Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

Because it's on a spectrum, underdiagnosed, not over. Some people are walking around with ADHD complaining about constantly losing their car keys, anxious, and not being able to get on task, and don't realize they have ADHD. It's also more diagnosable in boys because of the hyperactive types, whereas girls (and they've looked at this...there's no physiological brain reason for it to be less prevalent in girls than boys) it goes hidden longer. Where the laziness comes in is that medicine has come to regard pills as a panacea so they rush to it, but it's also the case that nothing else is really effective either other than just it grows less with age.

As to blasting the u little with psycho active stimulant, like the trans issue, there is no good solution. In some cases, that means you accept an inability to perform in school and sports, along the with resulting consequences. Like a trans persons biological sex, unfortunately there is no way to change their brain.
Way too much nuance involved with ADHD to cover in a soccer forum full of soccer parents. ADHD is misdiagnosed, overdiagnosed, misunderstood....Practioners are: overworked, undertrained, lazy, owned by big pharma...parents are just trying to get through the day. End result? Many children given medication because of a way tooooo early diagnosis of ADHD. And yes, spectrum disorders require specialized and experienced care.
Way too much nuance involved with ADHD to cover in a soccer forum full of soccer parents. ADHD is misdiagnosed, overdiagnosed, misunderstood....Practioners are: overworked, undertrained, lazy, owned by big pharma...parents are just trying to get through the day. End result? Many children given medication because of a way tooooo early diagnosis of ADHD. And yes, spectrum disorders require specialized and experienced care.
Take the kids outside to learn. Look at our beautiful children and what these monsters are doing to them.
As to blasting the u little with psycho active stimulant, like the trans issue, there is no good solution. In
There are great solutions. The issue is: lack of experience, lack of patience, lack of professionalism. For some, practicing medicine consists of following the prompts on your screen that eventually lead to the "correct" rx.
There are great solutions. The issue is: lack of experience, lack of patience, lack of professionalism. For some, practicing medicine consists of following the prompts on your screen that eventually lead to the "correct" rx.
Been through it. There are no great solutions. Not even ones requiring extensive work. Nothing “works”: not even the medication which is a bandaid. The only great solution is reworking school, sports expectations and societal demands which isn’t going to happen. Any more than someone is going the invent a magic unicorn wand that turns the bodies of men with girl brains into women’s bodies.
Been through it. There are no great solutions. Not even ones requiring extensive work. Nothing “works”: not even the medication which is a bandaid. The only great solution is reworking school, sports expectations and societal demands which isn’t going to happen. Any more than someone is going the invent a magic unicorn wand that turns the bodies of men with girl brains into women’s bodies.
I have so many ideas how to make it all better and I have a Magic Wand to make it all better. The pay to play parents will not like my new way of fairness. Leave the kids alone and just let them live and breathe. The pressure to go to college is insane. You must obey and STFU and do as told. Take all the jabs so you can attend our schools and take the jabs so you can stay employed with us.
People here will howl when they lose their scholarships and it force you to give up on your ECNL fight (barring the creation of a true girls academy league).

I'm really curious if the girls 8 v 8 football begins to take off. I think it's great but it will give us a preview of the howling from soccer parents as the soccer scholarships have some of the biggest targets on them due to numbers.
You presume too much when speaking for other people.

The British line is later than I like, but still reasonable. I don't know how you decide what counts as Academy. Maybe Surf and Blues count but Arizona Arsenal doesn't....
Been through it. There are no great solutions. Not even ones requiring extensive work. Nothing “works”: not even the medication which is a bandaid. The only great solution is reworking school, sports expectations and societal demands which isn’t going to happen. Any more than someone is going the invent a magic unicorn wand that turns the bodies of men with girl brains into women’s bodies.
Plenty of great solutions out there that work for children and their families. It's not easy, it's hard work and there are ups and down. Misdiagnosing early and unnecessary medication is the danger. I'm sorry about your situation - it's a hard go and supporting infrastructure is critical.
You presume too much when speaking for other people.

The British line is later than I like, but still reasonable. I don't know how you decide what counts as Academy. Maybe Surf and Blues count but Arizona Arsenal doesn't....
Why do you have to cast shade on Arizona Arsenal?
You presume too much when speaking for other people.

The British line is later than I like, but still reasonable. I don't know how you decide what counts as Academy. Maybe Surf and Blues count but Arizona Arsenal doesn't....
Simple. Academy is a pro league academy. No surf and blues don’t count under the current system. Neither does strikers or surf on the boys side.
Plenty of great solutions out there that work for children and their families. It's not easy, it's hard work and there are ups and down. Misdiagnosing early and unnecessary medication is the danger. I'm sorry about your situation - it's a hard go and supporting infrastructure is critical.
I have yet to meet a family where this has been completely handled. The only things that happen are the kid outgrows it or you learn to cope suboptimally.
Simple. Academy is a pro league academy. No surf and blues don’t count under the current system. Neither does strikers or surf on the boys side.
ECNL and the Academy system fill the same role, attract similar quality kids, and play similar quality games.

Neither one is a professional program. They are both just a collection of youth clubs.

One difference is that RTC goes down to U10. So they are proposing banning mtf athletes from high end ULittle games. An ECNL line is actually less restrictive.
ECNL and the Academy system fill the same role, attract similar quality kids, and play similar quality games.

Neither one is a professional program. They are both just a collection of youth clubs.

One difference is that RTC goes down to U10. So they are proposing banning mtf athletes from high end ULittle games. An ECNL line is actually less restrictive.
The RTC line actually makes sense because it's to seg into the ODP program which is in theory at least supposed to seg into national ID.

Your statement that ECNL and the Academy system play the same role is ridiculous. Let's take each of your pieces. "Fill the same role". That's a hard no. The function of the academies is to turn out professional players. The function of the MLS Next non-academy teams is to serve as cannon fodder for the MLS Academy teams and as a recruitment and talent identifying arena for the MLS Academies. ECNL has no such function because ECNL does not have a professional pathway.

"Attract similar quality kids". That's a hard no as well. One of the main questions that's been raised in these forums is the constant complaints about kids and teams who don't deserve to be in ECNL. The argument is that ECNL is too dispersed having too many teams. By contrast, the MLS Academy system in Los Angeles has only 2 academy teams. In the 07, 08, 09 divisions there are just 1 or 2 teams that can have a chance to beat the academies and there is a vast difference in the quality of play from the academy to some of the border regions with less of a population base like Murrieta.

"play similar quality games". At the older levels, league and to some extent showcase play in the MLS Next System is academy to academy, as well as international. ECNL has no mechanism by which the very top players play each other except the regional select teams, which don't train on a yearly basis, but on a select basis. In the MLS system, the future pros are playing the future pros.

And let's take one you didn't mention: training. The MLS Academy players routinely practice several hours a day including conditioning sessions. Even the MLS Next teams in Los Angeles, whether TFA, Laufa, or Surf, don't maintain the schedule the LA Galaxy players do, particularly once they hit the high school years. The MLS Next players have a restriction with the field time available and school work. The Academy players are told that their academy work comes before school and they have the facilities at the club to access to the field space. There are quite a few academy players as a result who do alternate school such as online schooling. It is absolutely ridiculous for you to suggest that even the top ECNL teams, whether boy or girl, is anywhere in the neighborhood of the MLS Academies in terms of workload.

They are no where near each other buddy. Less so if you take the top teams in England versus the pro academies there which are even more hard core and at the teen levels are basically training half the day. It's why the proposed rules apply to the top academies, and not to the highest flights of what in England they recognize as kiddie ball for everyone else. I'm sorry dude, your DD is not playing anything close to academy ball. Even the US academy players are barely playing academy ball. It's really just glorified kiddie soccer whose primary pathway is colleges, not pro. It's why ultimately the rest of the world has caught up with our USWNT and this year there is a lot of hang ringing over whether they can still maintain their form. Your statement that they are equivalent is indeed one of the most laughable things you have ever written on these forums.
They are no where near each other buddy. Less so if you take the top teams in England versus the pro academies there which are even more hard core and at the teen levels are basically training half the day. It's why the proposed rules apply to the top academies, and not to the highest flights of what in England they recognize as kiddie ball for everyone else. I'm sorry dude, your DD is not playing anything close to academy ball. Even the US academy players are barely playing academy ball. It's really just glorified kiddie soccer whose primary pathway is colleges, not pro. It's why ultimately the rest of the world has caught up with our USWNT and this year there is a lot of hang ringing over whether they can still maintain their form. Your statement that they are equivalent is indeed one of the most laughable things you have ever written on these forums.
The top 2023's skipped college and are now pro, just like I said they were preaching to me when my baby goat was balling when she was11 and 12. I laughed. They said the college game sucks, it's dangerous and the world is watching. Oh ya, no high school soccer for anyone on attending GDA and the YNT camps. They tried to get my dd up Portland to train full time. No way they would ask her today though. It's very much about college for the rest of the players who are not good enough to turn pro at 17.
The top 2023's skipped college and are now pro, just like I said they were preaching to me when my baby goat was balling when she was11 and 12. I laughed. They said the college game sucks, it's dangerous and the world is watching. Oh ya, no high school soccer for anyone on attending GDA and the YNT camps. They tried to get my dd up Portland to train full time. No way they would ask her today though. It's very much about college for the rest of the players who are not good enough to turn pro at 17.

Yeah, my son had discussions with people at both LA Galaxy and RSL (no, he wasn't recruited, and if he had gone forward with it, I doubt he would have been selected). He was dissuaded by how much of an impact it will have on his high school experience. He has friends/acquaintances that play for both. It's intense. The buddy he was assigned at my alma matter to try to sell him on the school played for LAFC Academy....he told my son at the time he would probably drop down for the same reason since while it was manageable in middle school, he wouldn't be able to carry an honors workload in high school and the school wouldn't permit the absences required so if he wanted to go to academy, my alma matter was probably not the right son didn't wind up going to my alma matter so I don't know what ever happened there.
Yeah, my son had discussions with people at both LA Galaxy and RSL (no, he wasn't recruited, and if he had gone forward with it, I doubt he would have been selected). He was dissuaded by how much of an impact it will have on his high school experience. He has friends/acquaintances that play for both. It's intense. The buddy he was assigned at my alma matter to try to sell him on the school played for LAFC Academy....he told my son at the time he would probably drop down for the same reason since while it was manageable in middle school, he wouldn't be able to carry an honors workload in high school and the school wouldn't permit the absences required so if he wanted to go to academy, my alma matter was probably not the right son didn't wind up going to my alma matter so I don't know what ever happened there.
Just to be clear, I only had a few discussions with a Doc about all the plans they have to get the girls full time and in these camps so they don't have to go to school. He wanted to know if my kid would be cool with soccer boarding school. I guess the boys have full time school and soccer and that idea was pitched to me. Quit regular school and just be in some camp up in the Great Northwest with all the grown women to teach the girls. I don't know, this all sounds so groomer stuff to me. They also talked about playing with all boys teams so she could get better.
The RTC line actually makes sense because it's to seg into the ODP program which is in theory at least supposed to seg into national ID.

Your statement that ECNL and the Academy system play the same role is ridiculous. Let's take each of your pieces. "Fill the same role". That's a hard no. The function of the academies is to turn out professional players. The function of the MLS Next non-academy teams is to serve as cannon fodder for the MLS Academy teams and as a recruitment and talent identifying arena for the MLS Academies. ECNL has no such function because ECNL does not have a professional pathway.

"Attract similar quality kids". That's a hard no as well. One of the main questions that's been raised in these forums is the constant complaints about kids and teams who don't deserve to be in ECNL. The argument is that ECNL is too dispersed having too many teams. By contrast, the MLS Academy system in Los Angeles has only 2 academy teams. In the 07, 08, 09 divisions there are just 1 or 2 teams that can have a chance to beat the academies and there is a vast difference in the quality of play from the academy to some of the border regions with less of a population base like Murrieta.

"play similar quality games". At the older levels, league and to some extent showcase play in the MLS Next System is academy to academy, as well as international. ECNL has no mechanism by which the very top players play each other except the regional select teams, which don't train on a yearly basis, but on a select basis. In the MLS system, the future pros are playing the future pros.

And let's take one you didn't mention: training. The MLS Academy players routinely practice several hours a day including conditioning sessions. Even the MLS Next teams in Los Angeles, whether TFA, Laufa, or Surf, don't maintain the schedule the LA Galaxy players do, particularly once they hit the high school years. The MLS Next players have a restriction with the field time available and school work. The Academy players are told that their academy work comes before school and they have the facilities at the club to access to the field space. There are quite a few academy players as a result who do alternate school such as online schooling. It is absolutely ridiculous for you to suggest that even the top ECNL teams, whether boy or girl, is anywhere in the neighborhood of the MLS Academies in terms of workload.

They are no where near each other buddy. Less so if you take the top teams in England versus the pro academies there which are even more hard core and at the teen levels are basically training half the day. It's why the proposed rules apply to the top academies, and not to the highest flights of what in England they recognize as kiddie ball for everyone else. I'm sorry dude, your DD is not playing anything close to academy ball. Even the US academy players are barely playing academy ball. It's really just glorified kiddie soccer whose primary pathway is colleges, not pro. It's why ultimately the rest of the world has caught up with our USWNT and this year there is a lot of hang ringing over whether they can still maintain their form. Your statement that they are equivalent is indeed one of the most laughable things you have ever written on these forums.
The ECNL/DA system absolutely feeds into the YNT system. Just ask Crush.

Should we look up how US girls teams do when they play UK Academy teams?

I just checked some old ICC Futures games. Heat beat Man City by 2 points. No other UK team made the playoffs.

Maybe you need a better way of evaluating teams than just assuming that the ones with the English accent must be better?
The ECNL/DA system absolutely feeds into the YNT system. Just ask Crush.

Should we look up how US girls teams do when they play UK Academy teams?

I just checked some old ICC Futures games. Heat beat Man City by 2 points. No other UK team made the playoffs.

Maybe you need a better way of evaluating teams than just assuming that the ones with the English accent must be better?
Technically AYSO "feeds into" the YNT system. Doesn't matter. It's not a pro academy system. The academy system has not been in place with Europe for very long. That's why Europe is catching up, but has not yet passed, the US.

It doesn't stop it. You can try and justify all you can but you are wrong. ECNL is in no way equivalent to even US Academy ball, let alone what they do in Europe. Your retort brings bubkis.
Technically AYSO "feeds into" the YNT system. Doesn't matter. It's not a pro academy system. The academy system has not been in place with Europe for very long. That's why Europe is catching up, but has not yet passed, the US.

It doesn't stop it. You can try and justify all you can but you are wrong. ECNL is in no way equivalent to even US Academy ball, let alone what they do in Europe. Your retort brings bubkis.
That’s just talking smack.

Show me a score. Or, better yet, several scores.

I just checked the U15 scores from the most recent Gothia Cup. Five US teams. Four went undefeated in group. Marin FC were the slackers. They went 3-1-1.

Marin FC, in case you were unaware, is not generally known as a powerhouse of NorCal soccer. Barely in the top 100 nationally. Even they came in second in their group at Gothia.

Still telling me that the European teams are all far better?
That’s just talking smack.

Show me a score. Or, better yet, several scores.

I just checked the U15 scores from the most recent Gothia Cup. Five US teams. Four went undefeated in group. Marin FC were the slackers. They went 3-1-1.

Marin FC, in case you were unaware, is not generally known as a powerhouse of NorCal soccer. Barely in the top 100 nationally. Even they came in second in their group at Gothia.

Still telling me that the European teams are all far better?
What smack? I've made clear my kid does not play for one of the two academy teams in SoCal.

You're the one that set up the test: purpose, quality kids, quality games, and I added training. You then came back with the lame ass "but it's a feeder".

You know one of my positions on this forum (and in front of the YDI...whatever happened to that anyways....kind of whithered with COVID and I never heard anything anymore about it) was that the scoreline is meaningless. A year ago I saw the U12 TFA boys at I think it was at Mic beat the Manchester United Academy Team. Besides that at that age Europeans are mostly playing much smaller games, there is a simple reason why that happened. If you look at the game (I'm pretty sure it's available online), TFA was trying to long ball it, out run and press Manchester United into a victory. Manchester United was trying to build from the back and the keeper never (rarely?) punted. You can't seriously argue that the TFA boys academy teams are the equivalent to what the Manchester United Academy is presenting. The thing about the Europeans is that they are much more patient with these things than we are (demanding the immediate win). Yes, progress is important and eventually the Academies do engage in ruthless cutting, but they aren't going to be like my son's first AYSO United bronze team coach that rather than see his long term potential cut him after 1 season not even letting him finish state cup (and despite the much vaunted AYSO United equal play principles).

And as to the quality measure, unless you are prepared to say "well, what I mean is no MTF on the Blues and Surf team", that's not the measure you need to compare. The comparison isn't the top quality team but the lower quality teams, of which there have been a ton of complaints on these forums regarding. Here's one for scores matter: Strikers in my son's age group is the top MLS Next Team. One of their top players, despite being on the top Strikers team, left to go play for LA Galaxy and now thanks to that move and the move of his videographer relative, you can see the LA Galaxy academy games on line (instead of strikers). Why, if Strikers it the top team in its division and had even beaten some academy teams and had access at showcases to academy and international competition? Because there is something different about a professional academy system.

I never said Europeans are far better. I said their system is professional while ECNL is not, at least not as currently structured. It's the reason why Europeans are catching up. They have still have a way to go because they started from so far behind, but they are causing US Soccer to worry this year. But I have a prediction for you: 4-8 years out there is going to be a panic among US Soccer about the quality of the USWNT on all age levels relative to the Europeans and they will switch to an academy system. Talk to me then. We don't have it now. What we have is glorified kiddie ball that tries to sell itself as "elite".