Today in Fascism

Minnesota Republican House nominee Joe Teirab describes how Freakish Timothy Walz commuted the life sentence of a Bloods gang member who killed an 11-year-old girl -- He was then arrested again less than 3 months later and bailed out of jail by the Minnesota Freedom Fund for which Kamala Harris helped raised money.

Killers helping other killers get out of jail. How lovely!!!
Liberals aren't smart enough to connect the dots. But the New World Order, The Great Reset, The World Economic Forum, Climate Change, etc., etc.. It's all a scam by the leftist elites to drain the wealth from the middle class Americans. "You will own nothing and be happy" is their motto. The mainstream media works with the Democrat party to get the Democrat minions to believe the nonsense. They lead the Democrat minions and they follow like an animal in the herd that only sees the ass of the animal in front of them. But the Democrat minions won't think for themselves. Kerry's elitist daughter is being honest in telling them billions will die. But they are voting for their own slaughter.-Chewbacca
Liberals aren't smart enough to connect the dots. But the New World Order, The Great Reset, The World Economic Forum, Climate Change, etc., etc.. It's all a scam by the leftist elites to drain the wealth from the middle class Americans. "You will own nothing and be happy" is their motto. The mainstream media works with the Democrat party to get the Democrat minions to believe the nonsense. They lead the Democrat minions and they follow like an animal in the herd that only sees the ass of the animal in front of them. But the Democrat minions won't think for themselves. Kerry's elitist daughter is being honest in telling them billions will die. But they are voting for their own slaughter.-Chewbacca
"All at once he (Dumb Dumb) followed her (The Witch and Adulterer) like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life. Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say." Old Proverb
6 years ago, I told all of you not to look right or left, but only go with Love & Truth, not Hate & Lie. The Right and the Left come from the same bird. The Truth is like money, it has no ruler, it's just money & truth. What one does with money and the truth is what counts. Look at all the cheaters, killers and liars on both sides, that only care about themselves and their money. They mandated jabs to make a buck of your sorry ass so you can stay in their evil game of life. If you take the jabs, you can play, "PAY FOR PLAY." You see how this works you guys. I said no and lost everything. However, I'm making a big comeback and let me just say, "oh boy, how the tables are turning."

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It's been a little quiet lately. Coach Walz is a fucking liar!!! Cat got your tongue losers. You losers are Marxist or at the very least you vote for Marxist, MAPs, MTFs and Pedos. Ask and you shall receive. You all are in for a big and rude awakening if you're not awake already. The very same people WHO say they care for you are fucking liars!!!!

I know many for you are waking up to the facts of life. These have been tough times on parents and the kids. We were all tricked with lies and deception. If you feel a little down and hopeless, do not fear. Fear is their weapon, and they know many of you are full of fear. This song will help you. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and let your heart listen. We could use a Hail Mary right about now. God is with us and now it's time for the Earth to be at peace. Man & Woman need to come together and be at peace. We actually have men trying to take real women away. They have mobile kill buses on demand now. They want to kill!!! These Demons, Witches & Warlocks want to wipe out mankind. Mother Earth has other plans. I truly love you all and I love America.

Now a word from your sponsor and little Castro Jr. “Based on trends from past pandemic flu, there may be a higher average number of illness and deaths in age groups different than what we typically see during annual flu seasons. If there is a new pandemic, how many people will be off work? It is impossible to determine with certainty."

She's going to fix everything on Day 1. Or maybe it was day 1,461?
Crooked Joe and Harris the Witch are cheaters, liars and thieves. Look how she played "PAY FOR PLAY" with Willie when she was 29. Her and Creepy Joe lied about jobs for over year and counting. The guys she surrounds herself with are weak men. Doug slept with his Nanny and got her pregnant and I heard he banged a few others. espola has a Nanny or had one. Coach Walz started the MTF club in high school, got wasted and drove his truck and got busted by the Cops for a DUI, that Kamala wants to defund. Then Coach got fired and went into the military where he deserted his platoon as they got ready to enter Fallujah and Sadr City in Iraq. +++, Timmy Tampon proudly passed a law that mandated tampons in all the boys' bathrooms. This Walz guy is something else and Husker Du Du is so excited for all of Timmy's accomplishments, like releasing a Gangster killer of a 11-year-old.

President Trump made it very clear back in a speech that he had to call, "The Real Boss" for help on our behalf. Obviously, the Marxist, Fascists and Communist are mostly God hating, Satan loving freaks, Pedo groomers, or they & them do not believe in a god. Although I like this this meme and it's to the point, the deeper and more spiritual point in all of this awakening stuff is that it's God vs Satan. Life vs Death. Abortion vs Birth. Good vs Evil. Right vs Wrong. Truth vs Lie and so on. The Witch spoke today and said duality is going on with Democracy. That's the problem with these control freaks. That want you to STFU, get all the jabs and wear a mask or else. I'm still SMFH with how many of you humans allowed these tyrants to tell you want to do and what to put in your blood so you can play "Buy & Sell" with your soul and time in the big game of "PAY FOR PLAY WITH SATAN" or lose everything and hope, pray and wish for the best. Keep in mind you guys that folks like Dad and EOTL called me names and said I will regret NOT taking the jabs and because I'm so stupid, I am also going to probably die and infect others around me that I love. Well, that was a crock of shit and a total lie. Actually, it's the other way around. I hold no grudges, but you men need to wake the fuck up. This is not a drill. You and your family have been poisoned and lied to 24/7. Wake up dad!!!

We all have been trafficked as little farm animal slaves. Many of you are smart and rich slaves and you kiss so much ass, you're their favorite brown noser. When President Trump told us all in early 2017, "I will bring the full force and weight of the military and END HUMAN TRAFFICKING." Trump was talking about ending trafficking for you, the other guy and for our children. So many of you obeyed your master's and took the jabs to keep your job and keep da money flowing. My pal took the jabs so he could still have sex with his wife of 27 years. So many of you walked around going into stores with a mask on your face. Let this and that sink in and let your brain analyze the truth, so this never happens again to you, your children and to their children and their children and so on and so on. Wake up folks!!!
