honestly, I am not surprised if many anti-masker/vaxxer suffer from depression given all the whining and parental pity parties they must endure in the home.
You actually might be the dumbest person I have ever tried to talk to…good thing you don’t have any kids, they’d be really messed up. Please stay at home and on your keyboard and don’t ever try and meet someone because if you did eventually did raise a kid they’d be jacked up!!!
But you’re probably right, depression isn’t happening, kids are all going to be fine
Ah, was having to wear a mask at school for a year going to cause your emotionally frail children to jump off a bridge? Are they never going to recover from the horror? I'm sure we'll call this generation the "Greatest Generation" given all the trauma they endured wearing masks, right? There are just so many examples of the horrors. For me, I just can't get that one out of my head about the kid whose glasses kept getting fogged up when he was trying to Doordash a poke bowl from his smartphone. So sad. R.I.P. four eyes.

Or will these kids really jump off the bridge because of the negative emotional impact of having to constantly listen to their whiny snowflake parents who did nothing but complain all day long? Honestly, I am not surprised if many anti-masker/vaxxer suffer from depression given all the whining and parental pity parties they must endure in the home.
You actually might be the dumbest person I have ever tried to talk to…good thing you don’t have any kids, they’d be really messed up. Please stay at home and on your keyboard and don’t ever try and meet someone because if you did eventually did raise a kid they’d be jacked up!!!
But you’re probably right, depression isn’t happening, kids are all going to be fine
Is that all you do whine, complain and attempt to disparage?
Thank you @dad4 and @EvilGoalie 21 for the useful posts. Lately, useful posts on this thread have been like the proverbial "needle in a haystack".
On the bright side things are looking better in Japan! Hopefully travel restrictions ease soon, can’t wait!
You actually might be the dumbest person I have ever tried to talk to…good thing you don’t have any kids, they’d be really messed up. Please stay at home and on your keyboard and don’t ever try and meet someone because if you did eventually did raise a kid they’d be jacked up!!!
But you’re probably right, depression isn’t happening, kids are all going to be fine
Is that all you do whine, complain and attempt to disparage?

i tried to speak logically to that guy but he doesn’t listen