Today in Fascism

Yeah, focused on acts of individual acts of the police. Desperation. They realize they don’t have anything else. Fauci has been unmasked for a fraud, and very likely a primary reason millions died from research he supported, despite his denials - sorry, lies. Covid policy was a disaster, especially for children and most especially for poor ones. So many of their “experts” discredited - The authors of the Hamilton 68 “Russian disinformation” fraud, the Hunter Biden laptop, etc., etc. They lost the narrative on transing kids. They are losing it on the climate “crisis”. Their Censorship Industrial Complex is taking hits - the Stanford Internet Observatory was recently defunded. We still have a serious problem with the wave of anti-semitism and Marxist ideology fueled by the children raised by the elite leftists. Not surprising from those who believe “Who needs God when we have the government to look over us?” The light of day is a great deodorant. Independent journalism has led the way in this regard. I recommend supporting it and guiding your less informed friends and colleagues to it.
I coined Dr. Fauci, "Dr. Fraud" early on. He and the others like Dr. Frances are in big trouble. Q said these people will not be able to walk down the street. Many of them are afraid of being arrested after t win. Covid destroyed famliy owned businesss and harmed children in ways we are going to see soon. This was a direct attack on those who think critically and question everything. I was also consisdent on the Laptop From Hell. espola defended the 51 liars and agreed that Laptop was Russain misinformation. Husker Du hates all MAGA citizens. Watty doesnt think Joe's behavior is evil. If the Laptop is from hell, then the boy wonder was taught by his evil old man. Hey Watty, taking a shower with dd is what kind of behavior bro? Are you all starting to wake up? espola and Husker Du are liars, cheaters and support MAP and the Pedo Party. The evil on Hunters Laptop from hell is real. No one is talking about the picture of FJB whipping a native teenager from the Virgin Islands. espola defends Uncle James, who owns a piece of land with Epstein crew.
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Open the books. Let's see EVERYONE'S name on that list.
But I'm willing to bet you'll see a whole bunch of Hollywood-elite, and their circle of friends, which explains why the list
hasn't been made public.
The Virgin Islands for the rich & famous.
Open the books. Let's see EVERYONE'S name on that list.
But I'm willing to bet you'll see a whole bunch of Hollywood-elite, and their circle of friends, which explains why the list
hasn't been made public.
A scripture in the book of Revelations says that "the books will be openned" for all to see, nowhere to run or hide. No time in history has everything we say and think is recorded like today. As Q said, "these people are stupid" or as crush says, "These people are Dumb Dumbs." The truth is, many of them hunt and harm children and will fight for the right to kill kids up to 9 months. I told my son last night we must be dealing with the last of evil and bloodline of Cain. Half human DNA and half Wild Wolf with zero empathy to feel for others. True pyschopaths in every way. Soon these monsters will be eradicated from planet earth. Imagine a place of creation where everyone is free to manifest and generate their God given dreams and vision. The New Earth is here😇🙏
I mean, espola has zero empathy. He thinks Joe is too old. What a dumb and blind bat.
This is the Biden Crime Family. They dont sell squat, just access, just like some youth soccer clubs.

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This is what so many of you voted for. Look at this man. espola ran and switched sides to vote for him. I know you must feel sick. The best way to heal is to admit this greese ball fooled many of you. Joe's behavior the last 50 years is up for debate. I feel his behavior is dark and evil. Watty doesnt think so.


Migrant arrested in broad daylight rape of 13-year-old in New York park​

Girl raped at knifepoint in park near NY Mets stadium​

"If they will lie and tell you the videos VERY clearly showing that Joe Biden is extremely old and senile by calling them "deep fakes," just remember they also lied about:

- 100% safe and effective
- The border is not open
- Biden needs Congress to secure the border
- The laptop was Russian disinfo
- Inflation won't happen
- Inflation isn't happening
- Inflation is under control
- 2020 was the most secure election in history
- Puberty blockers are harmless and fully reversible
- The cases against Trump are non-political

We are dealing with a vile and malicious movement full of snakes and liars. They want political power so badly that they will desecrate America over and over to achieve it." Anon