Today in Fascism

Mature people get to set their own bedtimes.
Ricky Thompson lll... sounds Asian. Those kids are crazy!

We REALLY need to keep those Oakland cops away from local lakes and side shows. All they do is show up and shoot people.

Milwaukie... probably a white, Aaron Rogers fan.

Hmm... Carson. What do you think... out of control Galaxy fans?

Let's not forget Chicago and St. Louis. They never disappoint. I blame cops, don't you, Fudd?

It divides and promotes a victim mindset. Black history is American history. Pride Month? I don’t see any reason sexual orientation is celebrated by our government. Accepted among consenting adults, absolutely.
IDK I just don't see it that way. I consider something being divisive like I consider something being offensive. In many cases its not inherently divisive or offensive, but people choose to see it that way out of ideology. Is there far too much victim, or aggrieved, culture today? Absolutely, but I don't see Pride Month or Black History Month as a material contributor to victim culture at this point. From what I've seen its more about celebrating how far the group has come and the pioneers that got them there. Do we all have to agree on who they choose to honor? No. As long as free speech works both ways (and is age and context appropriate) I'm not going to get my knickers in a wad.

Let's be honest, holidays and celebration months have all become commercialized anyway, and have lost a lot of their messaging.
Kiss Prop 13 goodbye.
Gavin is behind this one. He's also trying to kill the repeal of 47. I mean, if criminals aren't out on the street, who will vote for him?

They're going to let Briben hang himself when he shits the podium at the first debate. Then libtards are going to demand Gavin "let me bone your wife, buddy" Newsom save democracy. Then watch his rich, douche bag buddies jump onboard. It's all falling into place. Libtards fed up with the Tater will have to play along.
I have wondered about this myself --

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Prayer time or meditation time should be for all kids, regardless of your beliefs. 5 minute "quiet time." Drag queen story time is not a good replacement. Jesus did not give out free lunches everyday, fyi. Lets not mislead the sheep like you did with the jabs and telling us, "Jesus would take the jabs."
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IDK I just don't see it that way. I consider something being divisive like I consider something being offensive. In many cases its not inherently divisive or offensive, but people choose to see it that way out of ideology. Is there far too much victim, or aggrieved, culture today? Absolutely, but I don't see Pride Month or Black History Month as a material contributor to victim culture at this point. From what I've seen its more about celebrating how far the group has come and the pioneers that got them there.
I intentionally didn’t use the word divisive. But, both partition into groups that correspond to “oppressed victims”. Functionally, both support that ideology.

In Morgan Freeman’s interview with Mike Wallace in 2005, there was the following exchange.

When Wallace said he was Jewish, Freeman asked if he wanted a Jewish History Month. Wallace said he didn’t.

“Oh, why not? Why not? You don’t want one? I don’t either,” Freeman replied. “I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”

“How are we going to get rid of racism?” Wallace asked Freeman.

Stop talking about it,” the actor responded. “I’m going to stop calling you a white man, and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a Black man.”

This is wisdom. This is the way.