Bruddah IZ previously posted a chart showing that only 17 people per day were dying of Covid in FL as of 10/2. He posted it in support of how great FL has done to control Covid by doing nothing. I pointed out to him that the chart is misleading in that FL changed the way it reports Covid deaths, so that the actual death rate for this time period is actually much, much higher, as time will tell when FL eventually has no choice but to report deaths for that date. Bruddah IZ responded with a pack of lies. And Watfly followed up by claiming his right wing friends "tend to" provide facts, which is insane.
My point is that FL is doing a terrible job, and certainly much worse than what Bruddah IZ knows is an inaccurate and misleading graph. FL is doing terrible and will soon have 2x the death rate of CA. My point is that Bruddah IZ and his right wing nut job friends will say any lie, no matter how demonstrably false, to support their agenda, and weak-minded people like Watfly will lap it up. Are you one of them? Do you believe that only 17 people a day were dying in FL as of Oct. 2nd as Bruddah IZ claimed, or do you believe that number is much higher based on the exact same updated chart from the exact same website?
If you don't want to hear about dead people and learn what behavior led directly to their unnecessary deaths, then don't hang out at a youth soccer website. Sheesh. If you don't want people to insult others here, then maybe you should say something to bruddah iz, desert hound, the strict constructionist and crush.