Today in Fascism

Breaking News: New York Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted by a federal grand jury following corruption probe, according to sources familiar with the matter. The exact charges remain sealed. (ABC News)

Husker Du, comment please. I told you losers that the good guys have over 300,000 sealed (no leaks losers) indictments. Each indictment can have 90+ people. 300,000 x 90=? Thanks for playing......

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I had a sliver of hope that since he came from law enforcement that he might enforce law and order. Unfortunately, just another politician like Newsom, Cuomo, Reed, Santos, that seem to only care about being a celebrity and their own self-enrichment.
I had a sliver of hope that since he came from law enforcement that he might enforce law and order. Unfortunately, just another politician like Newsom, Cuomo, Reed, Santos, that seem to only care about being a celebrity and their own self-enrichment.
He did give the keys to the city to one P Diddy last year. The truth is 98% have been bought, bribed and blackmailed. Good people got caught up in the money and sex trap. Most men are weak at the knees when it comes to sex and money. I sold advertising and the men owners were very interesting. If I tried to increase their ad spend from the year before, they would get all mad at me and cry like babies. However, when I sent in a beautiful sales rep friend of mine for help, they would come out with a big increase and never hear them complain. They did try and ask her out after they signed, but this lady would say, "I'm sorry Mike, I have a boyfriend." No one escapes this. Its why Space Force (espola mocked Space Force) was created and why the space shuttle from Space Force went up space before the 2020 election and returned 4 days after the midterms in 2022. These people are truly stupid and evil watty. The best part is President Trump, and the Military did a big sting on the rats and like he has been saying for years, "I caught them all." Deals have been made and right now you're watching a movie play out in real life. This is the greatest time to be alive unless you've been abusing, harming and killing kids.
Hey Watty, let's not forget about the others in the health industry. It's bad dude. I told you my old Doc pal in Laguna is three times richer then pre-Covid 19. He can't talk to me now or look at me in the eyes. I pierce his evil decisions and he turns away. PEOPLE WILL PAY FOR MAKING A BUCK OFF INJURING AND KILLING PEOPLE FOR PROFIT>

Watch them dance and mock us all!!!
I'm not here to scare any of you. I'm here to warn you as one of your brothers of the human race. This is not about right vs left. It's about what is right and true. Husker Du and his possie are filthy dirty men. "Anyone but Trump" because They & Them have done very bad things to children. They & Them will pay and face judgement very soon and they know it. However, They & Them hate God so much that they will cause chaos, war, death, destruction and division. Congress will not be in session for 45 days after tomorrow and will come back 11.11.

Trump is ending the Ukraine War before he even takes office:eek: Never seen anything like it. I am blown away that Vlad went and met Trump. Not only him but Saudi Arabia and Bibi Netanyahu did as well. If they didn’t think he had the power, they would not be going to visit him. These are not courtesy calls. These are strategic meetings to end all this bullshit.