Today in Fascism

Patting yourself on the back I see. I have the main “Crush” account on ignore, but still put up with the rest of you anti-American buffoons.
If you loosen the chin strap, the from of the helmet will retract back over your eyes and then you can actually see what's happening.
"Happy Birthday Mary🙏" DJT

Too many of us were taught that God is a He, Jesus was the Son and The Holy Spirit is Masculine only. We were taught wrong in my opinion. God is much more than some man we think of. All mysteries and things hidden from us from the liars will come to light. Who stayed with Jesus at the cross? Yup, the two Marrys. Happy Birthday to the Mother of Jesus. We sure could use a Hail Mary right about now.

Pic from the Donald TS account

Sit back, close your eyes and go deep and let thoe tears run and flow. Tears have a real pain killer if you let them out.

The truth is all coming out now for all to see. What you do with the truth is 100% up to you. I'm here to shove it your grill so at least you can see and are without excuses. You can run from the truth, but you can't hide from it.

Patting yourself on the back I see. I have the main “Crush” account on ignore, but still put up with the rest of you anti-American buffoons.
You are like that little piece of turd that just refuses to go down the toilet after multiple flush attempts.
"We" are the anti-American buffoons?! That's pretty rich coming from you.