Today in Fascism

I certainly hope she's a VP candidate for Trump. I've always liked her... she's just young. Even as a libtard, though we knew she wasn't insane enough to keep wearing that dunce hat for long.
She and Vivek should be the future of the Republican Party. They are among the very few politicians who are coherent, handle questions without deflecting and come across as authentically believing in what they say.
I believe it has roots in white supremacy.
I went streaking as a youth with my white pals. My black buddy was 100% a "no way." Anyway, my brother stole me, and my pal's clothing and we all had to walk home naked and enter our houses naked. My mom laughed at me. My bff was grounded. Do black people streak?
I certainly hope she's a VP candidate for Trump. I've always liked her... she's just young. Even as a libtard, though we knew she wasn't insane enough to keep wearing that dunce hat for long.
She seems solid to me. I know Trump is an asshole, but we needed a big asshole to deal with the even bigger assholes in the swamp. After the asshole Trump leaves office in 2029, lots of fire power on deck and she is one of them:)
I certainly hope she's a VP candidate for Trump. I've always liked her... she's just young. Even as a libtard, though we knew she wasn't insane enough to keep wearing that dunce hat for long.
Trump has already picked his VP. He said the VP will be at the debate. Some think he might announce who tomorrow or the day of or even at the debate itself to throw off Dementia Joe, who also happens to be Pedo Peter, which his amazing son Hunter named pops on his cell phone.
I have the feeling that some evil shit is about to hit the fan. These people are sick and many of them are psychopaths and will cause problems as their life falls apart. If we have a blackout, don't be scared. We will all be together someday and can share what we all just went through the last 7 years. These fuckers want war so bad they will lie and cheat to have their wars. America has been at war for 222 years since 1776.

Why does President Trump call it a "Witch Hunt?"
When Assange dropped the Clinton campaign emails, Pizzagate, lying wars, that should have been the nail in the coffin for the DNC and Killary. Yet the Demons were able to avoid having to answer for the fact that the elite families of the DNC, were having “spirit cooking” dinners with satanic witch, Marina Abramović. If Donald Trump hung out with a satanic cannibal witch lady, that smeared pig blood, feces, semen, and breast milk, in creepy messages all over the walls… the world would stop. But when the Clintons/Podestas do it… it’s no big deal, and if you talk about it, you’re a Russian propagandist/QAnon conspiracy theorist and a whack job. Their demons on here have attacked me ruthlessly. I was doxed early on. I was told "they" know where I live. I told the loser to come get me then. I was called club hopper, medal chaser, threaten by fathers and retaliated against from a couple asshole Docs. I stood up to these rich punks when no one else would for fear their precious child would be blacklisted from colleges. They shut Assange down for a reason. He knows their deepest and darkest of secrets. This is a spiritual war folks. I love you all!!
Trump has already picked his VP. He said the VP will be at the debate. Some think he might announce who tomorrow or the day of or even at the debate itself to throw off Dementia Joe, who also happens to be Pedo Peter, which his amazing son Hunter named pops on his cell phone.
Curious to see. I don't think it will be Ben Carson or Marco Rubio. I like Tim Scott. He doesn't dick around and he checks the same boxes Kamalatoe did. Well, except for "incapable, cackling whore".
Rules for thee but not for me.

Crazy times we find ourselves. Bragg and the rest of these Soros (Satan) DAs are bought, bribed and many are under extreme blackmail. They have to release the demons. This is the kind of blackmail that makes you do as told by the puppet master. You do as told or else.
You are witnessing the liberation of the man who has the raw_file_copies of the entirety of the HRC/Wash DC/DNC “email server corruption”

Fast and Furious
Extortion 17
Comet Ping Pong
$60K “pizza parties”
Gun running— Latin America
CIA “rogue ops” against American public
Bush war crimes Fallujah
Bush war crimes Mosul
Gilgamesh tomb emails
Obama war crimes Libya
Obama war crimes (Saud) Afghanistan, Sudan, Philippines, etc etc etc
Child sacrifices
Ritualistic cannibalism - government pulpits
Taxation without representation
FBI rogue operators
FBI “plot to kill” POTUS(DJT) pre-2016 election
Foreign mil intelligence lobby control over US Congress (via fronts) — CCP, MI6, Mossad, CIA

“The server brings down the house”
"Crooked Joe Biden’s “Handlers” are loudly and profusely complaining that there will be no Fact Checkers during the Debate (sorry espola) on Thursday. Actually, that is just DISINFORMATION - They could not be happier, because there is nobody that’s as loose with the TRUTH as Crooked Joe. From the 51 Fake Intelligence Agents, to Russia, Russia, Russia, to the Fake “Suckers and Losers Story” he created about our beloved Military, to cheating in College and saying he was first in his Law School Class when he was actually LAST, to claiming he marched for Civil Rights, drove trucks, and has a 6.2 Handicap (He can’t hit the Golf Ball 10 yards, but that’s a minor detail!), and so many more falsehoods, the man is a walking LYING MACHINE, and a Fact Checker’s DREAM. Maybe we should call him “Lyin’ Joe” (just like "Lyin espola" in addition to Crooked?" DJT