Today in Fascism

I missed the part about "she and Kurt are about to leave L.A." in that article. Could you point it out to me?
Vanity Fair is your source, not mine. They're in Palm Desert now because libtard run cities are shit shows.

(Hawn revealed the past robberies while gushing about how “safe” she feels living in Palm Desert now, calling the crime in Los Angeles “terrible.”)

You bored? And your point is? Are they any different than the sources you quote? You should get more sleep and let your handler
proofread your posts before you put up another meaningless one. You post so much crap to see what will stick, only to find out
you pretty much strike out multiple times daily.
There is also a difference between posting verifiable news vs. posting opinion pieces from Breitbart or Salon.
Who of you will be watching the debate this week? Trump is 100% the away team and going into hostile environment. One of the debate hosts ex-hubby was one of the 51 liars.

Lady Gaga wants you to vote for Pedo Joe (as does espola, who switched sides to vote for Pedo Joe) as if your kids and your life is at stake.

Nudity Warning!!! I'm a little shocked that youtube is allowing this video online. It says this is Lady gaga doing her Abramovic Method. Hey espola, can you please fact check this for me, thanks.

Breaking News from Irish Star
Russia 'shoots down US drone' over Black Sea as World War III fears intensify 6/25/24

While the world is in turmoil and average Americans are struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills, a mentally incapacitated Pedo Joe needed to take a week off in order to rest, jack up on mind altering performance enhancement drugs and memorize answers (provided by staffers) to debate questions (provided by CNN). Is this what the American people really want for a leader? Is this what the greatest country on earth and its allies need for a leader of the free world? This is the leader that espola switched sides for and voted for. Let that sink in.
