I know must of you hate the things Trump's says and many of you think he's an asshole. RFK Jr seems like a swell fella but he ain't winning shit. The other choice for, Remember The 5th of November" is the Witch & Deserter (see below). Both of these sick people are fine with kids being aborted (killed) up to 9 months and if baby somehow survive the clamps, Doc leaves baby to die, or do they???? They mandate poison jabs or your fired. We have become a very sick society where we kill our own children. I said this before, baby dies quickly but baby feels pain and sadness after sleeping with mommy in her warm womb. Mommy protected baby and fed baby but now mommy is going to kill her baby. What doesn't die quickly is mommy and if daddy knows, its slow pain for him as well. Every night knowing they killed a life. Grandparents also feel horrible if they talked their dd to kill their own child because. The fact that these killers have a mobile bus to kill kids at the DNC is pure evil, sick and insane.