@SurFutbol has taken us on a detour with his Anti-2A's my .02
1. The AR-15 is **NOT** an assault rifle. Assault rifles are capable of firing full-auto. the AR-15 is not.
2. They have proven useful in hunting feral hogs. ( Just an example )
3. Yes they are fun to shoot. They are like Legos..there's a thousand ways to build one.'s a semi-auto sporting rifle. Despite what anyone might think or wish, you can't change that. (We are talking about guns..not trans people..stay on topic people.

4. I don't agree with magazine bans. There have been cases where the GG was able to fend off multiple BGs partly due to the fact that the GG had "standard capacity" mags. **Bad guys don't comply with ANY gun laws.** So why should I be limited to 10rds in my HD gun..a G22 when there are 15rd mags available? Why shouldn't I be afforded the extra ammunition against the BG trying to enter my house? Because the idiot leaders in CA think it makes a difference in limiting magazines to 10rds? Do you think Gov Newsom's security detail is limited to handguns with 10rd mags?!
5. Gun Roster. The roster here in CA is beyond ridiculous. To say it's not an attempt to further restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens is an understatement. Explain to me why I can own a Gen3 G19 but I can't buy a Gen4 or Gen5 unless I'm law enforcement. The difference between them is not something that's going to prevent ANY crime of any sort. It's about control and disarmament.
6. Background check for ammo...and I have to pay a fee every time I go to buy some ammo? Bad guys are lucky that they don't have to deal with any of that. Oh that's right..that's because they are bad guys..they don't follow the laws.
It was funny during the pandemic to see all these idiot Democrats trying to buy guns and ammo. "I have to wait 10 days for my gun?!" or "I have to do a background check just to buy ammo?!" Yes you idiot..because these are the laws you voted for by electing the people that you picked to run our state.
Do you feel safer now?!
And I will admit there needs to be some sort of universal background checks. Certain people should not be allowed to own firearms for various reasons.
I don't care what some Pro-2A people say. First-time buyers/owners should be required to go thru at least a 4hr gun safety class for either long gun or handgun. 8hrs if you're planning on buying both at some point.
I'm also not cool with the fact that in some states you can do a gun purchase in the parking lot of Walmart or any other business for that matter. I think there needs to be some accountability for every firearm in circulation. A face-to-face sale between two strangers with zero oversight is not my idea of good gun control. Same with gun shows in certain states. You can walk right out of there with multiple firearms. I'd be fine with a 3-day wait period / background check. (Flame suit on for some of my 2A brothers/sisters out there. I stand behind my statement.)
We could go all day on the topic of guns but I'm going to leave it at that.