Youʻre babbling.
You have nothing to say in defense of your false assertion that FL's death rate went to 17 a day as of Oct. 2nd, or that it's death rate has declined steeply and dramatically. As I explained to you earlier, your own chart was false and misleading because FL changed the way it reports Covid deaths. As I made very clear to you, that number will increase dramatically over time. After one week, it has already increased to 75.
You are the perfect example of the dumbfuck right winger. You believe even the most ridiculous things that DeSantis and Trump tell you because that is what you want to believe. When it is proven definitively wrong based on your own chart, rather than accept reality, you just deny its existence completely. It must be very hard living a life in which virtually everything you believe gets proven to be complete b.s., leaving you with two options, either complete humiliation that you've been a dumbfuck or a complete disassociation from reality to preserve your fragile ego. All of you seem to choose the latter every single time.
FL has the best dead anti-vaxxers by the way: