Today in Fascism

Ok big wave Dave
No, I was New Wave Dave in the past. Also, I started out as ElleJustus (EJ). I also went with SoccerHelper later because I wanted to be a great help to the parents with their dd(s) and all the liars and abusers in youth soccer. Footy gave me the name "crush" and it stuck. Anyone with a hint of honesty and a brain would all tell you I always told folks the truth when I changed my profile. I have nothing to hide EOTL, aka Surf Futbol.
Let's get back to the "men" beating up women in sports. The head boss from the IOC spoke at a presser to explain his side of the truth.

'What we see now is that some want to own the definition of who is a woman,' the German said.

When asked if the furore was the result of a Russian disinformation (Just like Hunters Laptop from Hell) campaign aimed at destabilising the Games, Bach responded: 'What we have seen from the Russian side and in particular from the IBA, whose recognition we had to withdraw for many reasons (because they won't let XY beat up the girls), they have undertaken way before these Games with a defamation campaign against France, against the Games, against the IOC.'

Someone(s) is lying. The fact they did drag queen Lord's Supper to open the lying games, makes me SMFH and at this point, I'm going with IBA and Russia. If it's 100% proven that the two fighters are real women, I will eat crow and say sorry to watty.

Stay tune, more to come......

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"I have agreed with FoxNews to debate Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 4th. The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant, and I am in litigation against ABC Network and George Slopadopoulos, thereby creating a conflict of interest. The FoxNews Debate will be held in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at a site in an area to be determined. The Moderators of the Debate will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, and the Rules will be similar to the Rules of my Debate with Sleepy Joe, who has been treated horribly by his Party – BUT WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!…." DJT

This guy reminds me of Dumb, aka EOTL-Surf Futbol. He and espola cheat, lie and support the MAPs, MTFs and the Pedos.

"Don't worry about the election. Trump’s not gonna win. I made fucking sure of that!”

- Eric Coomer
Director of Strategy and Security for Dominion Voting Systems

"Anyone but Trump and with any means necessary." Dumb & Dumber

They obviously all have something to hide.....
I went to the Doc last year for a follow up because of a sprained ankle. All they tried to do is sell me the shots. I declined and then they tried to stick something in my ass and I said, "no thanks."

We have added over 400 billion dollars to the national debt in 4 days. I’ve never seen a pace like this before…it will cause hyperinflation very soon. Do not fear! Pray!
Please continue..your stupidity is in full beast-mode for everyone to see.
Hey bruh, Husker Du has CDS and TDS. Poor guy, he's a mess and soon will be in a big HOT mess for his actions on earth. It's bad!!!

New Wave Dave is back to say, "Hi everyone, I miss you all, but crush is here to finish the race."

Please continue..your stupidity is in full beast-mode for everyone to see.
Go easy on him. His POTUS' elevator no longer goes all the way to the top - see my post from yesterday for the latest example - and the POTUS-in-waiting is in hiding to cram for the next time she gets asked a question that isn't scripted. It didn't go well the last time ... and this was scripted (see below). Hearing the audio using the X-link below is even "better" than the transcript. Our democracy is in good hands. 😂

