So your argument is it must not be true if nobody was prosecuted? How would you go about prosecuting someone if you didn't have record of them being here in the first place? All they have to do is check 'yes' in the citizen box. I've explained this to you. That was one of many posts you chose to ignore. Well, you read it, then you ignored it. I didn't even get a "cuck-oo" because you didn't want to acknowledge our point. By the way, can you define "widespread" voter fraud they didn't find? I guess voter fraud is okay as long as it's not "widespread", right?Show your evidence.
In two November 2017 emails, Republican commission member and election lawyer J. Christian Adams emailed all members and said there hadn’t been any prosecutions for double voting or any non-citizen voting in years. “Understanding the extent of un-prosecuted and known election crimes can inform the commission’s recommendations,” Adams said.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released
Imagine that.
Delays in issuing SSNs to aliens by the Social Security Administration | Internal Revenue Service
Sometimes aliens experience significant delays in obtaining social security numbers. The consequences of these delays are discussed below.
Benefits and Resources for Undocumented Workers
Disability insurance provides partial wage replacement benefits to eligible California workers who are unable to work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. Review the Disability Insurance Claim process to learn how to file a claim to manage your disability benefits.