Today in Fascism

You know what's not fake? Goldie Hawn saying she and Kurt are about to leave L.A. because of the crime. Libtard run city where we're supposed to offer lighter sentences for criminals and defund the police. Cops are always the problem, right Fudd? There was a ton of sources but I used one of your favorites so you'd take it seriously.

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This is incredible to me. For starters, only what qualifies as "Violent" crime is down. And if Biden is funding the cops MORE, he's not admitting to it. Just like he bashed Trump for building a border wall, went on television and said walls are XYZ and quietly began continuing Trump's work.

Crime is way down — why aren’t Democrats talking about it?​


With yet another official report showing a further steep reduction (Even though this link specifically says VIOLENT CRIME) in crime, why aren’t Democrats bragging? (Well, probably because it's not fucking down. It's up. Only VIOLENT crime is down).
Murder rates are plummeting after a dramatic surge in 2020, during former President Trump’s last year in office (During the peak of Covid). Violence is near a 50-year low. And it’s not by accident. Over the past three-and-a-half years, President Biden has signed into law stiffer gun laws(that have impacted nothing), funded more cops (that he won't admit), stood up crime prevention programs (like what? no examples?) and demanded greater accountability for both people who commit bad acts and police who sometimes go astray. (Such as? Again, no examples or specifics).
On guns, Biden and Congress passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act(So more laws for legal gun owners that don't commit gun crimes), an unheralded law that is the most significant gun safety legislation in 30 years. It included more and better criminal background checks on gun sales, the first-ever law to crack down on illegal gun traffickers (By opening our borders? Does purchasing a gun require proving who you are? That sounds racist) and funds for violence intervention programs and mental health services in communities. The act’s background check provision gave Biden the authority to close the dangerous gun show loophole by executive order; the gun trafficking statute has already resulted in 250 prosecutions. (Wow, 250. So a weekend in Chicago?)
A natural democrat, no doubt. I can see why they think he is qualified.

The weird thing is, the democrats are supposed to be the more advanced in using technology. Do you think they are that stupid not to check, or they just don’t care? I suppose those two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.
At this point in their war against Trump and MAGA citizens, they have to show their true colors and they don't give two 💩💩 what we all think. It's their way of sex or else. These men love little kids and at best, have fantasies about doing harm to them. These are sick monsters hunting little kids. Let that sink in to everyone who has been following along for the last 7 years. They attack anyone trying to be their voice and save them from these perverst and mentally ill people. espola and Husker Fu foght for them people. The LIGHT is now here to shine on all of us, including our shadows. Some shadows are full of 100% darkness and in the past, they did their evil deeds in the dark where no one can see. However, this club of children hunters is now exposed for all to witness. You can choose to save the children from these sickos or be a fact checker like espola to go after folks like me. Why are they saying its ok for a man that considers himself a lady, is a lady and if you dare question that lie, they get all in a hissy fit and look to destroy your life. Nothing that was hidden will be hidden any longer K & S.
You know what's not fake? Goldie Hawn saying she and Kurt are about to leave L.A. because of the crime. Libtard run city where we're supposed to offer lighter sentences for criminals and defund the police. Cops are always the problem, right Fudd? There was a ton of sources but I used one of your favorites so you'd take it seriously.

I missed the part about "she and Kurt are about to leave L.A." in that article. Could you point it out to me?
I missed the part about "she and Kurt are about to leave L.A." in that article. Could you point it out to me?
Lazy old fart!!!

Home invasion​

Speaking on Kelly Ripa's Let's Talk Off Camera podcast, Goldie, 78, said that she and Kurt, 74, made the difficult decision to move away following two scary incidents at their longtime home.

The first happened in 2020 when the couple weren't at home. "We were robbed once," she said. "We went to dinner together and we were gone maybe two hours and 20 minutes or something."

Breaking News: Julian is free. The timing is very interesting. "We caught them all" say's Trump and General Flynn. Truly these people like espola are very stupid and busted.

Shall we play, "connect the dots?"

SR=Saudi Arabia
JA= Julian Assange
MS-13= Assasins
ETA= Estimate time Arrival
D's= Democrats

"The Documentary, “Screams before Silence,” is incredibly difficult to watch because, sadly, it graphicly portrays the Death and Destruction that Hamas has unleashed. I urge people to support the Documentary and watch, if able. We demand that all Hostages taken October 7th from Israel, and being held in Gaza, be released immediately, including eight Americans, and Citizens from over twenty other Countries, so that the war can come to an end. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!" DJT

We're dealing with a sick and dark mind folks. This mind is controlled by sex and violence.
Breaking Gossip News: Julian is going to do an interview with Tucker in Russia. Get ready for big Red Pills that many of you will now choke on.