Yeah, the name is part of what I think is pandering. Frankly, I don't think anybody needs months. We need unity right now more than ever and you can blame whomever you want for that. Obama... Trump... Biden... take your pick. I think most of these groups are nothing but attention whores. I don't need to see your rainbow flag at my soccer game. Nobody gives a shit that you're gay. What you REALLY are is an attention whore. Same for the fat guy banging the drums there, or telling the sheep when to clap, standing on a scissor lift and spends 98% of the game staring at the crowd. That's equally moronic. I'm not there to listen to you incessantly bang drums or have my view blocked by your stupid flag. I'm there to watch the match... not give you more attention. But the bigger issue for me is social. Trying to change "Mother's Day" to "birthing person day". I mean, really? Are we really going to build a statue for George Floyd? Did ANYBODY watch the video, read the autopsy report or bother to look up his criminal history? Are we really going to give millions of dollars to his family? For what? He overdosed while on drugs and resisting arrest. Are we really going to put tampons in the boys bathroom? Are we really going to let genetic males compete with females and let them use female locker and bathrooms because they want to? We've lost our collective minds as a country.
Just like these parades. My best friend from high school is gay. I have a gay family member with a great partner I love dearly. They're happy. I don't give a rat's ass who you love or marry. But do you need a month? Do you need a flag? Do we need to only have mixed race couples on television commercials now? Why is BET (black entertainment television) acceptable? More division. And "pride" parades. Do you need to have these? Why does it need to be sexualized? Why the shock value and tranny story time? It's not healthy and, frankly, all it does it piss people off that already have a problem with homosexuality.
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