Today in Fascism

Don’t mess with corporate America’s flagship.
Isn't it awesome when idiot protestors get instant karma? To their credit at least they weren't wearing masks. The best part is Scheffler barely flinched. They were lucky they didn't get a 3 wood to the face. Hopefully their foreheads didn't create divots on the green.
India Today

These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation.

You bored? And your point is? Are they any different than the sources you quote? You should get more sleep and let your handler
proofread your posts before you put up another meaningless one. You post so much crap to see what will stick, only to find out
you pretty much strike out multiple times daily.
Isn't it awesome when idiot protestors get instant karma? To their credit at least they weren't wearing masks. The best part is Scheffler barely flinched. They were lucky they didn't get a 3 wood to the face. Hopefully their foreheads didn't create divots on the green.
No masks, no paint, didn’t glue their hands to anything … Soros scraped the bottom of the barrel with these protesters.
Isn't it awesome when idiot protestors get instant karma? To their credit at least they weren't wearing masks. The best part is Scheffler barely flinched. They were lucky they didn't get a 3 wood to the face. Hopefully their foreheads didn't create divots on the green.
Just so you know a sand wedge is far heavier, has a sharper edge and would be the weapon of choice . . . especially greenside. Just a good thing they were streakers like Peter Jacobson had to deal with at the British open back in the day.
You bored? And your point is? Are they any different than the sources you quote? You should get more sleep and let your handler
proofread your posts before you put up another meaningless one. You post so much crap to see what will stick, only to find out
you pretty much strike out multiple times daily.
He crazy🤪
Many of you losers hated Trump and the MAGA American citizens. You're all blind bats and fools. Not all of you, but many of you are stupid because of your hate. Regardless of how you "feel" about Trump, cheating, killing, starting wars on lies and lying all day is not a winning hand for the new earth. Cheaters must be dealt with. Liars must pay for their lies. Killers, rapists and those who have harmed children must be eradicated from the planet.
