Today in Fascism

The only person that can beat Donald Trump is Donald Trump, and he's doing a pretty good job of it right now. He just can't help himself. Kamala is an empty suit with terrible policies and even worse ideas. Walz has lived off the government his entire life. The guy has zero investments and we trust him, or Kamala who has been VP for the last 3+ years, to improve our economy? WTF!

The Dem's strategy of nothing unscripted for their candidates and letting the media do the campaigning (and rebranding) is working like a charm. The basement approach worked in 2020, and so far its working in 2024. Not democratic, but effective. The Republican's are running out of time to "expose" Kamala.

Not sure what the main policy differences are between the Trump Republican Party and the "old" Republican Party, other than the Trump policy seems far less hawkish, and more isolationist.
You people always want to tell others how to live their life.
You people always want to tell others how to live their life.
Did you sleep through the Covid restrictions? Maybe true from the pro-life side, but its the left that's flipped from fighting the man, to following the man. The left has changed the meaning of words and if you don't follow their prescribed meanings your labeled some form of "ist".

Walz had a snitch line to report people who were violating Covid protocols. He's hardly a proponent of freedom.

I know you're just trolling, but at least try to come up with a credible response.
You people always want to tell others how to live their life.
Still waiting. But you're like Magoo and won't answer because you have no answer.
We all want the Republican Party back. Trumpism isn’t Republicanism nor is it conservatism, it’s just the glorification of one man.
So here's your chance. Run with it. "THE GLORIFICATION OF ONE MAN." Make your case Sunshine.
Still waiting. But you're like Magoo and won't answer because you have no answer.
So here's your chance. Run with it. "THE GLORIFICATION OF ONE MAN." Make your case Sunshine.
Don't hold your breath. From his perspective if you don't agree with him you're glorifying or supporting Trump. It's both simple-mindedness and his desperation to align others would Trump in an attempt to make his arguments sound more plausible. It's the myopic thinking that he has claimed of "anybody but Trump". In fairness to him, since his livelihood is dependent on the union he has no choice but to tow the party line.
The only person that can beat Donald Trump is Donald Trump, and he's doing a pretty good job of it right now.

Not sure what the main policy differences are between the Trump Republican Party and the "old" Republican Party, other than the Trump policy seems far less hawkish, and more isolationist.
Trump will win in a landslide. No cheating this time around. The Sting on 11.3 was all they needed. It's what these cheaters and liars will do when they lose that has me concerned. Harris is a Witch and Coach Walz is a deserter, a drunk driver and got tampons in all the boys bathrooms. Trump's party is a mix bag watty. Most of these people are Vets, cops, church people, family of vets, freedom fighters who want to be left alone and I hear maybe 30% have never voted before. Angry folks from the left and the right are in this new Republican Party. Trump is the leader. The Grand Old Party is no more. Guys like, No Name, Mit, Paul, George, Dick, Colin and the rest led us into horrible wars. We cleaned up our party, kicked out the losers and fakers and exposed the liars. Now it's the Dems turn to clean house. The party that will allow killing a baby up to 9 months is not a good party.
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It's the myopic thinking that he has claimed of "anybody but Trump". In fairness to him, since his livelihood is dependent on the union he has no choice but to tow the party line.
It's what the teachers did with forcing and mandating the mask and the jabs on our youth. I will forgive but I will never forget. Most of my teacher friends that stayed true to their core convictions got fired or moved to private school or moved out of state to escape taking the jabs themselves and also making them pitch this evil product to other kids and their parents. I know one teacher that stood her ground in Murrieta and was fired after 23 years. 99% of her faculty pals took the jabs. Of those 99%, half wanted her off campus because she wouldn't comply. Talk about towing the lines and causing division within the Union. Let's not forget 99% of the Universities wouldn't allow our kids to enter the campus unless fully jabbed. Insane!!!
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It's what the teachers did with forcing and mandating the mask and the jabs on our youth. I will forgive but I will never forget. Most of my teacher friends that stayed true to their core convictions got fired or moved to private school or moved out of state to escape taking the jabs themselves and also making them pitch their product to other kids and their parents. I know one teacher that stood her ground in Murrieta and was fired after 23 three years. 99% of her faculty pals took the jabs. Of those 99%, half wanted her off campus because she wouldn't comply. Talk about towing the lines and causing division within the Union. Let's not forget 99% of the Universities wouldn't allow our kids to enter the campus unless fully jabbed. Insane!!!
The California teachers' union represents the absolute worst of union misbehavior. I can't forgive what they did to our children during Covid.
The California teachers' union represents the absolute worst of union misbehavior. I can't forgive what they did to our children during Covid.
Look at that, we both agree on this 100%. I also might look at it criminally for the higher ups. My bff Bruno is black and is one of the top Principles in the IE. He worked in LA Unified as a teacher and then in Administration and was being groomed for politics at the admin level. He had a Witch after him. Beautiful lady at work that wanted him under her spell and control. I'm talking real blackmail bro. He didn't take the bait and went back to teaching and keeps telling me how he saved his soul. He told me his pal didn't get out and has so much dirt on him that he does whatever he's told. He has a job for life though, as long as he complies.
Don't hold your breath. From his perspective if you don't agree with him you're glorifying or supporting Trump. It's both simple-mindedness and his desperation to align others would Trump in an attempt to make his arguments sound more plausible. It's the myopic thinking that he has claimed of "anybody but Trump". In fairness to him, since his livelihood is dependent on the union he has no choice but to tow the party line.
"Always the correct phrase will be to toe the line and NOT tow the line. The idiom meaning is obeying an authority or following the rules. 'Tow the line' is wrong and a complete misspelling. This is because 'toe' and 'tow' sound the same, so people get it wrong", Google and just like watty. Right and write sound the same as well as live and live. Four and for sound the same as well. I remember when I was beating you in one debate after another, you started being Mr. Grammer or is it Grammar Check. Then you become a fact checker. What a loser!!!
"Get right up and grab yourself a "white guy taco."

I didn't know white guys have their own tacos. Coach Walz told Kamala he can't handle anything hotter than a "white guy taco." These people are whacos for tacos. Let's not forget Dr. Jill and her breakfast tacos. Kamala actually was wondering what was in a "White Guy Taco" and asked the white guy coach, "is that made with Tuna and Mayo?" Tuna? For the record, I am Mr. Hot Sauce in my community. The gringo makes the best hot salsa in the pueblo, which makes my tacos numero uno.

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Pedo Joe said this yesterday, "You know what our Project 25 is going to be? We're going to beat the hell" out of Republicans" — a month after the assassination attempt against President Trump. Disgusting!
It's cute that you and "Husker" go on little vacations together. Welcome back.
Can you imagine being forced to support this crazy ass ticket of Harris the Witch & Walz the Deserter? Talk about another law firm of Harris & Walz, "so fake were plastic." I think Dom, Dumb & Dumber are trying to come back with something better than the last 7 years of lawfare, attempted ASSsasination on Trumps brains and of course. We still have the Columbian born judge looking to sentence Trump to hard labor at Rikers, all while his daughter is making millions in donations for the Dems. Word from my intel pals in the military is that the USSS is already taking a big section of the prison to house Trump at Rikers. He will be going to jail Slobodan. Kamala wants so bad to call him a convicted felon ready to go to Rikers. Jesus was a convicted felon as well. The Jews at that time were allowed to pardon one prisoner each year. They chose a rapists Pedo man named Barabas instead of the innocent Jesus. "Anyone but Trump" means anyone but Trump and do whatever you need to do so Trump will never be able to seek his successful revenge on the lap dogs. That's one of the few options they have before they start rioting and causing harm to the big Dem cities. Antifa is coming to Chicago in the bus loads. I'm dead serious when I say this lady is a crazy ass Witch. You know more than anyone how this Witch rose in the ranks in San Francisco or is it "rise" in the ranks? espola, Grammar check sir.
“I love the black people” as if they are a monolith is insulting and disrespectful at the least
And the way trump emphasizes and pronounces the word “blacks” is throughly condescending.

What a POS
Condescending just reminds me that some blacks aren’t black enough according to Joe. But Kamala seems black enough to ignore her real roots. Both if them POS Communist masquerading as Socialist.
Condescending just reminds me that some blacks aren’t black enough according to Joe. But Kamala seems black enough to ignore her real roots. Both if them POS Communist masquerading as Socialist.
You seem a bit perplexed and confused . . .
Seems you and trump have the same level math skills! “I have heard more than 100%” lol! 😂 sounds like you!
You seem a bit perplexed and confused . . .
Seems you and trump have the same level math skills! “I have heard more than 100%” lol! 😂 sounds like you!
If you vote + You don't know who to vote for = You ain't black

Just feels... (sigh)... I don't know, Puppet... thoroughly condescending. Like thinking poor kids aren't as smart as white kids, you know?