Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

And like I said, you have zero idea other than your assumptions where I stand on this issue. I'm not the hypocritical one throwing a tantrum about trans kids feelings while ignoring everything else because it doesn't fit your narrative. You want to use those groups to justify your stance but got caught with a mouthful of nuts again.

Don't pretend that we all don't know exactly where you stand on the issue of trans participation in children's sports. We all know you are a homophobic, transphobic whiny Karen. In fact, this is your second homophobic post of the day.

Don't worry, soon your daughter won't make the cut in elite soccer and you can move on to hating trans children in other ways.
In fairness, EOTL raised the analogy about African Americans not being accepted by football teams until acceptance elsewhere.

it was Sockma that chose to bring in Brown v. Board of Education (which incidentally had nothing to do with integrated football teams including those that played in the North, but schools in the segregated sought).

While EOTL may have brought discrimination of one group as an analogy for discrimination against another group, it was sockma that brought segregation into it. If we can't be honest about what our respective "teams" are doing, then all we are left with is partisanship.

This tangent also makes one wonder why @sockma is bothering me if he really thinks the solution is to make transphobes stop being transphobic. If he were actually sincere, he'd would be telling dad4, chelsea (who is apparently highly repressed and fixated on fellatio), and crush to STFU. Instead, he's just trying to rationalize why an 11 year old trans girl should be treated like shit and excluded from kiddie sports because winning trophies is just too important at that age.
Don't pretend that we all don't know exactly where you stand on the issue of trans participation in children's sports. We all know you are a homophobic, transphobic whiny Karen. In fact, this is your second homophobic post of the day.

Don't worry, soon your daughter won't make the cut in elite soccer and you can move on to hating trans children in other ways.
"ThE MEaN Man CaLlEd mE KaREn." Idiot. Maybe if you typed phobic in all caps we'd know you're serious and its true just because you said it. You dont want to debate you just want everyone to have the same opinion as yourself and when they dont you go all joy behar on them. Sorry man, you can kiss my ass with that nonsense. Oh wait did I assume your gender?

So if I told you, suck my dick bitch, would that make me homophobic or just gay for saying that to another man, I'll let you decide.

Or what if I followed your logic from before about kids with another form of mental illness during covid lockdown and told you, trans kids are weak and have shitty parents. Would that make me transphobic or just a piece of shit like you for following your logic and repeating what you said? Why dont you pull that wool pussyhat over your eyes and play on the freeway.
This tangent also makes one wonder why @sockma is bothering me if he really thinks the solution is to make transphobes stop being transphobic. If he were actually sincere, he'd would be telling dad4, chelsea (who is apparently highly repressed and fixated on fellatio), and crush to STFU. Instead, he's just trying to rationalize why an 11 year old trans girl should be treated like shit and excluded from kiddie sports because winning trophies is just too important at that age.
I pointed that out to Sockma and didn't get a good answer. Why if you really believe that wouldn't you first go after people who post memes or who are concerned about the bathrooms? Or at least both?

In fairness, I don't know that Sockma has raised the "fairness" argument. The relevant question is what would Sockma do with the FTM. Under the logic used by sockma, you should keep them with the girls if that's where they want to stay because we should encourage girls who want to present as boys to go ahead and do so. Since youth soccer doesn't test for testosterone, at least on the youth level, presumably sockma would be totally comfortable having the FTMs who want to remain with the girls for as long as they like (until they hit a level that actually tests).

The part that gets me, though, is that sockma seems to think it is the out-of-group people, whether trans, ADHD, or African Americans, who are responsible for making the sacrifice and changing the world. Everyone else, including sockma's own kids, if they see an lgbtq person being beat up in front of them, can take a pass and live another day. I don't know yet if Sockma is sincere or is being pretexual Without an answer as to the FTMs, it's impossible to tell if Sockma is just a utopian naively in search of idealistic solutions, or someone who is just using their ideology as a pretext to advance their preferred solution.

There are those on the hard left, however, who do believe gender is a construct. If true, and there is really no such thing as feminine and masculine, it does blow a hole on the entire rationale for trans people to want to transition. I was frankly surprised given your history you didn't take the hard left perspective. I disagree gender is a construct. We know enough about brains to know that's simply not true.
Don't pretend that we all don't know exactly where you stand on the issue of trans participation in children's sports.
Again you have absolutely zero clue but your assumptions.

How many times have you been banned from this regional youth soccer forum for the way you treat people because they dont have the same opinion as you? And how many times have you returned a different screen name and continued the same behavior? You're pathetic.
Again you have absolutely zero clue but your assumptions.

How many times have you been banned from this regional youth soccer forum for the way you treat people because they dont have the same opinion as you? And how many times have you returned a different screen name and continued the same behavior? You're pathetic.

Ran out of homophobic commentary?
Why are we all feeding the troll @SurFutbol? They/he/she/Zim/zem/????? are a dipshit…I’m about to block but the ridiculous posts are sort of entertaining, but I am losing my patience because there is nothing “new” or unique spewing from their mouth…@SurFutbol is kinda sad and lame….
Let me educate you Grace. The people above us all, like way above us who have no real nation just a bloodline, making all the $$$ and the decisions for us in the Game of life have tricked us all. You see, when I was born, the Tel A Vison & MSM taught us that blacks and Hispanics were the problem. It was horrible how people of color were treated by those in power. Fast forward to today, now the assholes at the top what us to be racists toward Whites, Asians and females. This is easy to see if one steps back. Were not racists. Watch kids play, they love everyone. Were taught to discriminate and hate others and even hate who you are and how you're born. They want us divided. Did you get a copy of this Childs book on love?

Children's book series about 'inspiring women' to publish biography on transgender Rachel Levine
A children's book about Rachel Levine is described as the 'perfect choice for kids who love learning'

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I'm thinking this book is more important for families.

I'm thinking this book is more important for families.

"If an adult tells a child to keep a secret from their parents, that's a huge red flag. I wrote a kid's book which will give parents and children a tool they can use to spot predatory behavior. My goal is to get this book into as many homes, schools, and libraries in this country as possible!" she tweeted on the Libs of TikTok Twitter account.

Thanks for this bro. I taught both my kids this lesson. My dd came to me about a coach that basically said if you tell your parents anything I say or do at practice, you will sit on the bench and I will basically tell all the scouts and top coaches your a snitch to your parents and not a good recruit. I kid you not. I went papa bear on Coach, Doc and President of the club. It didn't help that the Doc was banging a coach and some of the moms. Horrible behavior and just a big red flag.
I'm thinking this book is more important for families.

Conversely I note stuff like this potentially gets worse if gender is a social construct as sockma suggests, even though physical and chemical transition would be off the table. Kid wants to go dressed to school as Elsa and dad objects? That’s child abuse so take them away into a safe environment. School could instruct boys on the joys of feminization. The state encourage the celebration of gender fluidity and breaking traditional ideas of what it means to be a boy or girl.

or the state might just stamp out femininity in women on the grounds that high heels, makeup, long hair, and shaved legs are just instruments of oppression. Put everyone in nondescript Mao suits and be done with it.
Conversely I note stuff like this potentially gets worse if gender is a social construct as sockma suggests, even though physical and chemical transition would be off the table. Kid wants to go dressed to school as Elsa and dad objects? That’s child abuse so take them away into a safe environment. School could instruct boys on the joys of feminization. The state encourage the celebration of gender fluidity and breaking traditional ideas of what it means to be a boy or girl.

or the state might just stamp out femininity in women on the grounds that high heels, makeup, long hair, and shaved legs are just instruments of oppression. Put everyone in nondescript Mao suits and be done with it.
Home school business is growing like never before. How old is Elsa?
Home school business is growing like never before. How old is Elsa?

Does it matter? I for one look forward to the day we can look upon this relic of the national aerobics championships and wonder why men were ever separated into blue and women were ever separated into red. Alan Thicke was a monster.

Does it matter? I for one look forward to the day we can look upon this relic of the national aerobics championships and wonder why men were ever separated into blue and women were ever separated into red. Alan Thicke was a monster.

First off, no one at school (the adults) should be talking to the kids about their sex life. Let's get back to teaching Math, English, Science & Biology to name a few. I'm shocked that teachers think they have some right to be the "the one" to help our kids regarding their sex and their sexual desires. "Come to my office and you can tell me all about your sex life. I won't tell your mommy or daddy, it will be just you and me." This is insane. I have to go sleep this off. Talk tomorrow. I had no idea how deep this goes.

We never had these books to read in 6th grade when I went to school. My gosh, this is werid and just in your face for 6th graders. Talk about Pornbait.

Parents in Windham are battling with left-wing activists and members of the school board over books in the school library that feature cartoon images of children having sex and lurid passages about sexual encounters between minors. Knox Zajac, an 11–year-old sixth grader, spoke up at a school board meeting last week to read aloud from the illustrated romance for teenagers, “Nick and Charlie,” that he had checked out of his school’s library.
The story begins with two early teen boys stealing wine from their parents and proceeding to experiment sexually with one another.
When Knox checked out “Nick and Charlie,” the librarian told him that if he liked it, she had similar ones she could lend him....

Another book in the high school library, “Gender Queer,” includes graphic depictions of minors engaging in sexual intercourse that could be mistaken for a how-to manual. The age advisory on this book is for readers of 18 years of age and older.

So what does a Papa Bear do? Dad says, “If you ask a question, they make you feel like a bigot,”
The boy's father also spoke up to the board, saying 'I will be a thorn in your sides'

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Why are we all feeding the troll @SurFutbol? They/he/she/Zim/zem/????? are a dipshit…I’m about to block but the ridiculous posts are sort of entertaining, but I am losing my patience because there is nothing “new” or unique spewing from their mouth…@SurFutbol is kinda sad and lame….

I love it. All of you losers whine about "cancel culture", but you're so fragile emotionally that you turn around and cancel me because you can't handle the truth.
BELLINGHAM, Wash. — A school board director for Bellingham Public Schools — who also owns a sex toy shop — is reportedly offering standalone summer sex education classes to children as young as 9 years old on subjects like “sexual anatomy for pleasure.”

As part of her status as a small business owner -- and unaffiliated with her role as a school board member -- she is offering four three-hour sex ed classes at WinkWink, her Bellingham sex toy shop, as part of a program dubbed, “Uncringe Academy.”

There are classes for kids ages 9-12 and an advanced class for students ages 13-17.

Mason does not sell pornography in the shop, and the class will be physically separated from the sex toys (she only sells toys) in her shop.
I love it. All of you losers whine about "cancel culture", but you're so fragile emotionally that you turn around and cancel me because you can't handle the truth.

Nobody is cancelling you or even remotely saying that, for me, I'll just turn it off or change the channel and you can continue on with your nonsense. Yell as loud, as often, or as much as you like. You can say whatever you want, I don't have to listen. That's not canceling, its ignoring. Big difference.