Does your stupid ass keep forgetting he never did that the first 4-years?
Does your stupid ass keep forgetting he never did that the first 4-years?
Coach Walz failed and he's a big-time failure and deserter. Deserter's do not make good leaders. Scamala slept her way to the top. Her hubby had Nanny Affairs and knocked one up. Joe took showers with his dd and Hunter's Laptop from hell has bad shit with kids on it. Then of course Joe's bro James has or had property on Epstein's Island of Horrors for children. Do you see a pattern with these sexual deviant souls and families? Coach also has a DUI on his record, another failure of his accomplishments. Husker Du is so excited to vote for this compromised China ticket.
Who says "trickle down" doesn't work?Her Grand Papi Brown owned slaves from Jamica and Ireland. The Scots fought hard not to be slaves of the British Kings. My Highlander brethren took off to North Carolina and became soulmates with the Cherokee. Soulmates are two souls who mate and make babies.
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I don't know, Crush. Are you sure that's not Barack in drag?President Trump called the real Boss (God) and asked for Help on our behalf. He also say's Jesus Christ (God's Son) is the Commander In Chief. Kamala reports to Satan. It's this simple once you wrap your brain around this theory. Good vs Evil. The choice is also for each of you. Is God your Boss or is the Devil?
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