Today in Fascism

Can you please clarify which orange man.

Remember when Trump bombed Russian planes in Syria and many in the MSM said Trump was on a collision course with Putin and the start of World War III?
and killed a bunch of russian mercenaries.
I don't think so - 2014. Notice a trend? This whole bs schtick that trumpy is powerless against putin is ridiculous. both instances of russian aggression occurred outside of his "menace to society and democracy" dictator reign. I get it that you and others have this visceral reaction to orange bad certainly clouds judgement and enables you to believe in ghosts. it would be quite funny except it's sad and dangerous.

you don't have to be a trumpy supporter to surmise that the current russia calculus hasn't worked out. is trumpy the answer? can't be worse than what's happening now - the "adults" who took over failed miserably, just turn on the news.
I googled it and found 2014, too, in about 4 seconds. The big hits came after Trump left.

I wonder if these guys get their "google" tab disabled when they download the CNN app. There's definitely a pattern of ignorance with them.