Today in Fascism

Open the books. Let's see EVERYONE'S name on that list.
But I'm willing to bet you'll see a whole bunch of Hollywood-elite, and their circle of friends, which explains why the list
hasn't been made public.
And that attempt to deflect proves what exactly?
Open the books. Let's see EVERYONE'S name on that list.
But I'm willing to bet you'll see a whole bunch of Hollywood-elite, and their circle of friends, which explains why the list
hasn't been made public.
The whole trump schtick is show business, make believe, he’s an actor playing a part. His reality is far different.
Ron's Florida government made no mention of Juneteenth, and the state also confirms its position by observing a state holiday on Janteenth (January 19), Robert E. Lee's birthday.
Ron's Florida government made no mention of Juneteenth, and the state also confirms its position by observing a state holiday on Janteenth (January 19), Robert E. Lee's birthday.
Nobody cares about "Juneteenth." It's a made up holiday designed to pander and further divide.
Ron's Florida government made no mention of Juneteenth, and the state also confirms its position by observing a state holiday on Janteenth (January 19), Robert E. Lee's birthday.
Seems like a silly position to take given it’s the day the Republicans voted to free the democrats’ slaves.
Did you deliberately start off with the idea "I will now post the most ignorant thing I can think of"?
The truth shall set you free, Little E!

Who was the opposition to the Emancipation Proclamation?


The opposition Democratic Partythreatened to turn itself into an antiwar party. Lincoln's military commander, General George McClellan, was vehemently against emancipation. Many Republicans who backed policies that forbid black settlement in their states were against granting blacks additional rights.
The truth shall set you free, Little E!

Who was the opposition to the Emancipation Proclamation?


The opposition Democratic Partythreatened to turn itself into an antiwar party. Lincoln's military commander, General George McClellan, was vehemently against emancipation. Many Republicans who backed policies that forbid black settlement in their states were against granting blacks additional rights.
Baby e😂😂😂😂
The truth shall set you free, Little E!

Who was the opposition to the Emancipation Proclamation?


The opposition Democratic Partythreatened to turn itself into an antiwar party. Lincoln's military commander, General George McClellan, was vehemently against emancipation. Many Republicans who backed policies that forbid black settlement in their states were against granting blacks additional rights.
"The Republican Party's opposition to the expansion of slavery, therefore, encompassed a distinctive moral protest against slavery itself, but also contained, at least for many Republicans, a racial concern that the territories be reserved primarily for free white people."

Please note the obscure reference. No idea where you got your quote from.
"The Republican Party's opposition to the expansion of slavery, therefore, encompassed a distinctive moral protest against slavery itself, but also contained, at least for many Republicans, a racial concern that the territories be reserved primarily for free white people."

Please note the obscure reference. No idea where you got your quote from.
Yes, it’s this obscure right-wing, Maga search engine known as Google.

I used the white supremacist phrase:
“what party opposed the emancipation proclamation”