Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

Yeah, I know. This was a one-time informational post. The prior regarding The Free Press was the whistleblower who identified the egregious lack of science and oversight associated with the outrageous practice of mutilating at-risk children. A process that is vehemently supported by our resident angry, talking point clown, EOTL. Better? ;)

You have spun yourself in a tizzy with your circular argument that trans children should go through sex changes as a condition of participating in ECNL, but sex changes by children are "mutilation" and should be barred, so therefore trans children should not be allowed to play ECNL. In reality, the only people here who "support" gender affirming surgery in minors are the transphobic ones like you who are trying to use it as an excuse to bar trans children from participating at all.

But, as even your transphobic pos ass knows, neither ECNL nor CIF require any gender affirming surgery to participate, nor should they. Sorry not sorry that this might cause your terrible soccer playing daughter to go from the worst kid on the team to rec where she belongs.
Rules rules rules. You only make that argument in this case. Bring up BLM, Police, or other subjects and that goes completely out the window. You're a joke and a victim.

So you're saying that cops murdering innocent black people is a "rule"? Gosh, I thought "don't murder people" was the rule, and that it applied equally to piggies.

Regardless, I'm not the one claiming to be a victim here, that's you. Again, I'm perfectly happy with how the NCAA, ECNL and CIF are handling trans participation in sports. You're the whiny Karen with the victim mentality.
Uh, they actually did play in ECNL, whereas you're the one taking a stand about someone else's league. They obviously had no problem defending their spots in ECNL against trans children. Remember, it's only your daughter who is so terrible that she can't compete.
I doubt my girl is the only female who is slower and weaker than a 15 year old XY athlete.

Shall we look up some video to see how well Alex or Becky do when playing against 15 year old boys?

They get whipped. The only reason they didn’t get whipped when they played youth soccer is that, back when Morgan and Sauerbrunn were 15, people had the basic decency not to put boys in a girls game.

Apparently, that is no longer the case.
I doubt my girl is the only female who is slower and weaker than a 15 year old XY athlete.

Shall we look up some video to see how well Alex or Becky do when playing against 15 year old boys?

They get whipped. The only reason they didn’t get whipped when they played youth soccer is that, back when Morgan and Sauerbrunn were 15, people had the basic decency not to put boys in a girls game.

Apparently, that is no longer the case.

Such self-pity. Let me know when you ever find an ECNL team that has more than one trans girl or even a single trans girl who is the best player on her own ECNL team. In the meantime, if your terrible soccer playing daughter can't compete against a team that has a single trans player who isn't even one of the best players on her own team, you should put her in rec where she belongs.

You really are living some bizarre fever dream in which you're scared that trans children are going to take over the world and entire MLS Next teams will "go trans" and start trying to play your daughter's sad little squad, aren't you? That they're going to invade all your daughter's school restrooms and rape her? It must be hard losing sleep over this kind of crazy, irrational bs.
Rules rules rules. You only make that argument in this case. Bring up BLM, Police, or other subjects and that goes completely out the window. You're a joke and a victim.

It is curious that you would unilaterally bring your racism into a conversation about your transphobia.
You have spun yourself in a tizzy with your circular argument that trans children should go through sex changes as a condition of participating in ECNL, but sex changes by children are "mutilation" and should be barred, so therefore trans children should not be allowed to play ECNL. In reality, the only people here who "support" gender affirming surgery in minors are the transphobic ones like you who are trying to use it as an excuse to bar trans children from participating at all.

But, as even your transphobic pos ass knows, neither ECNL nor CIF require any gender affirming surgery to participate, nor should they. Sorry not sorry that this might cause your terrible soccer playing daughter to go from the worst kid on the team to rec where she belongs.
"Tizzy" is where you live, dizzy. Tizzy away. This is too easy. Hahaha!
Such self-pity. Let me know when you ever find an ECNL team that has more than one trans girl or even a single trans girl who is the best player on her own ECNL team. In the meantime, if your terrible soccer playing daughter can't compete against a team that has a single trans player who isn't even one of the best players on her own team, you should put her in rec where she belongs.

You really are living some bizarre fever dream in which you're scared that trans children are going to take over the world and entire MLS Next teams will "go trans" and start trying to play your daughter's sad little squad, aren't you? That they're going to invade all your daughter's school restrooms and rape her? It must be hard losing sleep over this kind of crazy, irrational bs.
How on earth would anyone get that information?

Suppose an ECNL team has a trans player who is by far the best on the team. Do you really think they’re going to out their own player in front of a bunch of parents from other clubs?

Just fix the rules without embarrassing the kid.
So you're saying that cops murdering innocent black people is a "rule"? Gosh, I thought "don't murder people" was the rule, and that it applied equally to piggies.

Regardless, I'm not the one claiming to be a victim here, that's you. Again, I'm perfectly happy with how the NCAA, ECNL and CIF are handling trans participation in sports. You're the whiny Karen with the victim mentality.

All I'm saying is you don't even follow your own "rules" and thank you for proving my point. I can't sit here and waste anymore time on people that are literally too stupid to acknoledge the physical differences between a male and a female. You can't argue a fact. There is no "ifs" or "buts". It also is not my fault that those who make the "rules" are just as stupid as you. It is probably one of the most incredibly stupid arguments in human history. In fact, it was not much of an argument before the 21st Century before stupid people started thinking their feelings mean more than facts. Dumb, stupid, dense.
How on earth would anyone get that information?

Suppose an ECNL team has a trans player who is by far the best on the team. Do you really think they’re going to out their own player in front of a bunch of parents from other clubs?

Just fix the rules without embarrassing the kid.

Again, you're making up fake problems. You can "suppose" more fake hypotheticals all you want, but that doesn't make them reality. Again, if your daughter is so terrible that she can't compete against a team with a trans girl, she belongs in rec. Stop embarrassing the kid and get her out of ECNL.
They're just bitter they had to throw out all his Harry Potter books, DVDs and cosplay outfits.

I have no problem with JK Rowling. She may be a bit misguided with some of her statements, but she states her positions without littering them with demeaning transphobic statements, such as by mocking their attire as "cosplay outfits", making fun of their preferred pronouns and calling Brittney Griner a man, among many of your other prior comments.

Carry on with more of the same demeaning comments about trans children if it makes you feel better about how terrible your daughter is at soccer.
I doubt my girl is the only female who is slower and weaker than a 15 year old XY athlete.

Shall we look up some video to see how well Alex or Becky do when playing against 15 year old boys?

They get whipped. The only reason they didn’t get whipped when they played youth soccer is that, back when Morgan and Sauerbrunn were 15, people had the basic decency not to put boys in a girls game.

Apparently, that is no longer the case.
While I certainly don't approve of EOTL's attack on other people's kids, I do point out there is a vast difference between an entire team of boys v. 1 team with a trans player on it. While this is certainly an argument in the context of individual sports, unless you are worried about the false and unreal boogie man [ha ha....pun not intended] of an all trans team, then it's not a valid argument in this context.
All I'm saying is you don't even follow your own "rules" and thank you for proving my point. I can't sit here and waste anymore time on people that are literally too stupid to acknoledge the physical differences between a male and a female. You can't argue a fact. There is no "ifs" or "buts". It also is not my fault that those who make the "rules" are just as stupid as you. It is probably one of the most incredibly stupid arguments in human history. In fact, it was not much of an argument before the 21st Century before stupid people started thinking their feelings mean more than facts. Dumb, stupid, dense.

Whiny Karen doesn't like the rules and is so angry that they started using bold text.

It is a fact that leagues set the participation requirements, not biology textbooks. This is a fact, no matter how much you try to argue around it.
If people think having trans people play in girls sports is ok and makes no difference, then why would we even keep separation from women and men’s sports? Might as well just put them all in one big pot. How do you think that would end up? With all the boys and trans at the top. With girls at the bottom. This is main reason of why there is separation to begin with. This whole argument is missing any signs of common sense. Just because there isn’t that many doing it “yet” doesn’t make it right to allow it. The fact that this has to even be explained is insane. And no, this doesn’t make one anti-trans. It’s basic common sense, ‍♂️
While I certainly don't approve of EOTL's attack on other people's kids, I do point out there is a vast difference between an entire team of boys v. 1 team with a trans player on it. While this is certainly an argument in the context of individual sports, unless you are worried about the false and unreal boogie man [ha ha....pun not intended] of an all trans team, then it's not a valid argument in this context.
EOTL is just being an ass, as always.

I agree that there is a considerable difference between a team with one boy and a team with 11 boys. There is also a considerable difference between an ordinary ECNL team and the USWNT.

The point is the same. NWSL doesn't have an exception to their rule prohibiting participation by socially transitioned transwomen. Nor does USWNT. Neither one has an exception that says "it's ok, but not too many."

Both just say "that player is not eligible for our team," and leave it at that. This doesn't mean USWNT is transphobic or hates socially transitioned transwomen. But you can't run a women's team without some kind of definition of "woman."

Apparently, neither NWSL nor USWNT were willing to accept a definition of "anyone who says so".
If people think having trans people play in girls sports is ok and makes no difference, then why would we even keep separation from women and men’s sports? Might as well just put them all in one big pot. How do you think that would end up? With all the boys and trans at the top. With girls at the bottom. This is main reason of why there is separation to begin with. This whole argument is missing any signs of common sense. Just because there isn’t that many doing it “yet” doesn’t make it right to allow it. The fact that this has to even be explained is insane. And no, this doesn’t make one anti-trans. It’s basic common sense, ‍♂
No because you are missing part of the story, and you have to separate who it is we are dealing with. For things where we do care about fairness and balance (e.g. college athletics in which there is drug testing), you have people moving from MTF. The issue here is that testosterone is a performance enhancing drug (for which the applicable athletic tests). But the MTF once they start treatment is no longer on the performance enhancing drug, and therefore loses performance and is unable to compete v. the cis male fully on the drug. At the same time, if the MTF has passed puberty, there are some physical enhancements that don't go away just because the MTF is no longer on testosterone. So, if "fairness" is a concern, there's no real good place to put's not "fair" to have them play v. the cis males since they aren't fully competitive with males on testosterone nor against the cis females since they've gone through male what you are left with is the least worst option, which is a scientific question of where to put them. You have the opposite problem for FTM since once they start treatment they are also on a performance enhancing drug, but not having gone through male puberty, are not fully competitive either with cis males. Again, you are left with the least worst option.

On the youth level, we don't test for performance enhancing drugs, period. We know there are cheaters out there, possibly as high as 10% of elite youth boy athletes once you hit the higher youth levels. If you don't care about the cheaters, there's no reason to care about the trans kids.
I have no problem with JK Rowling. She may be a bit misguided with some of her statements, but she states her positions without littering them with demeaning transphobic statements, such as by mocking their attire as "cosplay outfits", making fun of their preferred pronouns and calling Brittney Griner a man, among many of your other prior comments.

Carry on with more of the same demeaning comments about trans children if it makes you feel better about how terrible your daughter is at soccer.
Nice try, but I was clearly mocking you and Harry Potter fans, not transgenders. Is cosplay even popular with transgenders? I thought it was popular amongst young adults that live in their parents basement playing video games. Its good to hear that you havent had to throw out any of your HP stuff.
EOTL is just being an ass, as always.

I agree that there is a considerable difference between a team with one boy and a team with 11 boys. There is also a considerable difference between an ordinary ECNL team and the USWNT.

The point is the same. NWSL doesn't have an exception to their rule prohibiting participation by socially transitioned transwomen. Nor does USWNT. Neither one has an exception that says "it's ok, but not too many."

Both just say "that player is not eligible for our team," and leave it at that. This doesn't mean USWNT is transphobic or hates socially transitioned transwomen. But you can't run a women's team without some kind of definition of "woman."

Apparently, neither NWSL nor USWNT were willing to accept a definition of "anyone who says so".

It's almost as if there's a sliding scale....sounds like a good idea....I wonder who pointed out here a sliding scale would be a good idea? ;)
If people think having trans people play in girls sports is ok and makes no difference, then why would we even keep separation from women and men’s sports? Might as well just put them all in one big pot. How do you think that would end up? With all the boys and trans at the top. With girls at the bottom. This is main reason of why there is separation to begin with. This whole argument is missing any signs of common sense. Just because there isn’t that many doing it “yet” doesn’t make it right to allow it. The fact that this has to even be explained is insane. And no, this doesn’t make one anti-trans. It’s basic common sense, ‍♂

More whiny self-pity. Trans participation has been allowed for a long time now, so you already know exactly how it will "end up". It has not ended up with "boys and trans" at the top and an end to separation of men's and women's sports. Are you one of those histrionic people who also freaked out that gay marriage would result in people marrying animals too? Maybe if you pray hard enough, your god will give ECNL the wisdom to implement guardrails that prevent an entire MLS Next squad from "going trans" and ruin their league.
Nice try, but I was clearly mocking you and Harry Potter fans, not transgenders. Is cosplay even popular with transgenders? I thought it was popular amongst young adults that live in their parents basement playing video games. Its good to hear that you havent had to throw out any of your HP stuff.

Hey, Disneyland once had a massive cosplay game called "Legends of Frontierland". My boy was 7 at the time and this was pre him getting involved in the club craziness so we had annual passes and played the game every weekend. It was one of the best experiences of his life (he still looks back fondly on the days before club soccer overwhelmed his life and every weekend). He was Doctor Who in the game. For me, it was actually a great experience because I got to see all my econ degree stuff in actual practice as they tried to build a system with an economy and the incentives people took on the rule changes. I actually learned more in that experience about economics and human sociology than in any classroom I ever took. :mad::mad::mad: I was most certainly at the time not a young adult living in my parents basement playing video games and would most certainly if I could build my son an actually time machine to go back since the summer was far more productive than anything club soccer has ever given either of us. When I am old and in the nursing home, I'm sure I'll look over to him and mention "hey, remember the time you blew up the frontierland mine with your sonic screwdriver" way before "hey remember that goal you saved at the Surf tournament". In any case, the game was a massive failure, too disruptive to be allowed to continue for park operations, but it was a once in a life time experience and it's shadow lives on in "Ghosttown Alive" at Knotts.