Today in Fascism

Nobody cares about "Juneteenth." It's a made up holiday designed to pander and further divide.
I support Juneteenth as a holiday. Here’s well-reasoned support of it by Condoleeza Rice.

I get your gut reaction to it. We take 1/12 of the year to celebrate someone’s sexual preference - and throw in another day as well. 😂

We celebrate Black History month when, as Morgan Freeman states, Black History is American History. Of course, I’ll defer to the final arbiter of “blackness”, President Biden, before I make a final judgement on the validity of Morgan’s view.
Your <*****> opinion is noted.

On the other hand --

It's no different than pandering to everything else. Pandering and creating ways to separate us. And for the record, it's not the concept I have a problem with. It's not even "Juneteenth" despite how stupid that sounds for a name. We need to stop making everyone a victim for anything and everything people can dream up.
I support Juneteenth as a holiday. Here’s well-reasoned support of it by Condoleeza Rice.

I get your gut reaction to it. We take 1/12 of the year to celebrate someone’s sexual preference - and throw in another day as well. 😂

We celebrate Black History month when, as Morgan Freeman states, Black History is American History. Of course, I’ll defer to the final arbiter of “blackness”, President Biden, before I make a final judgement on the validity of Morgan’s view.
Exactly. I don't give a damn what Morgan Freeman thinks. He said, "stop talking about skin color" and you know that's not going to sit well with Mr. You ain't Black. How is the 'Tato going to get votes if he can't tell black folks they're oppressed whether they want to be or not?
It's no different than pandering to everything else. Pandering and creating ways to separate us. And for the record, it's not the concept I have a problem with. It's not even "Juneteenth" despite how stupid that sounds for a name. We need to stop making everyone a victim for anything and everything people can dream up.
I have no problem with the celebration of this day. Its an important event in AMERICAN history whether its April 16 or June 19, but I do think it would be more meaningful to call it Emancipation Day. Juneteenth is fine as a nickname, but it comes across as a made up name which takes away from the importance of the event.

How does having Black History month, or Pride month negatively impact you? It has no impact either way on my life. My buddy and I joke that Father's Day is more like Father's Hour, and Mother's Day is like Mother's Weekend.
I have no problem with the celebration of this day. Its an important event in AMERICAN history whether its April 16 or June 19, but I do think it would be more meaningful to call it Emancipation Day. Juneteenth is fine as a nickname, but it comes across as a made up name which takes away from the importance of the event.

How does having Black History month, or Pride month negatively impact you? It has no impact either way on my life. My buddy and I joke that Father's Day is more like Father's Hour, and Mother's Day is like Mother's Weekend.
Yeah, the name is part of what I think is pandering. Frankly, I don't think anybody needs months. We need unity right now more than ever and you can blame whomever you want for that. Obama... Trump... Biden... take your pick. I think most of these groups are nothing but attention whores. I don't need to see your rainbow flag at my soccer game. Nobody gives a shit that you're gay. What you REALLY are is an attention whore. Same for the fat guy banging the drums there, or telling the sheep when to clap, standing on a scissor lift and spends 98% of the game staring at the crowd. That's equally moronic. I'm not there to listen to you incessantly bang drums or have my view blocked by your stupid flag. I'm there to watch the match... not give you more attention. But the bigger issue for me is social. Trying to change "Mother's Day" to "birthing person day". I mean, really? Are we really going to build a statue for George Floyd? Did ANYBODY watch the video, read the autopsy report or bother to look up his criminal history? Are we really going to give millions of dollars to his family? For what? He overdosed while on drugs and resisting arrest. Are we really going to put tampons in the boys bathroom? Are we really going to let genetic males compete with females and let them use female locker and bathrooms because they want to? We've lost our collective minds as a country.

Just like these parades. My best friend from high school is gay. I have a gay family member with a great partner I love dearly. They're happy. I don't give a rat's ass who you love or marry. But do you need a month? Do you need a flag? Do we need to only have mixed race couples on television commercials now? Why is BET (black entertainment television) acceptable? More division. And "pride" parades. Do you need to have these? Why does it need to be sexualized? Why the shock value and tranny story time? It's not healthy and, frankly, all it does it piss people off that already have a problem with homosexuality.

Yeah, the name is part of what I think is pandering. Frankly, I don't think anybody needs months. We need unity right now more than ever and you can blame whomever you want for that. Obama... Trump... Biden... take your pick. I think most of these groups are nothing but attention whores. I don't need to see your rainbow flag at my soccer game. Nobody gives a shit that you're gay. What you REALLY are is an attention whore. Same for the fat guy banging the drums there, or telling the sheep when to clap, standing on a scissor lift and spends 98% of the game staring at the crowd. That's equally moronic. I'm not there to listen to you incessantly bang drums or have my view blocked by your stupid flag. I'm there to watch the match... not give you more attention. But the bigger issue for me is social. Trying to change "Mother's Day" to "birthing person day". I mean, really? Are we really going to build a statue for George Floyd? Did ANYBODY watch the video, read the autopsy report or bother to look up his criminal history? Are we really going to give millions of dollars to his family? For what? He overdosed while on drugs and resisting arrest. Are we really going to put tampons in the boys bathroom? Are we really going to let genetic males compete with females and let them use female locker and bathrooms because they want to? We've lost our collective minds as a country.

Just like these parades. My best friend from high school is gay. I have a gay family member with a great partner I love dearly. They're happy. I don't give a rat's ass who you love or marry. But do you need a month? Do you need a flag? Do we need to only have mixed race couples on television commercials now? Why is BET (black entertainment television) acceptable? More division. And "pride" parades. Do you need to have these? Why does it need to be sexualized? Why the shock value and tranny story time? It's not healthy and, frankly, all it does it piss people off that already have a problem with homosexuality.

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Regardless the belief, the actual behavior needs to age appropriate. The left has trouble threading that needle and instead claim its "banning" or homophobia. It's why the woke movement and those pushing it lack credibility and are actually losing support. The woke have jumped the shark and the movement is self-defeating. DEI is on its death bed. For me its not worth worrying about. Maybe if my kids we're younger, but they're bigger skeptics than I am.
Regardless the belief, the actual behavior needs to age appropriate. The left has trouble threading that needle and instead claim its "banning" or homophobia. It's why the woke movement and those pushing it lack credibility and are actually losing support. The woke have jumped the shark and the movement is self-defeating. DEI is on its death bed. For me its not worth worrying about. Maybe if my kids we're younger, but they're bigger skeptics than I am.
The left loves to chase votes by telling anyone and everyone they're victims and need to vote for the party of pity to be rescued.
I lived in or near San Diego for 50 years. I'm guessing that is why this showed up on my FB news feed --

So you buy into that shit? Prisons are disproportionately black, too, right? I guess crime statistics showing violent crimes are committed (disproportionately) by black people can't explain that? Black folks make up 13% of the American population but commit 60% of violent crimes. Should we only arrest 13% and let the rest go? What race was on video attacking Asians during Covid? What race is the one teaming up to do smash and grabs in retail stores? You want to be thugs? Live and die by it. Don't blame cops for that. No other race is out there whining and crying about cops. You earn the bias because your actions warranted the bias.

Do prisons need to only be 13% black? Why do we ignore the obvious and pretend the numbers don't pencil out? And let me guess, Hoskins throwing up gang signs all over his facebook everyday, by his own admission, because that's what INNOCENT people do every day, and hanging out with his cousin on parole, because that's what INNOCENT people do everyday, is just a misunderstanding, right? Live and die by it.
I have no problem with the celebration of this day. Its an important event in AMERICAN history whether its April 16 or June 19, but I do think it would be more meaningful to call it Emancipation Day. Juneteenth is fine as a nickname, but it comes across as a made up name which takes away from the importance of the event.
Good point about the naming of the holiday.
So you buy into that shit? Prisons are disproportionately black, too, right? I guess crime statistics showing violent crimes are committed (disproportionately) by black people can't explain that? Black folks make up 13% of the American population but commit 60% of violent crimes. Should we only arrest 13% and let the rest go? What race was on video attacking Asians during Covid? What race is the one teaming up to do smash and grabs in retail stores? You want to be thugs? Live and die by it. Don't blame cops for that. No other race is out there whining and crying about cops. You earn the bias because your actions warranted the bias.

Do prisons need to only be 13% black? Why do we ignore the obvious and pretend the numbers don't pencil out? And let me guess, Hoskins throwing up gang signs all over his facebook everyday, by his own admission, because that's what INNOCENT people do every day, and hanging out with his cousin on parole, because that's what INNOCENT people do everyday, is just a misunderstanding, right? Live and die by it.
If I were to have guessed what a wingnut response to this post about the behavior of a couple of SD cops would have been, I couldn't have done better than that.
Good point about the naming of the holiday.
Emancipation Day should be January 1 to my way of thinking, since the Emancipation Proclamation was issued Jan 1, 1863. But there a couple of problems with that -- Jan 1 is already overloaded as a holiday, and the EP didn't apply to all slaves, just those in areas of the Confederacy not already under Union control (as is most remarkably demonstrated by the fact that it only applied to some parts of Louisiana). Juneteenth has an emotional appeal because it commemorates the first enforcement of EP in Texas, although it is not clear to me (I am sure there are sources I have not found) how long it took for the EP to be acknowledged Texas-wide. Strictly speaking, a better date to hook a holiday onto would be the date the 13th Amendment was passed by Congress, or the date it was ratified by enough states to be effective (3/4 of the states, but of which states?, since some states took a few years to reconstitute viable legislatures). Those dates are January 31 and December 6, 1865.

A meaningless appendix -- the passage of an Amendment to the US Constitution by Congress does not require the signature of the President to become effective.
I have no problem with the celebration of this day. Its an important event in AMERICAN history whether its April 16 or June 19, but I do think it would be more meaningful to call it Emancipation Day. Juneteenth is fine as a nickname, but it comes across as a made up name which takes away from the importance of the event.

How does having Black History month, or Pride month negatively impact you? It has no impact either way on my life. My buddy and I joke that Father's Day is more like Father's Hour, and Mother's Day is like Mother's Weekend.
On June 19, 1865, Army troops went to Galveston, Texas to free the last enslaved Black people in the United States. It was a group of about 250,000 slaves who did not reap the immediate benefits of the Emancipation Proclamation a couple years prior simply because they did not know.
Splitting hairs here, but the term Juneteenth is specific to the Texas slaves, whereas Emancipation is representative of all freed slaves. I just think Emancipation Day would be more relevant and meaningful to the country as a whole regardless of the day its celebrated.
If I were to have guessed what a wingnut response to this post about the behavior of a couple of SD cops would have been, I couldn't have done better than that.
I know... the facts are a real problem for you. Keep posting your cop hate. You change more minds than actual facts and stats, right? And play the "black man profiled" angle a little further. 87% of black homicides are committed by black people. Cops aren't the ones doing the hunting.
Emancipation Day should be January 1 to my way of thinking, since the Emancipation Proclamation was issued Jan 1, 1863. But there a couple of problems with that -- Jan 1 is already overloaded as a holiday, and the EP didn't apply to all slaves, just those in areas of the Confederacy not already under Union control (as is most remarkably demonstrated by the fact that it only applied to some parts of Louisiana). Juneteenth has an emotional appeal because it commemorates the first enforcement of EP in Texas, although it is not clear to me (I am sure there are sources I have not found) how long it took for the EP to be acknowledged Texas-wide. Strictly speaking, a better date to hook a holiday onto would be the date the 13th Amendment was passed by Congress, or the date it was ratified by enough states to be effective (3/4 of the states, but of which states?, since some states took a few years to reconstitute viable legislatures). Those dates are January 31 and December 6, 1865.

A meaningless appendix -- the passage of an Amendment to the US Constitution by Congress does not require the signature of the President to become effective.
Splitting hairs here, but the term Juneteenth is specific to the Texas slaves, whereas Emancipation is representative of all freed slaves. I just think Emancipation Day would be more relevant and meaningful to the country as a whole regardless of the day its celebrated.
I'd argue that January 1st should be recognized as Emancipation Proclamation Day. It's a significant national event. That's the date it went into effect.

I like "Emancipation Day" for June 19th. It's the day that, effectively, slavery was no longer practiced in the US. Also, as previously stated, January 1st has a lot going on.

The naming of the days may cause confusion, but at least the names represent the occasion - and will raise curiosity about why they are so closely named. I mean, when I first heard Juneteenth was a holiday, I just assumed it was for another, not yet celebrated, sexual orientation. I can’t wait for “Furry Day” to get its due.
I'd argue that January 1st should be recognized as Emancipation Proclamation Day. It's a significant national event. That's the date it went into effect.

I like "Emancipation Day" for June 19th. It's the day that, effectively, slavery was no longer practiced in the US. Also, as previously stated, January 1st has a lot going on.

The naming of the days may cause confusion, but at least the names represent the occasion - and will raise curiosity about why they are so closely named. I mean, when I first heard Juneteenth was a holiday, I just assumed it was for another, not yet celebrated, sexual orientation. I can’t wait for “Furry Day” to get its due.
The way I look at it is that Independence Day is a celebration of America and the freedoms that have been bestowed on Americans, which allows you to be a redneck or a furry. Try being openly LGBTQ in a Middle East country other than Israel. See how that works out for you.
The way I look at it is that Independence Day is a celebration of America and the freedoms that have been bestowed on Americans, which allows you to be a redneck or a furry. Try being openly LGBTQ in a Middle East country other than Israel. See how that works out for you.



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I'd argue that January 1st should be recognized as Emancipation Proclamation Day. It's a significant national event. That's the date it went into effect.

I like "Emancipation Day" for June 19th. It's the day that, effectively, slavery was no longer practiced in the US. Also, as previously stated, January 1st has a lot going on.

The naming of the days may cause confusion, but at least the names represent the occasion - and will raise curiosity about why they are so closely named. I mean, when I first heard Juneteenth was a holiday, I just assumed it was for another, not yet celebrated, sexual orientation. I can’t wait for “Furry Day” to get its due.
The Emancipation Proclamation had no effect in the North or any areas of the South already occupied by Union troops or in states such as Maryland or Kentucky, slave states that stayed in the Union. It took the passage of the 13th Amendment to cover the entire country -- but even then there were exceptions for places such as Indian tribes that held slaves.