They are currently googling the meaning of the word Facist!Because you're enamored with the word, just wondering where facists stand on gun control?
They are currently googling the meaning of the word Facist!Because you're enamored with the word, just wondering where facists stand on gun control?
I'm just waiting for the spin and new definition.They are currently googling the meaning of the word Facist!
Wrong again chief. They don't get custom made skis. They get a factory FIS ski (a male or female version) and then it is custom tuned by their personal tech. The ski is not custom fabricated for each skier. Now that doesn't mean that the best skiers don't have input into the ski design. There are significant design and construction differences between a women's and men's FIS ski. Like many other subjects you're out of your league here and ski construction is irrelevant to my comment and shame on me for going down your rabbit hole. If you don't believe other people complained take it up with Lindsey herself.Complaints from whom?
At the top level of competition, skiers get the skis custom-made by their ski sponsors. The FIS judges/inspectors verify only that the skis fit within the allowed parameters.
Wrong again chief. They don't get custom made skis. They get a factory FIS ski (a male or female version) and then it is custom tuned by their personal tech. The ski is not custom fabricated for each skier. Now that doesn't mean that the best skiers don't have input into the ski design. There are significant design and construction differences between a women's and men's FIS ski. Like many other subjects you're out of your league here and ski construction is irrelevant to my comment and shame on me for going down your rabbit hole. If you don't believe other people complained take it up with Lindsey herself.
Nice way to misrepresent a real problem.
There are American kids dying of gunfire today. But the cause isn’t cops or school shooters. Almost all of them are being killed by other kids.
Police shootings (including self defense) account for about 5% of non-suicide firearms deaths. School shootings are about 1.5%. Most of the problem lies in the other 93.5%:
Daddy is a cheater, Daddy is a cheater, cheater, cheater and loser willing to buy their way is total loserville. When rich dad buys everything in youth soccer so his dd can be on the team and get all the goodies and prizes, it does block other less privilege kids from opportunities. Rich dad knows how to buy clubs and get a seat on the BOD and that is impossible to compete with because I would never pay like that so my dd can play. I like to sleep with a pure and clean conscious. The kids today have to obey the boss and it's sad. Fully jabbed to play, no thanks. Pay for play= obey my politics, take all jabs and STFU or no soccer for you. What a sport for childrenGiven your history of under-employment, plus your years of disappointment with how youth soccer worked out for you (not for me, for my dd), one would think that you’d be used to not getting your way by now.
Here is a link to a list of companies that will pay for an employee’s out-of-state travel to obtain an abortion. Good luck boycotting all of these pre-baby murderers.
These companies are paying for abortion travel
Bellwethers from finance, technology and retail industries are bankrolling workers who need to access reproductive
I can’t believe y’all missed that there’s a new Karen in Connecticut. Gosh, must be so hard emotionally to not win a kiddie race in HS. It’s a miracle she was able to hold it together enough to run track at a slow college after losing so frequently in HS, and then transfer to an even slower college after the first one didn’t work out. I doubt she’ll ever become a functional member of society given all of the trauma.
‘Fastest girl in Connecticut’ Chelsea Mitchell suing state after losing to trans athletes
Chelsea Mitchell is fighting for the integrity of women’s sports after she lost over 20 races thanks to Connecticut’s policy that allows transgender athletes to compete in girls
Daddy is a cheater, Daddy is a cheater, cheater, cheater and loser willing to buy their way is total loserville. When rich dad buys everything in youth soccer so his dd can be on the team and get all the goodies and prizes, it does block other less privilege kids from opportunities. Rich dad knows how to buy clubs and get a seat on the BOD and that is impossible to compete with because I would never pay like that so my dd can play. I like to sleep with a pure and clean conscious. The kids today have to obey the boss and it's sad. Fully jabbed to play, no thanks. Pay for play= obey my politics, take all jabs and STFU or no soccer for you. What a sport for childrenIt's a shame but it is the truth. Today, I am so grateful you bought and bribed your way to the top. My dd has moved on for now and will wait this out. BTW cheater, she just go a killer sales job today and she is ready to move mountains. Her trust fund does not kick in until later in life, just like mine did loser. What a dumb dumb. I hope what you bought is worth it. Another youth soccer player died in Europe from Cardiac Arrest. It's not worth it what they make these young girls do in order to ball.
You know something, bitchboy, you're right... I AM stupid. This article just educated me and now I feel like a fool. Turns out, according to this, women CAN get pregnant. I guess, when they cut their hair and change their pronouns, they become men and defy science! Unfuckingbelievable!
Logan Brown, a pregnant transgender man, is on the cover of 'Glamour' magazine. 'I do exist,' he says — and so do others.
"I am a trans pregnant man and I do exist," says Logan Brown. He's not
"I am a trans pregnant man and I do exist. I am literally living proof." Wow, that's fucking amazing. "Being pregnant, in general, is really, really difficult. Then add me being trans... no one's actually turned around to me and said, are you okay? No one's asked what it feels like to be a trans pregnant man. This thing about 'men can't get pregnant' is that I would not identify as anything else just because I found out I'm pregnant. It's important to stay real with my identity. I am a pregnant man and I am trans."
Can you believe that, bitchboy? The article goes on to REALLY get crazy. "The truth is transgender men (those biologically born as female but identify as men) CAN give birth like anyone with female organs." Holy shit! Are you kidding me? So you can ACTUALLY be a woman, identify as a man and STILL get pregnant! LMAO! That's insane, bitchboy!
Tell me... who is a bigger fucking moron... the writer, the tranny or you?
Daddy is a cheater, daddy is a cheater. I told you a long time ago cheating and lying in socal youth soccer will end bad for you. Naughty daddy thought he could buy his way to the top. What a loser!!!Wow, a trust funder whining about people who actually work to pay for what things cost shows a tremendous lack of self-awareness. Enjoy plowing through daddy’s largess until it’s all gone.
So you’re all saying that I shouldn’t stereotype all cops based on what a handful of them do, but we should treat all trans people like shit because a handful of them play kiddie sports when allowed and even supported by the sport’s governing board?
Are you saying that the 1.5% of gun deaths that constitute school shootings is the price of freedom? And the other 93.5% that don’t is also the price of freedom?
I’d say you and your racist piggie cop friends who are serving time are the bigger fucking morons.
This Daddy cheated everyone. Just wait when all the world see's what kind of fathers ran club soccer and what other dad's participated in the heist, all so their dd's could make "The List" and get into dream school. ShamefulHere’s a guide to help all of you and your Oath Keeper friends who aren’t in prison yet find places to be pieces of shit.
Your guide to Pride Month events in San Diego County
Pride Month takes place in June each year as a way to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and remember the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. Advocacy, educational and celebratory events take place across the cou…
Here’s a guide to help all of you and your Oath Keeper friends who aren’t in prison yet find places to be pieces of shit.
Your guide to Pride Month events in San Diego County
Pride Month takes place in June each year as a way to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and remember the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. Advocacy, educational and celebratory events take place across the cou…