Today in Fascism

UK is looking to arrest Elon as well. espola wanted my mouth shut for 6 years. Thanks, Dom, for not banning me for my free speech. These are Marxist asshats WHO want you to comply, STFU and take all their Jabs or else. I stood up to these same tyrants in youth soccer.

"BREAKING: Kamala Harris's presidential campaign mandates “up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination” for those who want a job with the campaign.

You want to work for Kamala the Witch and her Deserter Liar? You must not give her any eye contact and you must be fully jabbed and updated with all jabs to work with her. Could you imagine being told, "If you don't get fully jabbed, your fired." WHO would do such a thing. Or, "If you don't take all the jabs, youy can't come to school or be enrolled with Big U." Dad4 the Marxist asshat wanted people fired for not taking the jabs. Insane!!!
No way you guys, can you believe this new information hitting the media. I always wondered what happen to the DC Pipe Bomber. Where is Epps?


Staff at medical clinic in Goma treat mpox patients as disease spreads in eastern DRCongo:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Here comes Monkeypox everyone. You can see the look on the doctors faces how severe this MPox is because of how it's spread. The look of concern on the Doc in the middle has me concerned as well. Be safe everyone.

Funny, the Republicans have the pro-Putin platform.

Trump watch: No wars and no Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Biden watch: "Listen Volody, I'm gonna need 10% of every dollar we send you to fight Putin."

* But you're too much of a little coward to address the facts, aren't you, puppet?
Vote? The Dems fixed that inconvenience and saved democracy by nominating a candidate that nobody voted for. Now it’s, “If you didn’t vote for Kamala, don’t worry. Nobody did.”
Good point. For a second there, I was worried the democrats might steal our democracy.

I sure hope, when you're typing the Hyena's name, you put the emphasis on the right syllable... or else you're racist.
You seem a bit perplexed and confused . . .
Seems you and trump have the same level math skills! “I have heard more than 100%” lol! 😂 sounds like you!
Since your alter-ego / your handler / your split-personality / etc. wants to be Chief of the Grammar & Spelling Police, don't you find it a bit
ironic that you both (in your childish and petulant way) either only type out "t" or "trump"? You two idiots do it on the daily.
It must really grind your gears to have to type a T instead of a t. You two clowns are really just that, clowns. 🤡
WHO takes 30 trips to China besides Coach Timmy Tampon? Husker Du Du is amazed at Coach Walz accomplishemts. "Anyone but Trump," and "Kids that go missing are runaways." Du Du said this

QUOTE OF THE DAY… JD Vance: Giving Kamala Harris Control Over Inflation Is Like Giving Jeffrey Epstein Control over Human Trafficking Policy”