Today in Fascism

So far today all of the news reports I have seen about Caden Tellier, the Alabama high schooler who died a day after playing in a football game, have named his high school (John T. Morgan Academy - go Senators!) AND have not made any comment about the history of Morgan Academy.

Husker Du thinks all Trump did when POTUS (He still might be POTUS in Devolution but I'm not 100% sure either way) was watch TV and play golf. Here is the tale of two Presidents. Today, one is sharing respects with families who lost loved one's three years ago in Afghanistan and one is sleeping on the beach. espola voted for the guy sleeping on the job and who took showers with his dd and his son be his middleman. He also got his brother James to own property with Epstein in the Virgin Islands.

First it was Elon, then Vivek, then RFK Jr and now it's Tulsa. Come on Watty, Trump and California need your support and endorsement. Together we can Make America Great Again. All for one and one for all. Where we go 1, we go all!!!

"I endorse Trump for President."

Hmmm... Mark Zuckerberg admits to censoring Trump support due to pressure from Biden/Harris campaign in 20'. Not surprised.
It was rigged and everyone now knows that espola decided to cheat with the Democrats for the first time. espola told us all that the Laptop from Hell was fake and that Uncle James did not own land with Epstein.

“Zuckerberg admits (eats crow) that the White House pushed to SUPPRESS HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY (& much more!). IN OTHER WORDS, THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WAS RIGGED. FoxNews, New York Post, Rep. Laurel Lee, House Judiciary Committee." DJT
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We live among cheaters, liars, killers and thieves. They & Them want the world to themselves and will make up shit to win and kill others. This is what the man espola is all about. He's a liar and always will be a liar. Plus, he supports MAP & Pedo and for that, he is one. It takes one to know one and he's one of them. Save the children or use them.

This is funny from RFK Jr

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Election Interference!!! Confessing to a crime is the beginning of healing for one's soul and when one confesses, others will follow and that is how you heal a nation. We have sick men in our country and their all being exposed. espola is being exposed for all to witness.

Election Interference!!! Confessing to a crime is the beginning of healing for one's soul and when one confesses, others will follow and that is how you heal a nation. We have sick men in our country and their all being exposed. espola is being exposed for all to witness.

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"This is exactly what this administration (WHICH INCLUDES KAMALA) has done to our country. Censorship is what happens in communist countries not this republic. They have gagged my client, his lawyers in and out of courtrooms and his team. Now, we once again have proof that they are gagging our media and censoring America. Kamala is hiding because she can’t answer for her actions. Still have doubts? TRUMP 2024 Make America Free Again." Alina Habba

It would be very wise to listen to these words espola & Husker D. "Kids that go missing are just runaways" is what you both said. Yes, some start as a runaway but then they meet some bad apples on the street that kidnap them and force them into evil slavery. Have you seen the movie, "Taken" Dumb? Like I said years ago, the children will unite humanity. The things that happen to kids on Epstein Island was pure evil dude. Zuck went to the Islands to get blackmailed so when push comes to shoves, guys like Zuck, who have been compromised, will do as told or else, like you did with taking the jabs. What side are you on creepy?

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I believe in all of you. Change what you eat and stop allowing these jabs into your blood stream. If Vincent can do it, you can do it. Baby steps. I wet hard core, no meat and lost 40 pounds. I eat a little meat in Guatemala. I'm going to visit Texas next month and 100% I will be eating a big fat steak.

Hey libtards, is it "fascist" to pressure the media to do your bidding?

Ironic considering Husker's original post that started this thread. Which is worse, Russian interference or American media and tech interference in our elections? You expect it from Russia. The left only believes in freedom of speech, if its speech they approve of. Just like the left only supports diversity of identity, but not diversity of thought. And if you don't believe in their narrative, hate and violence are justified.
Jack off espola is at it again. CORRUPTION AND ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

Jack Smith ignores the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity and is once again going after Donald Trump!

They will try everything to put this man in prison.
